Why don't you care about people with mental illnesses, Jow Forums? How can you be so heartless?

Why don't you care about people with mental illnesses, Jow Forums? How can you be so heartless?

Attached: Boogie mental illness.png (1080x1253, 193K)

I care about you OP.

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

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How's he doing these days

society is the problem really, fix that first
even the most stable cunts gets wrecked by depression or anxiety
but if you talk about potatoes in wheelchairs
well..pick related

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what a pathetic cuck, does he not realize typing this girly shit is making him look like a woman?

Why do you care about that fat degenerate so much that you need to screencap + post it to Jow Forums pretending to make fun of that fat fuck?
Who the hell cares!?

why would i expect any to care if i hear disembodied voices, or go into rage at the drop of a hat?
anyone who broadcasts that shit for sympathy is a worthless fuck, but we're talking about a fat beta who cries for help and people do donate because of it.

What's his illness? it honestly looks like bitching, absolute tears, something a teenage girl would write on insta to get attention.

you can't say that he is acting like a woman, that's mean!

His illness is that he's really really fat

I do.
In my utopian Fascist state he would have been dragged outside and forced to exercise long before he turn into a fat ass.

Social media is the worst fucking enabler of narcissists and retards humanity ever invented
See also: IBS

Come on now, most of /pol cares about trump.

Because Boogie is 4 people at once and I don't have that many fucks to give.

Also one post by this ID. I wonder what is being slid.

He's actually doing really good now. He left his gold digging wife and has lost over 200 lbs. He's going to make it.

Attached: Boogie before after.png (1080x1398, 944K)

I bet if he went for a job daily he'd feel less sad.

>He's going to make it.
Sad if real

>wanting someone to fail
You're pathetic.

Boogie deserves to die. Already he is looking for a new pity parade

Boo fucking hoo

>doesn't work
>bad day
The things the underclass parasites will try to justify

Maintaining a successful YouTube channel is way more of a job than you think it is. He probably works harder than you on any given day.

boogieposting needs to unironically be a bannable offense. so sick of seeing this fat fuck everyday

He sits on his ass most of the time user.

>He probably works harder than you on any given day.
Probably because lifting his arm alone requires more work then me walking for a couple of miles.

Good times breed weak people.

Enter the millennial soyboys

They don't care about us.

>clarity of the world is deafening
What does this mean? I am not deep and intellectual enough to understand.

It's optimal to have your own mind.

>He's going to make it.

I am mentally ill.

It can be argued that he's already made it. He was crowned king of Jow Forums months ago.

Attached: Boogie1.jpg (1280x720, 143K)

Wrong. Mass weakness popularizes it, enforces it and the strong are deemed inferior. Look to see how many individuals there are for how good the times are.

>talking about your mental illness

I used to follow this japanese idol on twitter that was mentally ill, and would tweet pictures of herself after she slashed her wrists.

Boogie posts the exact same tweets that she did. He has the exact same mental state of an 18 year old, mentally ill girl with an audience.

That's what victims tend to do. Preach the validity of what was done to them. Otherwise points them out as separate from the herd. It's sad when people still expect good people out there.*
Most are just like this coward.

*Or it's how good defeats the bad. By dismissing it regardless of what it does, it's never power, it's never what's worth passing on. Pity there are so few good people, none of them should take it upon themselves to fix things. Just continue to invest themselves in what they care about.

Cities is a huge circlejerk of peer pressure. That's why everyone holds the same opinion. It has nothing to do with city folk being more intelligent, especially not anymore. But sure, if you think being a literal sheep is intelligence then why not.

>I bet if he went for a jog daily he'd feel less fat.

I'll probably have to work with them in the future so I need to care. Anyone unlucky enough can fall into their own turmoil of nonsense and powerlessness. So correcting and encouraging them to help themselves is a right thing to do.

He must've finally realized last night that Jamal really was fucking his ex while they were married

Attached: 26bYfYa.png (277x343, 211K)

That said showing how things should be, or showing things staying themselves in a cruel world is a happy ending of sorts.

Before America was taken over there were a lot of underdog movies. And The Plague Dogs at least shows that people stood on the right side of things in the past.

Might need the experience to be wiser, to avoid inadvertently causing similar horrors. From the doomed side of the individual is the best story anyway. Every close call and untimely end means something then. They are something themselves. The rest are part of the dangerous landscape.

Proof Liberalism is literally a mental disorder

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Observing something only shows how something is under observation. If you want proof of how something is you have to live through it yourself.