Moroccoan Abderrahman Bouanane, the stabber who is suspected of terrorism in Turku, Finland...

Moroccoan Abderrahman Bouanane, the stabber who is suspected of terrorism in Turku, Finland, last August after killing two women and wounding several (including one refugee girl from Syria) is at trial today. Some of his statements of the day...

>Bouane tells that his plan was to kill women.
>"They annoyed me a little bit. They annoyed and disturbed me sexually. Their smiles awakened bothersome feelings in me."
>"After I attacked, I felt inside me that I have to scream Allahu akbar"
>"For me it means, that I'm at war against women. Not against men."
>"My enemies everywhere - in Finland, Germany, Italy, Morocco - are women. It feels like all of the men are victims of women."

Fucking kek. I'm quite sure white feminists are still not going to talk about muslim migrant's misogyny problem at all.

Attached: Abderrahman Bouanane.jpg (770x496, 50K)

>"They annoyed me a little bit. They annoyed and disturbed me sexually. Their smiles awakened bothersome feelings in me."
Jow Forums in a nutshell.

Our guy?

This is what your typical virgin, cuck poster looks like

Attached: 1499140474464.jpg (759x1092, 85K)

>"They annoyed me a little bit. They annoyed and disturbed me sexually. Their smiles awakened bothersome feelings in me."
They were polite smiles because you look like a creepy pedophile murderer.

>6 months probation and 40 hrs of mandated community service

Attached: 1302157013592.gif (320x240, 1.15M)

WTF I love Muslims now

Probably going to be a life-sentence this time because they're going to give him the rare sentence of crime related to terrorism. The guy is going to need plenty of protection and isolation in prison, finnish prisoners won't take very well a muslim whose primary goal was attacking women.

Made me think what could have been if Elliot had taken the islampill for his bitterness. Supreme jihad.