The interviewer probes Morrissey on long-standing accusations that he holds racist beliefs...

>The interviewer probes Morrissey on long-standing accusations that he holds racist beliefs, notably expressed in two NME cover stories separated by 25 years.

>He responds: "As far as racism goes, the modern Loony Left seem to forget that Hitler was Left wing! But of course, we are all called racist now, and the word is actually meaningless. It’s just a way of changing the subject. When someone calls you racist, what they are saying is 'hmm, you actually have a point, and I don’t know how to answer it, so perhaps if I distract you by calling you a bigot we’ll both forget how enlightened your comment was.'"

>The interview later notes, somewhat oddly: "London has become a murder capital recently."

>Morrissey picks up on this point: "London is debased. The Mayor of London tells us about 'Neighborhood policin' - what is ‘policin’? He tells us London is an 'amazin' city. What is ‘amazin’? This is the Mayor of London! And he cannot talk properly! I saw an interview where he was discussing mental health, and he repeatedly said 'men’el' … he could not say the words ‘mental health’. The Mayor of London! Civilisation is over!"

>He continues: "London is second only to Bangladesh for acid attacks. All of the attacks are non-white, and so they cannot be truthfully addressed by the British government or the Met Police or the BBC because of political correctness. What this means is that the perpetrator is considered to be as much of a victim as the actual victim. We live in the Age of Atrocity."

>The interview has already caused an enormous stir online.

What's his fucking problem?

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Other urls found in this thread:

based moz. going out with a bang

>Hitler was Left wing!


>we are all called racist now, and the word is actually meaningless. It’s just a way of changing the subject
What's wrong with this?

He ruined his legacy so much.

>Hitler was Left wing

Stopped right there. Yeah nah, you're a fucking joke

not wrong

you should carry on, its the only thing he's wrong on

yeah sure if you're a teenage girl

>Hitler was Left wing!

Do reactionaries really believe this?

Hitler was left wing... that means... heh... LEFTIST ARE LITERALLY HITLER?

This is the type of moron that thinks national socialism = actual socialism = liberalism = Marxism = everybody who is left or some shit.

absolutely based. racism no longer exists, it's simply a buzzword.


I have a degree in political economy
Hitler was a centre leftist and America is a communist country don't @ me

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Hitler's big thing was national socialism. National SOCIALISM. Politically he was very left-wing. Lefties today seem to think that what it means to be on the left is just not being racist.


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it's an interview with a musician

Of course you do, buddy. Of course he was, buddy.

And North Korea is a democratic republic because it says so in the name!!!

Stop being retarded lmao.

>I haven't seen or felt it and I live in a bubble so it doesn't exist
Bitch please...

I said don't @ me

Based Moz calling out Londonistan for what it is.

Makes me laugh everytime I see some soyboy Smiths fan cry his eyes out whenever he opens his mouth.

They don't actually believe this. They just pretend to to try and score cheap points against The Evil Left

Not an argument.


i’m moderately right-wing myself.

1. hitler was not fucking left-wing, and i’m sick to death of this lie perpetuated by people on my “side.” adolf hitler was a totalitarian fascist with centrist economics. national socialism is explicitly against socialism; hitler named his party “the national socialist german workers’ party” to attract people who would have otherwise turned to the growing german communist party. that’s it. national socialism is arguably as far to the right as one can possibly go.
2. everything else morrissey said was correct, however. there’s absolutely NOTHING racist about being against the crime-skyrocketing, muslim infestation of modern day europe. that’s not what racism is.

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Look at this comements. Is It About Music?

communism is worse than fascism but both are left wing ideologies

Based catposter

>national socialism is arguably as far to the right as one can possibly go
oh no no no no


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Twitter refugees getting absolutely hysterical ITT.

where's the lie

London was flooded by Muslims by a jewish asylum minister who dips matzo in goyim baby blood

See this first part of this post I could maybe see what you're trying to get at if you're talking about state communism, but even so fascism is worse because it's an ideology built on genocide and displacement, you literally cannot create a fascist state without killing or displacing an insane amount of people.

Imagine actually believing this. A classless society based on equality is worse than an ultra nationalistic violent ideology. Amazing. And before you spout some bullshit about communism literally eating 600 gazillion babies, pic related, people die.

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>you literally cannot create a fascist state without killing or displacing an insane amount of people.
uuuuhh what
Italy was the only fascist nation and no one got displaced


I'm very well travelled, my friend. the true "racism" comes from left wingers, who believe that african-americans are unable to do anything without help or empowerment, using them as tokens to virue signal. african-americans already have it extremely easy in this country.

>A classless society based on equality is worse than an ultra nationalistic violent ideology
both ideologies are pure shit btw

>Italy was the only fascist nation and no one got displaced
>implying Slavs weren't displaced

>that’s not what racism is.
Indeed. Racism is, for example, referring to immigration as infestation.

>killing or displacing

ok piggy

ok retard, nice narrative and buzzwords btw I fucking hate your shitty country

deserved it
should have killed more

>Eleven people were killed and ten were seriously wounded

wow it's fucking nothing

how about this then?

the muslim refugees are absolutely an infestation. they pour in and begin attacking people, raping women, and getting paid by the governments to do so. what we need is a pesticide that gets rid of the muslims while simultaneously keeping the white men and women safe. that pesticide is called deportation.

>corporatist economics
>throwing socialists and communists into concentration camps
>somehow left-wing

ideologically speaking, fascism is usually considered a third positionist ideology

socially, yes absolutely. economically, no. fascism (which national socialism is derived from) is an imperialistic, ultranationalistic, anti-classical liberal (as well as anti-classical conservative) ideology. it’s not left-wing.

islam is not a race so you’re dead wrong. it’s an infestation because of the sky rocketing crime that they’re committing. you don’t know what racism is fucknut

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am I wrong though? you didn't argue against my statements. ad hom isn't an arguement.

ahh is it that time of the day where the highschoolers and first year college students give their half-backed opinions on politics on a music board.

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how can one man be so charming and based

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he was anti-capitalist, but he held tradition and conservatism in high regard
also he hated communists lol

>he literally thinks that fascism as an ideology is based on genocide

>he doesn't

>look at me I'm gonna call ppl in a thread high schoolers because they're not left wingers
>that'll show 'em!

>he's retarded

relatively small amount, both communist and capitalist nations have displaced far more
it's silly to call fascism based on displacement when the actual displacement taking place is relatively small compared to competing ideologies
fascism is based on expropriation

***is usually considered a third positionist ideology that’s against both capitalism and communism, but that doesn’t mean it’s left-wing by any means.

i’m so fucking sick of how anti-intellectual the right-wing has become. you guys are supposed to be smarter than leftists who think with their surface level feelings. there is no excuse anymore.

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can you please reference the relevant fascist literature?

good assumption retard

I love him so much

maybe the right wouldn't be so """""anti-intellectual""""" if they weren't blacklisted from academia
not that the right should be looking to be integrated into the Cathedral but you get the point

Can't wait for Soytony Cucktano to cry about this

ad hom, ah hell yea!

Most self-identifying members of the modern dissident right were leftists a few years ago. Most major "alt-right" figureheads these days are either plants that work with the feds or sniveling beta sodomites larping as white nationalists. No integrity.

yeah a relativily small amount of displacement taking place in hitler's germany, especially compared to the modern day united states, haha

If i referenced Marxist literature when talking about communism you would tell me that it's their actions that matter. which is true. Look at the page i posted on italy earlier in the thread.

nah nigga, maybe they wouldn’t be so anti-intellectual if they weren’t over-preoccupied with authoritarian, reactionary politics. i will never be anything but center-right.

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the displacement of jews in nazi germany was 100% justified
also you linked a wikipedia article and not legitimate literature

lmao imagine having this kind of a victim complex

> you guys are supposed to be smarter than leftists who think with their surface level feelings
I wonder why you think that and how you can lump so many different people into two groups in the first place. I hate this fucking left vs. right bullshit, it's so black and white and narrow.

>Most self-identifying members of the modern dissident right were leftists a few years ago.
myself included, although i’m not part of the neo-reactionary movement. i’m against communism, america’s idea of liberalism and islam; that’s about as extreme as i get.

but yeah white nationalism is fucking cancerous. don’t even get me started on that shit dude

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>hitler's germany
hitler's germany wasn't true fascism :)
>If i referenced Marxist literature when talking about communism you would tell me that it's their actions that matter
no I wouldn't
please reference the relevant fascist literature
lmao you're not right wing you're a leftist that doesn't like muslims
which right wing authors have you read/identify with?

>the displacement of jews in nazi germany was 100% justified
And here we go

There it is!

and i mean you can just follow the links on that page friend.

Oh shit it wasn't true fascism, never mind haha. so what relevant fascist literature would you like?

logiclord76 here
gonna make assumptions about the intent of people on an anonymous imageboard

>lmao imagine having this kind of a victim complex
I literally said the right shouldn't be preoccupied with blacklists and the like
the right needs to make its own institutions an instill a revolutionary conscious

People are even attacking him for being against halal, which is a legitimately evil practice, and mentioning FGM as that too mainly concerns non-whites. This shutting-out-of-political-stances thing has gone way way too far.


who are some other Brit musicians that are /ourguys/?

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>the displacement of the most innovative, intelligent and educated, secular and rich people in nazi germany was 100% justified

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>Note: Morrissey's observation here that "all of the attacks are non-white" is completely untrue.

>the right needs to make its own institutions an instill a revolutionary conscious
Or maybe they need to rethink their shitty and illogical ideas and move on with the world and critique the current status quo with something more than "libtard get obliterated and triggered" YouTube videos?

please tell me how i’m a leftist when i’m against socialist economics. i’ll wait.

i’m a classical liberal, which is arguably a center-right ideology.

i’m against islamic ideology and muslim refugees fucking shit up. i don’t hate muslim people but i’m not a barbarian.

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>so what relevant fascist literature would you like?
the literature that states fascism is based on genocide

As minority groups gain social capital and normalization, the way they're perceived instantaneously changes. First, they fight tooth and nail to establish that there's no difference between them and the majority, and then when the majority accepts them, they act like any attempt to treat them like normal members of the larger population is oppression. It's happened with black people and gay people, and we're watching it happen with Islam.

Where's a good place to start with solo Moz?

Actions speak louder than words. You could make the same claim and ask where in Marxist literature does it say to kill millions and yet Stalin did it.

reminder that marx would have hanged himself in disgust and guilt if he saw stalin’s russia

>Or maybe they need to rethink their shitty and illogical ideas and move on with the world and critique the current status quo
the status quo is increasingly right wing and determinist
56%ers wanting more gibs is not indicative of the status quo
>something more than "libtard get obliterated and triggered" YouTube videos?
you mean like creating institutions an instilling a revolutionary conscious?

Bona Drag or Vauxhall & I

I never claimed that communism was based on genocide
please cite the relevant fascist literature


Basically you got like a horde of minorities begging capitalism to turn them into a product. Its pretty psychotic when you realize it.
And then you got the white guys saying "NOOO, NOOO, this is my product" and then they fight with each other over who can consume the product the most.
Or who the product belongs to.

And im all like *drinks from a hip flask

And, and, and the homeless people on skid row are all like "dont you find it intresting that california is dominated by democrats but has the highest poverty rate"

And, and, and nothing ever gets solved, you just keep fighting over who owns video game culture or music.

And no one remberes what economic class is. And if those people in charllotsvell had united and marched to the rich side of town instead of fighting over a statue.

that would have been something huh folks

*this drone strike brought to you by black history month and mountain dew

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Definitely Vauxhall & I. Really, really don't expect The Smiths though.

Wow, /pol has another c list 'celebrity' to gaze lovingly upon.

I don't expect many of the original posters to make the leap from /mu/ to Jow Forums.

Fuck off kike

There is no relevant academic literature espousing fascism, you're just trying to avoid the fact that Musollini's fascist program (total economic control and consolidation of italy's borders) led him to state that " I would say we can easily sacrifice 500,000 barbaric Slavs for 50,000 Italians" see also: the academic link i posted earlier in the thread.

anyhow fuck Jow Forums im outta here

Hitler was left wing, and he is correct, /poltards/ on suicide watch

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based take

based mods