Is this the future of Europe?

Is this the future of Europe?

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Could be worse, but I hope my Eurobros pull through and save their respective cultures and peoples.

she's not brown enough

When will you chink fetishist realize that asian women carry manlet feminine genes?
Do you really want to give birth to barbarian Chad, or Elliot Rodger?

Get a tall, sturdy woman, not taller than you if you're insecure. (If you're a manlet then sorry)

If she's tall and 6/10 face, then she'll be probably insecure about her femininity and act 100% loyal to keep you around.
Girls like that are probably virgins too.

In the end, you don't even need a super pretty face because you want strong sons, not faggot twinks.
THOT looking women will have high standards and act like cunts to you.

Asian women will just give birth to twinks.

Attached: 123451.jpg (970x545, 64K)

A bit of a typo there, you won't be giving birth, lol.
To add more, high status pussy fucks over even Chads and celebrities.

8+/10 are entitled and will use the fact that they look good to get leverage on you.

God I hope so, but asians are so rare in here.

poel mutt has speken
all heil to pole mutt

Not a whole lot of Asians here in Europe. Most I've ever seen were exchange students in university.

Du har alltså aldrig sett en gammal svensk med en thai/kines/viet/jap/koreansk med asiatiska barn eller Elliot Rodgers?

wtf asians are white now

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This ^

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THIS is the future of Europe.

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Du är nog inte medveten om hur många de är på universitetet.

många svensk-gubbar har asiatiska fruer eftersom bli sextourister till de söder-östra landen i Asien. Jag själv har sett sådanna skit flera gånger.

pls give gf

Attached: -09888.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

>pic of Finnish girl

What did OP mean by this?

Attached: wut.png (5000x5000, 412K)

Jag ser dom varje dag i högskolor, men man ser även äldre svenska "män" med gulingar.

Eww, how do people find Asians attractive?

Man kanske ser gamlingar då och då på Ica med sina thai horor. Tror dock faktiskt inte jag sett en halvkines. Är jävligt sällsynt.

>implying its not the present.

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someone pls explain.
also gib ukrainian gf

nearly all men are manlet feminines unless they spend at least several hours a day doing hard labour or working out. Also the average height of asians with western levels of wealth is quickly approaching white height. Go to any college campus in California and you will see.

Our future is america's future, one generation behind.

Attached: le_faces_of_usa.png (2284x2200, 231K)

t. david chang
fuck off back to your home country

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>japs in traditional european attire
I didn't even know i have this fetish


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If resources make people taller then why are the nips shorter than the poorer neighbors?
Jow Forums needs to start accepting the reality we live in.

Attached: 1521587526563.png (974x974, 1.3M)

Average height of northern Chinese male = 176cm
Average height of a male in the UK = 175.3cm

In the next decade or so, a young person in northern China will be equal in height to a nordic.

Koreans are taller than Japanese now.

Attached: average height_China_01.png (640x614, 467K)

Okay now look at the figures over time, all trending upwards. They still eat a lot of soy back home. When they come to America or Europe they're almost as tall as whites. Genetics plays a role but it's fairly small and not enough to make your children manlets.

>Koreans are taller than Japanese now.
That's my point.

>In the next decade or so, a young person in northern China will be equal in height to a nordic.
now I've seen everything lmao. why are asians acting like such we wuzzers lately
China, People's Republic of 167.1 cm (5 ft 6 in)
China, Mainland 172.1 cm (5 ft 8 in)
China, People's Republic of – Urban 170.2 cm (5 ft 7 in)
China, People's Republic of – Rural 166.3 cm (5 ft 5 12 in)
China, People's Republic of – Beijing 174.7 cm (5 ft 9 in)
China, People's Republic of – Sichuan 169.2 cm (5 ft 6 12 in)

Japan 172 cm (5 ft 7 12 in)
Japan 172.0 cm (5 ft 7 12 in)
Japan 170.7 cm (5 ft 7 in)

South Korea 173.5 cm (5 ft 8 12 in)
South Korea 173.0 cm (5 ft 8 in)
South Korea – Seoul 173.3 cm (5 ft 8 in)

United States – Asian Americans 172.3 cm (5 ft 8 in)
United States – Non-Hispanic whites 178.2 cm (5 ft 10 in)

Norway 180.0 cm (5 ft 11 in)
Sweden 181.5 cm (5 ft 11 12 in)
Denmark 180.4 cm (5 ft 11 in)

i wasnt disagreeing with you. Japanese have Ainu blood in them and that is the reason for the short height.

That's cool if it's the case.

post average height of ALL Chinese including old people who grew up malnourished in Mao's China. meanwhile I post the average height of young people in northern China who grew up in wealthier China.

i'd smash the hell out of that little cunt all day long, no romance, just beast fucking her to orgasm after orgasm