What if, hypothetically

I found a Eyes Wide Shut type of human trafficking ring connected worldwide with high class prostitutes ran by what seems to be an inconspicuous Israeli man? Technically it's all legal and these women seem taken care of, plus my city is a known human trafficking hub, so I'm 99.999% sure of what I found, but nobody will care since, most likely, politicians and bankers are the ones taking part in this, and the only thing that could be hurt here are reputations?

What could I potentially do with this information? The police won't care most likely.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I've decided not to post specific details because if this is some sort of happening, I don't want them to get spooked and wrap it up.


This is not a drill, people.

Wat do?


Drop the info

Oh come on there are like 5 Blacked threads going on. THIS IS BETTER.

Drop your meme flag and post proof LARP faggot.

Tell the police.

Sure you can say it's better but it's also obviously a larp.
>Technically it's all legal
>I've decided not to post specific details
>This is not a drill

Proof you Absolute limit of faggotry

I can't. The meme flag is like 80% of the story.

Try to ID some of the clientele and post that. People will pay attention if high-profile clients are outted.

attempting a distraction from Podesta's "walnut sauce"? nice try. details or kys.

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Found an ad with a masquerade mask, very vague, using words like "feminine empowerment", "leisure", and "pleasure". Person left a name on the bottom. Looked up name and alleged "establishment", found a casting call which was looking for "experienced burlesque dancers for private carnival type parties with mature themes". Same vague address. Just general location. The ad has since been deleted. The cached version has a Hebrew name. Hebrew name finds an inconspicuous old Israeli man with a 1000 followers. One of the followers and comment writer is a pimp.
He runs this:

Pimp has ties to my city.

It's all circumstantial but like I said, it makes sense.

Can't id without getting involved.

The ad I found in question was on a classifieds site. I was looking for a job. The ad was meant for women

Listen nigger brain. When this shit happens, it involves professionals. No bankers or politicians are picking up women on Craigslist. There are highly secure, clandestine callgirl organizations with girls who will never speak or be known of. They are taken care of, but there is a gate with strict gatekeepers, and there isn’t an ad out there. They recruit in person and their lines are tight. You won’t stumble upon any eyes wide shut shit because unlike you, these people are highly intelligent and have decades of navigating modern society to serve their customers.

They get their women from wherever they can and they will vet them in person. This doesn't change anything.

You're glowing in the dark right now, son.

Anyway guys I don't need you to tell me whether it's legit or not because obviously this thing will attract shills and glow in the dark Cia types. I just want to know what I should do with this information. That's all.

I was thinking maybe giving it to a journo.


Bumping one more time then I'll go do something else.

Pretty sure you can't bump your own threads

Seriously? Since when?

you can

nothing, that israely is all over xvideos and shows off his shit for free already

look under amateurlapdancer

Piss poor LARP

Nah. That's not him.

Go home, shill.

>I found a sex ring, what do?
Figure out which of your local government agencies investigates corruption and report it to them. After that, follow up by going to a human rights/sex trafficking nonprofit organization to tell them what you've found.

If all that doesn't work, join the mob and try to twist the arm of local politicians you know to be involved, I dunno.

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If you know what is good for you, shut the fuck up and never speak of this again.

Link to ad?

Of course the first one to say go to the cops is a fucking bong. Bumping.

Good advice, but how seriously do you think they'll take it? Especially if I go to the corruption one. I posted what I had with direct links and names omitted except one. Would you take it seriously?

The first time you go to talk to them about it, they probably won't take it seriously. If you find a group that deals with victims of sex trafficking though, you can cause enough social outcry that they'll have to take you seriously if it blows up enough. If you're committed, organizing events that bring this to the public eye is probably the most damning thing you can do.

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do nothing. forget about it. move on.

I don't think this blowing up is good. This has to be quickly but quietly taken down, I'm sure there is tons of plausible deniability and a screen between organizers and attendees.

Anyway, the important thing to note is that you have to talk to both the office involved in starting the investigation as well as the private interest group. If the gov't organization launches an investigation, great. Trick is, it might get dropped which is why you need at least some other larger organization to keep pressure on if the case is dropped or ignored.

>quickly and quietly
Life isn't the movies, user. If you have a better way, go for it. I guess my advice at this point is that inaction is worse than trying and failing.

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and another

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show it to the tabloids, unironically

>get names
>proceed to blackmail
or you commit a tragic suicide by shooting yourself twice in the back of the head

>but how seriously do you think they'll take it? Especially if I go to the corruption one
make sure its not one controlled by Jews. If anything go to a media outlet with that story but make sure that is not controlled by jews either

get out of here you retarded leafbut make sure they are not owned by jews

You're saying the government is the only one capable of doing this quickly and quietly, but the government might not proceed, yet if I involve a nonprofit they will be persuaded? But what if the non profit decides to act first and the govt. has nothing left to prosecute on because they organizers were spooked off?

Honest opinion: do you think I have something here? I saw this same ad months ago and I just thought it was strange that nothing could be found about the organization's name or location, and left it as is. So they've been at it for a while.

>government is the only one capable of doing this quickly and quietly
Quietly sure, but I wouldn't count on quickly. As an individual coming to report finding something like this, it's unlikely to be investigated. After being turned down for an investigation, and returning with the backing of an organization, now it's more likely to be looked in to.
It's possible that the organizers would be spooked off, but they can't burn down all their business partners and storefronts overnight.

I don't think you have anything but if you have more detail than what's here, then you should at least talk to someone who could do something about it or recognize it. The people most likely to know for sure if this is likely to be a criminal front would be someone in government or the lobbying/private interest group.

Hope this helps.

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Can you make a burner email? I'll send you what I found so far

There are real ones that are legal, my guess is its a knock off type deal that takes dirty money.

Id be more interested in a Russian bride paying to marry and get citizen ship then doing anything about it.

Who would the clientele be?

Nah. I appreciate the thought, but this is something you should share with a friend or family member before going forward if you're concerned about it.
Best of luck.

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stop spamming the thread and maybe people will actually acknowledge you

idk who to trust with it these days

If only there was a reputable and well known group of people that specialize in leaking information.