Daily reminder that this guy is a Russian agent.
Daily reminder that this guy is a Russian agent
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Why does he do the 666 hand symbol?
Ever since the pedo thing, he has become a literally who of the movement
>no fags
>no kikes
>in the upcoming Reich
Fucking hell, of all things you could accuse him, you chose Russian agent, really ?
so is pol to bad you all fell for the stormfagger subversion
prove it then
Milo is literally a Jew faggot.
Breaking News!!! Most posters on Jow Forums are Russian Trolls!
Like we didn't already know that.
Pentagrams and 666 hate is Catholic Propaganda because we beat Spain in the late 19th century.
We all are, user
Nobody remembers him.
He is literally the most degenerate right winger to ever exist on the face of the Earth.
Daily reminder that he’s a cock loving kike fag
You misspelled faggot.
and I absolutely love him for everything he does.
press 'F' to pay respects on his gradual rise to villaindom and then press 'S' to spit on the wake of his career
you mean you like edgy people
Kek, i forgot about this fag. What's he been doing?
Tbh he represents the tragedy of the person who plays the bad guy and becomes famous for being controversial.
You gotta keep the controversial fire burning. Milo's fall was his hebophilic comments which he thought were gonna give him more attention when thankfully the public isn't the most accepting of pedos.
probably getting pegged by niggers
Your not relevant anymore Milo, FUCK OFF
hosting a failing podcast
>russian agent
>his primary goals are selling books and telling white kids it's ok to not let feminists bully them on campus
Can I move in with you in japan? I'll water your plants
be gone mcmuffin!
No he's a faggot kike like most right-wing e-celebs these days.
Milo is a Satanist Jew puppet bought paid for and used to stoke and maintain the false left-right narrative that these freaks rely on to keep us enslaved and blind to the reality they are all the same entity, and that we are going to die brainwashed and ignorant to the Truth and point of our lives and spend eternity in Hell
Daily reminder that this guy is also a Russian agent
I forgot he even existed.. did he fall off the edge of the earth or something?
People used to get so high of his faggot farts
this is so fucking bad
why do you only find these thigs on reddit