Satanism in politics and entertainment

Stumbled upon this video on recommendations after browsing some tinfoil hat videos on JewTube. However i do kinda, dare i say, agree with the video? Is satanism real and is it practiced by modern elite, politicans and entertainers? At least it explains the degeneracy that is in our current society.

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Other urls found in this thread:

judaism is satanism

interesting, will definietly check it out later

also good

am retarded, made post but forgot to even link the video that i stumbled upon

Way more important is asking if all this Satanism is a blackmailing LARP or an entity that we call Satan is really involved.
The second option would be big if true.

It would be more accurate to say that 'Dark Occultism' is a driving force behind the majority of global suffering, but satanism works too.

It's more subtle than you think, most people who are dark occultists are not actually aware that how they act is producing suffering and aiding an agenda. The common 'satanism' has nothing to do with devil horns and drinking blood and has everything to do with promoting and propogating ideas that keep mankind in chains and living as order follower slaves to people who are more spiritually aware than them.

Basically, yes, it is real, just maybe not in the way you might think. The occult (hidden knowledge) is all around us. Some use it to gain and maintain power and keep men in chains, others use it for good and spread the k owl edge to others and wake people up from their mental prisons.

David Icke has been saying this since forever.

indeed it would, it lowkey makes sense, not that i would admitt in public that "hey i believe that satan and cults control hollywood and shit", and some real direct proof would be satisfactory.

you really gonna link me a guy talking for 2 hours on a video with blocked comments and no dislike like ratio?


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Does Chrome mean adenochrome

The Silvagunner meme channel ARG apparently used a clip of the kids show Calliou, which had something to do with Podesta.

And the Greek statue from their original avatar is Antonius , the boy lover of Roman emperor Hadrian and also a statue that James Alefantis posted pics of

I kinda almost believe the tinfoil theory that all those YouTube ARGs are used to lure kids into pedo grooming groups

All abrahamic religions are satanic at their core

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T. Satan

The Trump psyop single handedly brainwashed the whole right wing, even the formerly religious right into accepting satanism as long as it's "/ourguy/"

Yeah of course the freemasonic 666 handsign is "white power" goy

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t. kuffar

The reason 666 is on corporate logos (many though not all Jewish owned) is because it's the number of gold coins Solomon had

Masons are into rebuilding Solomon's temple

You know him better as Shlomo

Btw more proof that SilvaGunner is a satanic Zog Op is that their villain is "voice in your head" and his goal is eliminating all anime except JoJo

This seems silly until you realize JoJo is the only anime that depicts objective evil the way it is, with Dio being a sodomite queer who has to take over other men's bodies (just like the elite)

Satanism is the dark side of the higher dimensional aspect of reality. This higher reality is rooted in human consciousness, and through it satanism plays off the ego and lust for power + sex to give material abundance. Through human consciousness higher entities interact with us (inter-dimensional brings).

It’s entirely spiritual, it’s what sets illuminated elites apart from your average goy, they know exactly how human consciousness truly interacts with wider reality, but they use it almost entirely for evil and self-interests.

>Higher dimensional bullshit

This is exactly what Satan would say

“The kingdom of god is within you.” Like 17:21

Duality is real and both sides of it is rooted out of the same thing, human consciousness. Do you have an actual retort to what I said or are you just going to plug your ears?


Yeah yeah and the devil can quote scripture too. Doesn't mean he's not lying

Do you have an actual argument against there being high dimensional levels of consciousness and reality?

I've been in a few spiritual cults and there is defiantly satanic cults around.

Their basic doctrine is to infiltrate stuff, cause chaos, troll everyone, turn morality upside down, make profit from depravity, accumulate personal power, acquire spiritual knowledge/keep everyone else in the dark,.
Mocking humanity and gods creation is what they love doing, the idea that humans are divine is disgusting to them so their best efforts are put into pushing humans to sin and be as depraved as possible.

They are smarter than you think, non roleplay high orders have dark mages capable of consulting with darker higher intelligence being that instruct them on how to best manipulate humans next.

Most of the corrupt politicians/hollywood/elite are in on it somewhat, although they are all puppets for the most part.

Satan = Satyr = Saturn = Saturday (friday/saturday night as the night of going out barhopping, drinking, casual sex...just look at the slags in UK for example, also happens here in every major US city).

pic related. it's the Luxor hotel in Vegas. lots of symbolism going on. i will just point out that the dark pyramid represents the dimwitted masses, and the illuminated peak shining a giant light beam upwards represents the enlightened "elites".

soros actually did a lot of writing when he was younger and published some books. in them he talks about "reflexivity" and uncertainty, how the market participant can directly influence the market itself. this is obvious. he did successfully, after all. but this is just one example of individual consciousness of the observer affecting the observed outcomes.

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translations now!

there's an obvious and clear trend right now of girls glorifying their ass through doing "squats at the gym" so they can look like kim kardashion...this was a major psyop that succeeded. Pic related. getting big tits is not as hard anymore due to plastic surgery and anyone can afford to get fake tits after being a whore for 1-2 months.

it's the ass-obsession and wearing tons of make-up that is a major trend...basically one type of women are self-sexualizing themselves to look like big-butt whores, and the other type of women are extremely obnoxious feminist cunts who are too ugly to improve their looks to whore-tier so they are constantly bitching for more empowerment, more women in STEM, politics, etc.

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better to rule in hell (Earth) than to serve in heaven

This is true. Both worship Saturn, also known as El or The Lord, who is also Satan. This is why the Muslims and Jews both venerate the black cubes, it’s a symbol of Saturn.

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News flash. Any use of deliberate deception when communicating with someone is Satanism. It's opposite is Christianity where deception in any form is forbidden.

It's also just faggotry

The eye on the pyramid is an anus

Exactly. The idea that spiritual warfare needs to involve actual visible demons and magic auras etc is false. It's the same as "psychology" psyche and spirit are even interchangeable in biblical Greek.

This is why kaballists make all the logos at (((advertising firms)))

The biggest "secret" the elite don't want getting out is that all their esoteric symbolism isn't truly spiritual at all, it's just sodomy. It's all about buttsex and the other explanations are a contrived act of turd polishing

>Satan is bad because jews said so
>Jews are evil
>(((Christ)))ian g0d is a fucking jewish stolen invention
>Almost youngest religion

While totally forgetting various religions and myths 10000+ years older than jewish tricks, which are documented.

Science and jewish religions [christianity, judaism and islam] don't mix.

Discussion over.

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Imagine collective suicide on Jow Forums if they knew the Furher Hitler and Occult Grandmaster Himmler [and all of SS, no exceptions] were........ Satanists...

All other religions [jewish inventions are essentially programs] were reserved for SA....

It's no wonder Germany started going up when purged kikes and "christians" from sphere of influence......

You're only proving my point

Hitler serves the same master as the Zionists, and this used to be obvious to anyone on the conspiracy theory sphere until the spooks invaded and psyopped it so you can only be on one WWII side or the other.

>Aquino, Parsons, L Ron Hubbard and other occultists in US military intelligence

This is the missing Nazi/Zionist link Jow Forums is blind to

Actually, no.

Difference between Satanism [no master, free to worship] and xianity [enslavement through terror and fear] is that one side [Which gave Hitler, Bach, Beethoven, Tesla, Newton, Archimedes and others] were advancing humanity, while the other [Christian dark ages and inquisition] made sure to set back humanity. Satan himself, by profession, is a scientist, and genetics specialist.

While the reptilians [and below them, grays and jews] are esentially parasites.

That's why their kind steal and corrupt, and are incapable of creating.

Like, for example, religion. Their religion is a corruption of many religious texts, religions, myths. And a bad copy at that.

Satanism is among the most oldest religions. And in true sense. There are no mediators. Free to worship, anytime, anywhere.

With jewish programs, one must have a master and visit exclusively temples and give "donations" [which are payment for "services"].

Hitler kicked out xians, in the temples he put his book.

Himmler was into Occultism and later, Satanism. Which is the religion of the nature and nothing like jewish lies.

One comes to Mother Nature on it's own. Brain is an amazing thing. Being human. Something jews lack....

You practice satanism everyday by caring remotely about anything material

Not really. David Icke took all the predominant conspiracy theories of the time and combined them into one big super theory. After proclaiming himself the messiah it did nothing but cast doubt on every aspect of each theory. I was around when he was coming out with his reptillian super theory, it made me wish i'd had the balls to put out everything i'd picked up watching conspiracy theory documentaries as a stoned teenager, it's essentially what he did with his glaring schizophrenia. He didn't come up with anything new or offer any revelations, just regurgitated decades old tin foil talk.

Does that invalidate the "thou shalt not steal" commandment?

Satanism is naked Kabalistic and Talmudic ritual. Jews never condemn satanism, they brought it into the public space. What language are the letters behind this gentleman?

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yeah william cooper fucking despised him. it’s also interesting to note that icke once predicted an apocalypse within like 6 months of his prediction- which obviously never happened, so it does seem he was at least as honest with himself as he was capable of being. no one wants to make that much of an idiot of themselves. he’s probably just narcissistic retard who can aggregate other people’s theories and research


Satanism is celebrated here by hundreds of the world's most elite politicians and the scientists they have bought. It's real. They make performances to display their symbolism as a form of worship and think it gives them power.

check out this blog, chris knowles compiles a never ending list of the assorted public rituals

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Lmao you're that retard who runs

You've been shilling this obvious bullcrap for years on conspiracy forums

A circled pentagram with hebrew.

As I said, the only reason jews are winning is because, due to stupidity, gentiles do not know what Satanism actually is.

And Satanism has nothing with Talmud and Jewish Kaballa [which was stolen from original Kabala].

Prove it wrong.

so what's original kabala where does it originally come from?


Idiots like JoS think Nimrod was "based" when he was in reality the first Globalist

I wanna read stuff about the jews from Babylon so bad, heck, even about the jews before babylon and babylon before the jews

any interesting books about the subject?

>As I said, the only reason jews are winning is because, due to stupidity, gentiles do not know what Satanism actually is.
>And Satanism has nothing with Talmud and Jewish Kaballa [which was stolen from original Kabala].
But you claimed Judaism was against satanism, but know you're saying it's the reason they're winning, and admitting they picked it up from the Babylonians is admitting they're the ones that carry the rituals and belief into the modern era. You're contradicting yourself sir.

Is no one going to check these digits?!

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JoS is mindfucked by Nietzche, he believes the whole "will to power" idea that the occult is neutral in nature and we should act like kikes to beat the kikes.

Ironically both Nietzche and Marx were students of Feuerbach, who basically originated atheism and materialism


Thanks, have a saffer qt for your trouble

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>Both worship Saturn, also known as El or The Lord, who is also Satan
he is the lord over court proceedings, and executions, and everything that is foul and unpleasant but also over industry and contracts, homosexuality and immigration

nice, thanks

I was afk, business.

It had something to do with Runes.

Germans under Hitler leadership were heavy into runes. And symbolism.

It's a broad subject, requiring to go back, really back. It took me over 7 months just to deprogram myself from xian bullshit.

As I said, science [or in this case, history] and christianity don't mix.

Study judaism, and read carefully.

Then look into who Satan is, what were the names associated with him through history, connect Greek and Egypt, and into Europe.

Then filter out corruption [guess (((who)))].

Jews are into magic. That's what their Kabala is for. And extremely time precise.

The reason why Israel is going to shit in the last 5 years is due to breaking their power.

With that in mind, ANYONE associated with Israel in any way, be it christians or politicians, is experiencing misfortune or difficulty.

Just observe daily threads about Jews and Israel. You will find that something "is off"....

Nope. Read again.

The Old Testament

only thing pastor anderson did right desu


look up jay dyer

Why is so much of this shit in video form? Can CTers not read?


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Satan is nothing but a human construct

Exactly. It's all dicks and holes. Myth of Osiris etc

> (OP)
>Satan is nothing but a human construct

t. Snake flag

Look closely and notice the Gadsden snake is coiled 3 times , like 666

thanks fren

I will pray for your soul

Please do.

That way, you drain yourself and send energy to the vortex, from where the jews are taking your energy, which ends up being destructive for both them and you due to, well, reversing curses.

I urge you, pray for me as much as possible.

Seriously, don't stop, start now.

They were Pagans, which is something very different, but Christianity would denigrate that as demon or devil worship. Satan is from Christianity. Calling them satanists indicates that one hasn’t fully rid themselves of Semitic influence in the way they conceive things

>What is Black Sun?
>Satan is only known in jewish stolen programs.

Satan likes being called Satan, as in Sanskrit, it means Truth, or known as the Adversary to the jews.

Which is, essentially, what he actually is.