(((((Anyone))))) who says: "My country is none of your buisness,"
Does NOT belong here.
If ((((((they)))))) don't give a shit about you,
Don't give a shit to (((((them)))))!

(((((They))))) do NOT want you become better people!
So don't listen to ((((((them!))))))

Attached: Snip-it_1523971624536.jpg (1277x1229, 187K)

This board was better when the only flags were JIDF and Israel. Half of the threads just turn into a NSFW Jow Forums. Go back to reddo.

Ideology flags were here before country flags, you newfag.

shitposting is only fun when i can be a leaf who pretends to like traps.

Attached: 1523407470566.jpg (720x960, 70K)

Flags ruined the board.
Memeflags made it worse.
Lets go back to the no flag being the standard with memeflag option pls.

This. Country of origin has nothing to do with discussion and redditors like to use them as a way to deflect when they have no answers to an argument.


>big ass country
>literally millions of people
>i-i just don't want you to know about me

Sniff sniff

>kike shills are afraid of memeflags because their only argument is to larping as a country and attack with memes and proxies
>now they are lost and left only to their stupidity

looks like we won, feels good, keep up the good work boys