Twitter is down

Who else noticed his and what are they trying to hide?

Attached: Twatter.jpg (1170x589, 58K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Israel being assblasted by Assad

It's not like there was a certain video forecast to drop soon.


Attached: Could-it-be.jpg (1280x1280, 800K)

There's been some talk about mass hack today. I just read they're blaming Putin, shook my head and stopped reading.

Maybe this has something to to with it, tho?

what is this?

It's this image of two women lying on ping pong tables in comet PP. Te figures are of Hillary to give some kind of comparison and also Huma's face.

Maybe it's them, who knows.

Attached: comet-on-the-ping-pong-tables.jpg (640x640, 100K)

it's that lovely day when huma and hilldawg killed a kid

Attached: 18517506124_9cb1147cbc_b.jpg (1024x741, 200K)


why are they lying on the table, besides it doesnt even look like them
i am on your side but you'd have to know others would want bigger evidence than this

Agree but it's still strange.

Attached: e35zew45.png (1482x957, 2.03M)

Q actually did predict this.

Attached: 593e6d9b60df6501007c94d576c397fa8aeab38133e8041ac48d5f90cb195435.png (1273x1400, 765K)

Attached: 1523949148591.png (900x580, 822K)

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It's still down for me, been about an hour and the status says everything is fine, nothing to worry about. Something's up, that's for sure.

only one twitter profile is still up

no proof

working in germanistan

Attached: net kill.jpg (660x582, 46K)

Germanon here, can't access Twitter, not from PC or mobile devices.

fuck off buzzkikes

"How I Tricked Jow Forums Into Thinking Hillary Slept with Huma Abedin on a Ping Pong Table" by Hershel Shekelstein

from infinitychan

Attached: sashalordpresents.png (943x653, 594K)

scary shit

Collapsing under the weight of the 2000% INCREASE

Q faggots need to learn about the Texan Sharpshooter Fallacy.

well its back up so obviously fuck all you dumb fuckwit

>"How I Tricked Jow Forums Into Thinking Hillary Slept with Huma Abedin on a Ping Pong Table"

You have obviously no fucking clue what's all this really is about, so shut up.

what would a picture of Saddam Hussein holding a gun prove

>hussein holding ak47


still no proof

twitter is not everything

Barack Hussein Obama?

Mines up!?!!

Why are there two Hillary Clintons in that picture? And in color? Does adrenochrome make you shine?

They are tripping balls on walnut sauce aka adrenochrome.

Wrong Hussein you idiots.

Attached: 1523783328108.jpg (640x1053, 132K)

Germanon here too

Attached: 2018-04-17_16-45-17.gif (1127x678, 158K)

There was a poll regarding Israel's claim to existence this morning that was probably tipped over the edge.
Probably triggered an intern.

Attached: Clockwork_Orange_banner.jpg (606x341, 155K)

Looks like roseanne honestly

I was banned for 7 days for writing "RHINO bonehead retards". They claimed it was hate speech.

Attached: twitter-censorship-apr-14-2018.png (796x1188, 141K)

I know what it's about. There's some shit going around that there's a video of Hillary skinning a child

It's obviously ONLY meant to discredit the retarded boomers that believe it and Jow Forums in general

i bet you're right. a random poll is worth taking down the entire $$$ making site.

Attached: great job.jpg (220x229, 8K)

Boomer bot.

Attached: veritas4america-veritas-america-nov-3-rt-this-bill-clinton-on-6002698.png (500x570, 107K)

You're right. Pizzaniggers are the worst.

dude appeal that shit. some crypto obviously did that for you mentioning saudi arabia

>I-its only pizza sauce I swear!

They've called me a lot worse and got away with it. Fuck @jack, I can't wait till he gets his.


literal retard. pic related

Attached: you.png (800x979, 1.53M)

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While I was being facetious, a triggered intern took down the president's twitter, what makes you think they won't take down the entire site?
Do not underestimate the level of crazy in big tech.

(((They))) could literally pick any thread to discredit Jow Forums, most likely one of the "muh black/white" or "muh racemixing" threads. Also one of the many Nasim threads, to make Jow Forums look completely stupid and pro guns.

>(((They))) could literally pick any thread to discredit Jow Forums
>floods Jow Forums with future converts

>Edible school

you are going to see the end of a rope.
Cowards will do it themselves, before we do.

Attached: DZZwHWeVwAA2iic.jpg (280x498, 32K)

That would backfire on them spectacularly, how many do you think have come here to show how disgusting the ebil rayciss nahtzees are and have be subsequently sucked in, never to leave again?
Their best course of action is to not advertise any singaporian basket weaving forums.

nice name ,should have put in an effort to try and cover it properly

Look at all the slide threads.
Something dropped.

I heard of a pic or video of Obama dressed in arab gear and shooting/holding an AK47, was going to drop soon. Apparently it's important enough to shut the internet down over.

i bet this has something to do with the 1337 haxzor known as 4chinz

this logic implies that they want to bring Rachel Chandler/Sasha Lord/baby alacatraz into the fold. you couldn't be that retarded, right user?

Attached: C6pUym0WYAAkZyn.jpg (675x1200, 92K)

Glad it's down. Also they are hiding your meds. If you need a clue, your meds are under your tinfoil hat. Happy hunting.

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Attached: 1523952162647.png (816x616, 470K)

What the Fuck am I looking at, user?

You keep saying that. But what do you think it means?

Pizza f*ckingparty.

Seems to be a theme.

Attached: 1521390375179.png (815x626, 676K)

thats...disturbing even for me.

Ffs is that shit real?

Good god its real!

Fap fap fap

This guy needs an award publicly

Attached: 1523972095210s.jpg (250x248, 8K)

>If they ain't bleeding, we're good


Those Instagram pics, especially the ones from James Alefantis/Comet Ping Pong is the only fucking evidence one needs to see Pizzagate is real.

Muh Fake News

Attached: JoseAndresAlefantis.jpg (1212x2647, 1.48M)

I'm out. This has turned into a retarded pizzanigger circlejerk

you fucking disinfo spammers

Any decent jury would find him not guilty

Here's a screenshot I took of hundreds of death threats to the President on twitter awhile back.

Attached: blm_member_jamaal_williams_death_threats_with_mac_10-300x300.jpg (300x300, 21K)

Sooooo taking a cue from Syria?
Poor form, Jack. What the fuck are you up to now?

Attached: 1522346634317.png (280x451, 79K)

Hrc and huma tripping balls on walnut sauce after torturing a child and getting high with her blood.

Jack is in trouble
Pedo symbol islands

Attached: Screenshot_2017-07-10-09-59-31.png (1280x800, 439K)

I am pretty sure that's Rodney Bingenheimer

Attached: Rodney_Bingenheimer_Cropped.jpg (131x189, 12K)

link to the instagram page showing the original of the 'hillary huma on ping pong table'
www. instagram. com/p/mCGxNSneQi/?hl=en&taken-by=sashalordpresents

Attached: nextPlus_image1118_2017_105718.png (625x1769, 1.36M)

Where does Q post these days? The location changes every week. Link me?

at least he's got trigger discipline
God Bless basketball America

link to the imgur album of these pics, or some album

Just tried to reply to your post, pic related. Are (((they))) messing around again?

Attached: what.jpg (312x290, 77K)

That goes with an old saying of mine.

If its broke, hit it with a hammer.

infinity chan is filtered off of the site due to advertising. it's so its retarded users such as yourself can't advertise for free on Jow Forums, you want to advertise? Buy an ad at the top of the page.
It's not a conspiracy, it's because infinity chan users are shit

literal plebians who think their set of morals put them above the law are laughable and should be punished to the full extent.

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Barack Hussein

Holy fucking shit. But why though? What’s the point of having it out in the open like that

I'm not an infinity chan "user", wasn't even interested in it until a few days ago.

Thumbs up!

Just know it isn't a fucking conspiracy, it's really because when the site started they'd spam boards advertising.

>he doesn't know about the kikes yet

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Nonone has mentioned it msm. Need trump or sons to tweet it. Remember saudi prince own alot of twitter. I think its similar to back page, desguised as

Glasses are also pissing on books.

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