Alex Jones cried on air because of Trump

Alex Jones cried on air because of Trump.

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Good. Alex Jones is a kike puppet and his opinion is worthless.

No, because he loved American and Europe. If Assad falls than Iran is next. Europe would be Fucked!

Maybe he should've stopped brainwashing impressionable 18 year old redditors into becoming Drumpf voters and he wouldn't have had this happen.

Attached: 2cd.png (600x621, 38K)

>the middle east is consuming itself oh no!

For those of you who ask "Name ne accomplishmento Trump has had," here you go.

you mean the jews are putting more Arabs in Europe.

alex jones is a great human bean with feelings and shiet

Alex Jones said "FUCK TRUMP" on air. It's over.

>shut the borders
And suddenly almost all of the world's problems are gone.

Its actually so fucking sad...

he needs an acting coach

Why would a kike puppet cry at Trump being the worlds greatest goy?

nice ID for you

Are you kidding?

This is Oscar worthy:

Yea, that wont happen ha! Talk to a white lefty they are Marxist zealots.

>kike puppet cries because Trump listened to the kikes and bombed Syria
How dumb are you?

The way Alex Jones went from crocodile tears to completely normal speaking voice was pretty goddam entertaining.

>welcome to liberal news network
>today trump made a babby cry
>more on this story in a minute
>but first are white men cancer?
edgy kids and old recluses care what he has to say

Alex jones is too much i dont whether he is a shill or not but hes hilarious

AJ is zionist shill.
AJ is 100% anti - Iran, just like Israel. Notice, how they all treat Iran as their enemy, while Syria is being treated like Iran's proxy and possible hot war scenario with Russians and nothing more.

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a real human bean

He used to do this like every show. He's not really crying.


This. Don't know who he thinks he is fooling