Daily reminder that this guy is a Russian agent

Daily reminder that this guy is a Russian agent.

Attached: aclu-demanda-milo-yiannopoulos-696x522.jpg (696x522, 67K)

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Why does he do the 666 hand symbol?

Ever since the pedo thing, he has become a literally who of the movement

>no fags
>no kikes
>in the upcoming Reich

Fucking hell, of all things you could accuse him, you chose Russian agent, really ?

so is pol to bad you all fell for the stormfagger subversion

prove it then

Milo is literally a Jew faggot.

Attached: 987655674567.jpg (819x522, 63K)

Breaking News!!! Most posters on Jow Forums are Russian Trolls!

Like we didn't already know that.

Attached: 1482949319910.gif (245x260, 1.98M)

Pentagrams and 666 hate is Catholic Propaganda because we beat Spain in the late 19th century.

We all are, user