In exchange for remaining childless I'll have more personal freedom, financial security and independence (from responsibilities/obligations).
>But Western Civilization and The White Race
Why is it my responsibility to clean up the mess of "white" people who are cucking themselves into racial extermination with their leftist degeneracy, especially considering that I voted for Trump and don't use any form of social welfare/gibs.
There's no reason - save for the fact you'll be a genetic dead end and the people who prioritise having children won't be.
I'm all for you dying off - it'll start to filter out the weaker aspects of the species who are more prone to getting stuck on the flypaper of the information age...
Because eventually you'll get too old to take care of yourself. The people you think respect you will dump you to rot once you can't produce, the people that tell you they'll always be there for you will leave when you run out of money, and the government will just let you die when you're too wrinkled to look photogenic enough to put in a campaign ad.
Only the children you raised have any chance of loving you enough to support you when you get too old to support yourself, and then only if you raised them properly so they're strong enough to support you, and kind enough not to just dump your body in a ditch and steal your social security payments as long as they can before the IRS drags them off to jail.
Justin Allen
Because you're a failure of a lifeform if you don't pass on your genes. An evolutionary dead end. The endless chain of evolution broken because you can't get laid.
It basically means you're worthless.
Jackson Brown
>I'll have more personal freedom, financial security and independence meanwhile Lashawnda down the block gets all that with her 8 little niggerspawns
because its what men are supposed to do, but you're not a man.
Kayden Rogers
you sound like a late boomer/early gen x >muh why is it my responsibility to do anything besides sitting on my ass >muh more freedom >muh security >I am too lazy to actually put effort into anything so I'd rather be a genetic dead end if you really are white you should pop out at least two babies and then take up arms against the international kike so your children can live in a world we only dream about
Liam White
>implying I would pass on fucked up panic disorder and other various stupid shit onto my progeny
I’m doing them a favor.
Carson Foster
You shouldn't, for the same reason niggers and other subhumans shouldn't. Your genetics are clearly garbage (otherwise you wouldn't be making this thread) so your offspring would only cause great trouble for the future of our planet. Please continue fapping to anime, for the sake of the white race.