Ontario, join us, it is your destinty

Greater Michigan project, Michigan is the great lakes region.

Attached: greater Michigan project.png (786x533, 72K)

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we could be building spaceships with the resources, industry and people all in that area.
ah well, damn jews

Highest concentration of engineers in the continent.

If we kick out the niggers we could become a technology hub of the world.

man, that's a utopia for me, even imagining it while typing this reply is making me smile.
I know we got the power and the knowledge but do we really need a leader to tell us what to do?

Can we exclude Toronto, please?

most of the regular and precision metal work for large companies are done in Magna owned subsidiaries in the GTA.
Now you know

Too many chiefs, not enough indians. You need a leader.

Or how about you retards stay out of Canada we don't want you here

We only need to kick out niggers, from Detroit and Toronto.

Maybe we can nuke it, people often exaggerate how many engineers in Detroit actually work in Detroit, they mostly work in Auburn Hills.

Scared of being taken over and kicked out nigger?

I'm thinking compartmentalization where new feeder industries can be built so that outsourcing would be a crime. Make everything in that border, including food, and work as a limited government republic

niggers, muzzies, chinks, spics and mafia's (vietnamese, sri lankan, russian, bikers).

>wanting another California

Michigan is full of hunters, it's nothing like Commiefornia.

Decisions will be delayed. 'The EE's want this, the ME's want that. The welders just told both of them to fuck off.'

It's also full of Michiganiacs, Ontario might not be BC, but it's still full of leafs.

Michigan, outside of the cities, is paradise year round. Winter is harsh, but going for a walk in the woods just before civil twilight is serene.

Ahh but here's the best part, the welders get to slap the architects out where as now they never meet.
This is how construction must be done, not this outsourcing to pakifucks and get back a disasterpiece

I know I have a house in Traverse city are and a house in the UP. and currently have my eyes on a nice 40 acre property in the UP for hunting.

Sure, just send Detroit, Flint and Gary Indiana back to Somalia first.

How about you give back that rightful Wisconsin clay then we all get together and annex Ontario for you to keep?

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Why do I care what the welders have to say? My degree is in Robotics engineering. if the welders don't do what I want, I'll just reprogram them.

Wisconsin and Minnesota belonged to Michigan. before it became a state.

Getting statehood was the worst thing, should have kept Wisconsin and Minnesota and formed our own country.

robots don't build buildings, yet, and architects are freshly out of school morons with no concept of reality

Fuck off Ontario, we're full

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Architects are just artists, I prefer a structural or civil engineer.

We can just send them to the south where the rest of the niggers live.

except for the french ass name

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We would have had to annex the canal zone for sea access. Not a bad idea though.

Greater Lakes Region?

Great Lakes Republic?

maybe we can think of a better name.

yeah, the builders i work for enjoy paying less for the newb architect and make the foreman and welders figure out how to defy physics

Inland Seas Confederacy

Northern Alliance

Greater Minnesota

New Deutschland

Build a megacity on isle royale and make it the new capital. But I hate Muslims a little bit too much to support this. Although join forces clear out Dearborn, detroit and Toronto during the same time line.

WTF? Michigan is the only great lakes state with it's own military?

BTW, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio are barely Great lakes states.

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They were preparing for an attack by the geese

where is the capital of this great lakes federation?

and can we take buffalo too?

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What the fuck is a Michiganiac?
>t. Michigander

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I think we should put the capitol on an island,

Manitoulin Island, looks comfy. And big enough for growth needed for our new capitol, it's almost in the middle of the great lakes so it seems like a good spot.

Attached: manitoulin ilsand.png (1281x801, 228K)

Be creative
Lets make an island

Nah, more likely we were preparing to take Toledo again. Apparently Ohio has a military too, so they must be thinking the same thing.

Please join us so I at least stop getting left canadian pocket change all the time

artificial island? sounds interesting

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too expensive, lets stay realistic and just pick a centralized location with a low water table and good bedrock for skyscapers

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I know! It's so damn annoying! No vending machines accept leaf tokens.

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No, no ugly skyscrapers in our capitol, it will have height restrictions, like Washington DC has.

I was thinking of another method where building materials come from the lake bed, water is always available, and the sun as a power source. 3D printing construction parts with the lake bed feedstock and solar heating as the power source.
It's only an idea but it came from trying to figure out how to deal with the plastic island in the pacific

Speaking of the garbage patch, we should make throwing trash in our beautiful lakes a crime punishable by public execution. It'd be a quick way to get rid of shitskins.

Sun as a power source? Have you ever heard of the lake effect? That will be out of commission for four months out of the year. One think about living in Michigan is that you know WAY more about the lake effect than you EVER wanted to.

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we had nipper tipping in toronto, people would push the chinks into the lake who were trying to fish in the most polluted part of it

>cant even see wny
dear god...


yeah, geothermal and wind would be better as green energy.

water turbines that use under water currents to produce power would be good too.

good point, the other method of power generation would be hydraulic wave-power, they look like snakes and the wave motion produces power in large floating solenoids, and can withstand the lake effect waves which can be extremely punishing (Edmond Fizgerald)

No. This state already has enough niggers, it doesn't need the most populated place in leafland to join it, unless you're going to kick ALL of them out

see, I don't understand how Canada let lake Erie get that way, Michigan is very protective of their side of the lakes.

We need better laws to prevent the biggest freshwater source from getting any worse, when the world starts having water shortages the great lakes region will become the richest place on earth if we can keep the water clean.

Water turbines wouldn't work due to invasive Zebra mussels. They would get clogged up. The other two might work.

Attached: Zebra-Mussels-Inside-a-Pipe.png (376x298, 138K)

would this wave-power affect great lakes travel? id assume having a bunch of flailing expensive tubes would be some big obstacles for our shipping

ontario already makes a surplus of energy through hydro and nuclear that we sell at a loss why the fuk do we need WAVE-POWER

i've been around a while and remember being able to swim in the lakes. now i don't want to lose a body part to very sharp zebra mussels and a flesh eating bacteria.
Right, I was thinking the tubes would be just for this non-existent island-state project for the capitol of this great lakes union

read the thread, young one

Yeah, the winters can be brutal, but the other three seasons make up for it. It's constantly overcast for months at a time. Pretty much from mid October to late April. Hell, I'll bet Seattle gets more sun than we do. I remember in the 90's we set a record (the teacher's told us) for going the longest without sun. Everybody felt like shit.

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Why would Ontario join Michigan and not the other way around?

If anything Toronto is the Capital of the great lakes - biggest city, best economy, on superior lake Ontario.

Hey! I'm white and I was born as raised in Flint. I'm keepin' this shithole. You can send all the nigs to the tree that you want, but this here post-apocalyptic eyesore is mine.
>Muh lazy-ass forefathers who sat down for 44 days

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your idea is retarded it's ok

>why not toronto?
It's an imported population that aren't canadian

you're full of niggers

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Neo America

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jamals > pajeets

I almost dated a girl from Flint. She was the biggest narcissistic cunt I have ever met. In parting, I told her to keep her sorry ass in Genesee County and the rest of the state is mine!

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Canada is basically "Wish we were in America" the country

I have relatives there, deliver them from the dog fuckers

ew no

>Girl from flint
>Narcissistic cunt
Checks out.

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i grew up hating the states because of nukes, then i learned about the jews.
now i feel compassion and want to get you out of your debt slave trap where they cut the tips of your babies dicks as a tip

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You've been there, too? What the fuck is up work Flint?
>Maybe something in the water?

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You were saying, my maple imbibing friend?

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Born and raised.
The water is now fine, and the nigs just won't stop crying because they won't get free bottled water anymore.

It's funny, because their local government pissed away the $100 million that Trump gave them to rip out and replace their entire system.

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Throwing money at a broken system isn't going to fix it or was that the bait and they took it?

I read an article about that! What's really going on there?

Fuck no. This state doesn't need anymore batshit insane liberals.

I sincerely can say niggers ruined this beautiful state.

t. Saginaw

No everything south of Ontario is a shithole; Chicago, Detroit etc

Sounds great. You guys can share our $300 billion debt.

Reminder: Ohio stole rightful Michigan clay

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How much cost a house in détroit?
Less than houses in France ...

It's exactly as user put it, they solved the water issue but the lesser-thans are still whining and begging for gibs.

You know what? Do they want more? They can move as far North as Detroit. They can have it!

The Toledo War is the most tragic forgotten war in Human History.

R.I.P., Piggly. :(

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Yours for the back taxes! The joke is that you know you're coming into Detroit when you start seeing burned out houses.

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Parts per billion of lead in water is a legal problem when it reaches 15PpB. It was at 14 2 years ago just after they started working on the problem, and it is now 4 and dropping. The water is fine, most of the country has levels like that or a little lower. But try and tell the blacks that and it's all "WE DON TRUS DAT EPA! DEYS DA ONES DAT DID DIS IN DA FURS PLACE! MY BABIES NEED TO SHOWER WITH BOTTLED WATUH THAT YOU PAY FO."
It's like living at the zoo sometimes; really.

You're not REALLY in Detroit until you start seeing the houses nature has reclaimed.

Can YOU find the broken bottle wielding vagrant in this picture? If not, stay out of Detroit.

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All shall submit to America’s dairyland

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learn to make a map with proper colour nigger, then talk about technology hub.

Kek! True! Can anyone tell the difference between Detroit and Pripyat anymore?

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Milwaukee is shit Too