Why is Jow Forums anti science?

why is Jow Forums anti science?

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Why do I get turned on by watching tanks? Can your science explain it??

The gun is phallic in nature and you're a fag.

because it has become dogmatic

>why is Jow Forums
Jow Forums is not one person. We aren't going to tolerate this lazy bullshit anymore you consider an OP. Kys.


shut the fuck up mutt

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herb and sage

sage and herbs

sage and spices

sage is better

sage and thyme

thyme and sage

better to sage

stop spaming la creatura


Is Sage a name of some tea brand or so

Sage till its gone

Sa-ge, is Nip for 'lower' and it goes in the options field when posting in a thread that you don't want to bump to the 1st page.

It's sagen thyme!

Op is a faggot. Sage

y'all are bunch of retarded niggers

often fetishes are determined by involuntary trauma. in your case your ancestors were fucked into submission by german tanks directly leading to your unfortunate mental state.

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but what is science?

isn't science fucking hot blondes and shit?

should I do science for this hateful, outdated, old-fashioned and literally meaningless notions of truth? come on!

Wrong, the barrel is a tube, like a vagene

It isn't, at the very least I am not.

Scientism =/= Science

but the fucking mutts are

Idk I found my self watching this. youtube.com/watch?v=6Zduiha6S54

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S A G E, fucking retard

its a special form of historical cucking, since our tanks raped your horses

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Baby don't hurt me

/pol doesn't like what it doesn't understand

Holy shit. There's a word that explains the BS liberals having been death gripping onto for the last 2 years. And it's on liberalpedia.

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You mean like this time when polish cavalery destroyed over 100 tanks?

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Because you're anti-hetero.

why did the commy block the road? To show how commnisum works.

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no i'm not you fucking leaf faggot

jordan peterson is a fucking idiot

because science has become institutionalized, and thus institution hate change, aka science is hates change.

If WW2 didn't happen Einstein wouldn't notice his calculation mistake, and been laughed at like a hack. He would been ostracized, and even if his shit was correct it would takes year later.

history has shown us that science, is not accepting of new theories.

I found myself watching it. he's a pleb so what.

What trauma caused Swedes to have femminist goverment and invite all kinds of niggers to their land?

your wizardry scares and befuddles me
>rubs self with shamna blessed mud

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Jow Forums is stupidly reactionary

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Science™, not research science.

Actually I have a problem with that too. P-value massaging, lots of junk studies that have reproducibility issues, the idea that financiers want scientists to venture into unknown territory to guarantee a known result when results are definitely not guaranteed, and special interests that want forced results that muddy the waters of good research. It takes a ton of research alone just to weed out the bad stuff, and there's a lot of it.

I'm sorta glad that it's become more popularized, because people are starting to invent ways to make experimentation and proof of concept cheaper and more accessible. It's significantly lowered the cost for avid hobbyists.

However, that does mean it's going to get flooded with barely literate normies that think making a circuit from copper tape and components at a 10000% markup is "science", and that science is "settled", like it came from a textbook therefore it must be right no matter what. A lot of nuances get lost in simplification like that.

It's really not much different from how the internet started to change with the introduction of the modern smartphone and technological illiteracy as these devices and services are designed to be point-and-shoot easy, i.e. Internet in your pocket and LifeLog Facebook. It's made life a lot easier and in some cases better, but the flood of the inevitable horde tends to irritate the home gamers and the pros alike.

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I though it was a meme but im surprised how many people here oppose to science and technology.

>history has shown us that science, is not accepting of new theories
It took centuries back then to admit mistakes back when the church was the center of authority on how the world worked, and now it takes decades with scientific institutions. It's gotten much better but not particularly quick to change. Human lives are short and years are long.

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return of the sage
