seriously how tiny does your penis have to be to own an assault rifle?
Seriously how tiny does your penis have to be to own an assault rifle?
Landon Butler
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Brayden Clark
I wish I couls get my hands on a fucking M60 with about 100,000 rounds.
Dominic Robinson
Oliver Cook
Maybe my wallet is just big enough to not care about spending 800 on one "just incase"
Hudson Gonzalez
>Occupy demoshits
into the trash it goes
Daniel Lewis
My dick's bigger than yours, fag, come get my AR-15.
Samuel King
Ethan Thompson
So.. guys with no assault rifles have enormous cocks?
Asking for a friend..
Carson Nelson
>implying more guns is a bad thing
Colton Hill
>I just can't stop thinking about cocks
Tell me, do you go to an action movie for entertainment or sexual release?