
Why do some people hate Trump again?

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Because he attacked a sovereign at the whim of his jewish masters.

because memeflags are garbage

*Sovereign nation

And that's a bad thing how?

Still caring about Syria

>employment up

Still millions not in the work force, many prefer welfare

>Taxes are down

Enjoy your children paying for it lol

hate Trump's love

Being this delusional

because he is helping a strategical US ally (israel)

>muh foreign sovereignty
Ultimate fedora politics

>not understanding how economies work

No wonder you're a fan of the GOP

Also r/politics talking points. You have to go back.

Why would I hate him? Most entertaining burger president since Reagan.

He said he was going to drain the swamp, but instead he became the Swamp King


I love this man.

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Bad talking point.

>Also r/politics talking points. You have to go back.

Facts don't care about your feelings.

>Get your false talking points from an reddit echo-chamber

employment was already up during Obama

>Why is allowing a foreign nation to dictate your foreign policy a bad thing?
>Why is being fooled into a possible direct conflict with a nuclear power a bad thing?
>Why is causing another wave of mass immigration to Europe under the guise of a humanitarian effort a bad thing?
You tell me user, assuming you're not paid to push a zionist agenda here.

It's a waste of money I don't give a shit if Assad wants to kill sand niggers.

Why are we wasting millions of dollars protecting people that won't protect themselves?

>Muh Obama's economy

I don't argue with meme flags.

Blame Macron

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Then kys shill

>idiot boomer who screams about reddit echo-chambers
>Can't logically handle or debate facts

Sorry but you're crying and bitching doesn't change the FACT labor force participation is down and Trump will add to a defaulting loan debt in the future.


Fucking Jeb! could have lowered taxes, you were elected to get US troops out of Syria, build a wall on the Mexico border and deport illegal immigrants in order to curb crime. Kill yourself you warmongering neocon, ZOG sockpuppet.

Because improving the economy means fuck all if he doesn't put a substantial dent in immigration.

Compared to Obama's debt it will be much less and manageable

I'm surprised you didn't call me an arab filthy kike.

Because he's a servant of Israel and will wage whatever war they want.


1 year 3 months. Ongoing process. Just wait.

I'm surprised you didn't call me an arab you filthy kike.

Are you?

because he's retarded


fuck you faggot, I have more saved because of less taxes in this week as the fiscal tax year start you raging flamboyant red rocket faggot!
With that, I can buy only the fastest internet to stream High Quality Israel war vids in the upcoming year. I can also buy only the best quality snacks while relax and takes tokes of the establishment smoke.
Fuck you idiot, off with your stupidity, there is still work to be done!

Would you be saying the same if your were to live in the attacked nation?

It was wrong. But way better than another stupid war.

You're fuckin delusional. Congress has already ended any significant legislation before the mid-terms, which are going to swing hard to the Democrats, and good luck getting anything on your wishlist after that.

>employment is up
>taxes are down
Also lies

Most people in this country are delusional to their absolute core

(and that's a good thing)

No that's the go to name that Israeli shills call people who are anti war.
If you genuinely believe everyone who dumped Trump after what he did in Syria is just a shareblue shill looking to demoralize his base then I'm afraid you have your head I'm the sand.
He was specifically elected to not sell this country out to a small group of kikes yet that's exactly what he did.

This is bad, but I argue that is still better than having Hillary or any democratic dog because the main flaw in current kiked politics is that they still have to pretend to be doing their job like Trump disbanding the spic caravan (giving the orders at least)

Except Obama restored the economy.

Trumps increases in GDP are the result of quantitative easing on part of the Federal Reserve which props up the stock market. Federal Reserve adding debt means GDP goes up too.

We're in a recession right now if you knew how to analyze the economy properly. Just look at how many people are defaulting on their car and student loans. They're as high as they were before the Great Recession. Look at the amount of people dropping out of the labor force.

But no you just like your propaganda.

I know how you feel. But what else can we do? Support Dems against Trump??!!
Personally I prefer Randlet but he is not Trump. He won't be able to win.

>Slowest recovery in recorded history

>a comforting lie is better than the cruel truth
No, consider the possibility that the MAGApedes might have gotten angry enough to use their guns the way their 2A intended them to had Hillary won. It might have unironically been better had Hillary "won" but it's still kind of a stretch.

Trump has done good things and when he does something I agree with in the future I'll be grateful.
But he proved that he's willing to put jewish interests above American interests so he no longer has my benefit of the doubt.

>yes goy were in a recession now because you got a job and old people are able to retire

>I don't how economic recovery works

Jesus I knew Trump and GOP supporters were dumb, but not this dumb.

Please elaborate and prove me wrong.

Arabs are tribal insects. They do not have 'sovereignty', and they do not have human rights, as they are not humans.

They should be wiped off the face of the planet at every opportunity, and I admire our president for slaughtering them with cruise missiles. I would do the same.

Recessions happen slowly and then suddenly at once.

There's no saving you. You just want Daddy Trump to tap you on the head and think it's great.

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>0 deaths
>a third of the missiles intercepted by soviet trash

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>Employment is up taxes down

Everyone knows the first 1 to 2 years, a president is riding his predecessor's wave.

>guys the market is god, what's the problem?

Economy isn't everything

>Trump elected
>stocks immediately surge

Sure, retard.

It’s literally 100% based on his personality

>inadvertently praising the US ability to perform a precision strike with zero death

so dumb
pick something to be enraged about and stick with it, please

>consider the possibility
There is none, user, people want change but lack the courage to fight for it... for now, after all, we live fairly well in comparison to other shitholes, accelerationism is our only real choice to bring change
>he proved that he's willing to put jewish interests above American interests so he no longer has my benefit of the doubt.
Are you sure about that? The general public sucks kike cock, we might be mad, but the average idiots in the US support Israel, having Trump a second turn would eventually lead into other events of betrayal that can be used to redpill ALL AMERICANS, right or left won't matter, it will be we the people vs (((them))) even if Trump breaks his promises

Wow it's an ancap who doesn't know that the stock market isn't the economy!

Kek unironically supporting Obama and when asked to explain throw insults. Reddit is that way.

>The stock market is the economy
babbies knowledge of economics
>Stock markets jumped before any policy was changed..
You realize the dow jones runs like a 2 year old child..

I guess you were for the bailouts too, because during Obama, when the bailouts passed, the stock markets immediately surged.

because he wants them to die for Israel

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The economy is literally booming right now. I’ve been all around this country and this economy is in a boom cycle right

Because he is an incompetent stooge.

>min wages jobs are up
>taxes for the mega rich are down
>Rich get richer enjoy!
I'll never understand why you dumb niggers brag about the mega rich making more money at our countries expense.

Unemployment decreasing and taxes going down was all happening during the Obama administration.

Trump didn't really do anything, but take over where Obama left off.

Literal commie talking about economy

Because he doesn't have the magic (D) after his name which makes everything he does OK. Instead, he has the evil (R) which makes everything he does racist and bad for the environment.

Nice bait mate


>pick something to be enraged about
Why? I can afford myself multiple emotions, and the one I've currently chosen is laughing at how retarded you seem to be.

Normal people don't want change, they ultimately wish for stability and comfort. They currently somewhat lack comfort due to niggers and spics fucking up their country. Therefore you must fuck with people, try to get them fired, put a round through a power station to remove electricity, cut some phone lines to raise discontent with their lives and eventually they might actually get up from their comfy couch, put down their cheetos and turn off their talmudvision. That is the time when we can swoop in and pin the blame on the system.

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>I’ve been all around this country and this economy is in a boom cycle right
>People taking on massive amount of debt that they can't repay means the economy is growing!
>car loans, student loans, and even credit card loans are defaulting
>Banks are starting to cut back on loans
>Banks are missing targets across the board
>The economy is booming guys!


Can't wait for you neckbeards to enjoy that 30-40% stock market correction. And that's the good scenario.

In that case I don't want competence you fucking cuk

I bet you think Obama was "competent"


This. Trump is a kike puppet.

How is this bait? All of this was happening during Obama's term.

Lol is this how you argue? Just call everything you don't like to hear bait?

Pathetic. Keep sucking Trumps cock retard.

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Don't tell him that the "wall" currently being built was already planned and started under...


Because he can take it. Because he's not a hero. He's a loud-mouthed guardian. A watchful protector. A God Emperor.

let's go to war goys

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Because he fell for a false flag and attack Syria when Israel asked him to suck their dick

>meme flag
Hi there Ukraine

Some people don't have jobs and think that others should pay taxes to support gibs. I would guess a lot of people on Jow Forums fall into this category, hence the whining about non-issues like muh syria airbase. Why care about tax cuts when mommy bringing you tendies so you can larp as a nazi is more important?

So you're not arab just a filthy lolbergtarian fucktard. I bet you're 30 years old and still sucking off Ron Paul.

It's because they are faggots, so they naturally hate men.

Can someone please tell me, what we have done? These are the search results on a clean browser for Reddit.
The first one is
>Reddit the Donald
and the second one is
>Reddit the Red Pill

Attached: Reddit the Donald.png (1355x457, 23K)

Shut up bitch.

>attacked syria
He did the same thing he did 365 days ago, the last time Israel false flagged Syria
he bombed a near empty building and said mission accomplished

>Ets either da dems or da trump an u caent choose anythang diffrent or ur a commie jihaidist basterd

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>Why do some people hate Trump again?

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He fired missiles at government, economic, and military posistions, the missiles that were worth a damn were destroyed in mid air.

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You must be new around here, because reddit is a giant hellhole that is barely even moderate right wing.

I have been here for 10 years and just looked up the piracy mega thread onr eddit, because i needed a free scientific paper. It is, in my opinion, quite interesting to see that google search results associate the word combination "reddit the" with "Donald Trump" and "Red Pill". Which means many more people have looked up said terms.

And? It really dosen't mean anything.