How do i start growing my youtube channel?

how do i start growing my youtube channel?

Jow Forums related cause its a political channel

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go to YT HQ

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looks like i need to take a road trip bois, anyone wanna go?

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Kill yourself on livestream

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kill your self on live stream

Hey, you're the guy who made Goy Hunter, right?

thought about it many times, lad

nope, actually. do i have a doppleganger or something?

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>Get a proper mic
>Turn phone sideways or get a proper camera
>Speak more enthusiastically
>Speak about current topics, like shit that just happened a few hours ago
>Polish your videos with good editing, jump cuts when needed etc.

i can't join you user i'm busy that day, but be a good goy and to try and beat the high score.

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thanks cunt, i plan on getting a better camera/mic setup but i have slow as fuck internet and wanted to try to get this one out.

will do lad

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