ITT: Your First Redpill

I used to be a liberal and die hard Democrat. Years ago.
Then I watched the movie Bulworth, staring Warren Beatty. It blew my little bluepilled mind.


I think this movie is a very effective Red Pill, specifically because of its subtlety. It doesn't punch you in the face with too much Redpill.
What was it that woke you up and lead you away from the Democratic party?
>if you have never been a Democrat, this thread obviously isn't addressing you

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Other urls found in this thread:

Did it occur to you that posting a 2 hour movie might kill this thread or was that your intention?

I couldn't watch more than three minutes of this new age crap. This has absolutely nothing to do with the subject of this thread.

The real redpill is realizing the Republican party doesn't give a shit about you.

For me, it was a gradual thing.

I was more or less purplepilled most of my life.
My dad redpilled me on other mexicans and how lazy and ungrateful they are. He also redpilled me on his experiences with blacks when he lived in LA in the 1970s ( We live in Orange county now).
I used to think of "le evil whitey" throughout history, but was baffled at why they didn't seem like such "le evil whitey" today. And with Jews, even as a young kid/teen, I always knew about jews being money lovers, but I had no idea they were ritualistic murders and warmongers until I came to Jow Forums.

When Elliot Rodgers did his thing back in 2014, I went to Jow Forums to see the threads about it. Unfortunately, I stayed and became VERY redpilled on women.

I also used to play a lot of video games so I grew up playing video games and disliking the state of dumbed down games, DLC, paid reviews, etc. When the gamergate incident occured, that's when I realized all those years that gamers unofficially knew was true became official.

After gamergate, I started visiting Jow Forums more and the redpilling was complete.

That was my first redpill
What's your problem?

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It came around 2015. The terrorist attacks coupled with the migrant crisis made me realize that I couldn't keep being bluepilled. I was raised in a liberal family and I was a liberal too. But as soon as I became interested in politics and became more mature around the end of high school I started turning more conservative. By 2015 the process was complete. Its also the year I found out about Jow Forums, not from the donald though.

It isn't a red pill.

My interest in evolutionary psychology and steven Pinker.

Followed on to reading chateau heartiste in about 2013 and knowing that everything the MSM said about women was a lie.

Later it followed organically, everything the MSM said about race is a lie.

Did you also come to realize that evolution is a lie too or are you still a little bluepilled normie?

>be a kid
>find out Abos sniff petrol
>I'm told we are all equal
Yeah nah, fuck off cunt. That's bullshit.

Romans 1:22 (KJV)
>Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

Growing up in New York in the public education system, I was a brainwashed leftist. The Ron Paul 2012 videos were my first red pill, they drove me away from leftism. Unfortunately after Romney won the nomination, I followed him and the party blindly and became a neocon zionist. A few years later, I found a video where someone suggested making a Reddit account. On the verge of signing up, I googled Reddit and alternative websites. I found out about Jow Forums and the rest is history.

neither party does. the real redpill is both parties are exactly what OP shows in his movie clip. they don't give a flying fuck about any of us.

>No U: The Scriptoral Verse

They don’t?! Those motherfuckers!

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this is bluepilled as fuck

The FBI crime statistics.
Latinos are way more peaceful than the average nigger even if both groups enjoy almost the same quality of life.

Rundown? I ain’t watching that shit right now..

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It's hippy bullshit. user probably left to cover his hands with patchouli oil so that he could fap to his Alex Grey folder.

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I agree.

Migrant Crisis 2015. haven't travelled all over Europe and seeing the media praising all the refugees flooding into Europe and calling Hungarys border fence racist I knew something was deeply wrong. started researching this on youtube myself and down the rabbit hole I went.

This video had 10M hits on youtube before they took it down.

and this one is just lol. Ive been to calais, its so fucking fucked that its amazing they have hidden it from the general public for so long.

shorter version

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>It doesn't punch you in the face with too much Redpill.

For a Democrat, realizing that the Democratic Party doesn't give a shit about black people is a redpill. It goes against everything you're taught in public school.

"Where's the federal funding to rebuild our community we destroyed with riots?" kek

>be me
>in middle school
>see pic in this picture in schoolbook
>remember last year the same picture was in another school book but without the guy
>ask teacher about it
>she says she doesn't know, looks it up
>says all she could find were neo-nazi websites
>what is that
>evil people who still believe nazi racist science that has been debunked
>ask how it has been debunked
>she keeps giving non-anwsers
>teacher forces me to stop talking about it
when I got home I went down the rabbit hole, I had internet access fortunately
now that I think about it, it's ridiculous that I even used two different textbooks to learn about the holocaust two different years in fucking middle school
kikes need to fuck off with this shit

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Yeah, it was how I first learned how fucked the banking system was.
You're retarded.

For me it was when I got called racist, mysoginist and whatnot for simply saying we ought to have more evidence in a case before we pass judgement. That wasn't the only instance of this but it was the one that pushed me over the edge. Fuck liberals, and fuck demorats.

there was one (1) nigger in my school and every time it was around things turned to shit

Neither of them do. That's why the Third Option exists.

My first redpill was when I was around 11 years old, 2 abo kids around my age started following me while I was walking home, and trying to start a fight with me
>They walked behind me saying a bunch of racist slurs, eventually calling me a "dirty white dog" several times.
>I turned around and said, "Who are you calling dirty, you're the one with brown skin, maybe you should have a shower"
>abos literally never wash, so it must have been a sensitive subject, they start chimping out and posturing, but I held my ground, the spark of hatred smouldering in my heart
>Like typical nigger cowards, they didn't even try to fight when they realised I would fight back, and crossed the road to start throwing rocks at me
>I played a lot of tennis and soccer, I either caught a few rocks and threw them back with pinpoint accuracy or kicked them out of the air while laughing at them
>Boongs ended up shouting across the road that they'll get their older brother to bash me as they start walking away
>I said I'll get my brother to bash their brother and them
>tfw my brother is only a year older than me
>I walk home with a newfound hatred of abos

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My first red pill was having my business robbed. I showed up to work and the door had been kicked open. Didn’t know if anyone was inside still or not. Never wanted a gun more in my life. After this, bought a handgun. Started to get pissed at liberals for pushing gun control. Started to do some research. Began to realize (((they))) control everything. My cousin’s husband was starting to be woke as well. He introduced me to Jow Forums. It was all a wrap at that point.

This meme story would be more believable if weren't jerking yourself off.

Zeitgeist, when it got out.
I was young then, and became addicted to RP on the spot

That's how it went down, the only self-wanking is throwing back rocks with precision, which I pride myself on. Those cunts on youtube with 25 million views have nothing on me

/Q we are ready/

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>Believing in talking snakes is red-pilled.

I was violet after growing up in NY with RINO parents. Then I moved to a more conservative state and started working in a gun store while going to school. This was around the time the Clinton AWB was lifted by Bush. The first day at work after noticing a wall of AR15's I tried to be a kiss ass and told my boss it was nice they could sell assault weapons again. He got pissed and said they don't sell assault weapons. When I was confused by his response, he just shook his head and walked away. Another employee took pity on my dumb ass and explained the lie I had been told all my life by the kike media about firearms and so called assault weapons.

When the west started talking about gypsies and how "oppressed" they are, I guess growing up with them, getting robbed and having your ass kicked daily paid off?

I don't know. Must be when I was four years old. We had neonazis as neighbours that were white trash but also pretty nice.
We also had a nigger as apartment tenant. He wouldn't pay his rental fee, destroyed half of the apartment and chimped out when my dad kicked him out. Like locking himself in den apartment, ripping out everything in the kitchen and throwing it out of the window.
That was the day where I've learned that they're nothing more than fucking monkeys.

A version of this clip played during Ron Paul's 2008 campaign.

That Congress is completely owned by special interest groups, then that the banking system is absolutely fucked. I found my way here then I became pretty radicalized against Marxist ideas. Then pizzagate and the whole international pedo ring went down. The questioning of the methods and number of deaths in the Holocaust eventually got to me and I actually gave National Socialism some thought, coming to be largely sympathetic with it. At the same time I don't think I would want absolute authority invented in one person, as their successor (or one down the line) can be absolute shit and ruin it, also we don't have heroes in this age to take that place. I've settled on the idea of internalized national socialism spanning the population, rather than overt national socialism that is controlled by government authority, because all things become more corrupt over time, and all things fall apart. It would be better not to have externally imposed authority rather than internally imposed authority.

what was the ultimate “no turning back” point for you?

thas hype my man

Youtube comments section and rt media

gamergate was my first redpill. It quickly transitioned into open white hate. My last redpill was living in a ghetto. Used to be a lib, now I'm a nazi

My first one was at school
>teacher:nazi mean natioal socialist party
>me: so they are socialists?
>teacher: no!
>me: wait a minute this book says it was socialism for the germans only.. isnt that still socialism?
>teacher: offcourse not, you are an idiot that doesnt know how to read
And i did that read, learnt a lot about socialism and nazism, realised why the jews were the enemy of germany (they dont work for the state, a socialist thing) hence they are against the state, it makes sense all the history when you understand this basic concept

Holy shit, I'm fucking triggered.

>one person represents everyone else that looks like them
How does it feel to look like a fool to everyone online with your joke logic?

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When the "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" story regarding Michael Brown was proven by forensic evidence to be a lie.

centrist retards

You just described communism, everyone sharing in the responsibilities for providing everyone's needs

I became a public defender after university.

Checkmate atheists.

Native Son definitely redpilled me on niggers. Pretty good book on why niggers are shit and how stupid white liberals stand up for them. Written by a nigger though but he has good perspective at least.

This Bullworth clip is not a redpill, its bluepilled crap. A redpill would be Bullworth honestly explaining WHY it has the problems it has.

What a brainlet you are. I am not saying no government authority or complete government authority. I am basically saying that we should be able to live in a republic. My point is that freedom requires responsibilities that we have forsaken and that we should internalize the values of national socialism in order to live in a free and prosperous society. Communism is either anarchist or completely authoritarian and is very much related to the conflict oriented Marxist ideology. Not to mention that communism is meant to be global in scale.

Was always a conservative but my first soft redpill was in my teenage years. We had a jew neighbor. My younger brothers set up a lemonade stand in the driveway and were making bank. So the kike neighbor told her daughters to set on up on their street. My brothers made bank because our street had more traffic and theirs didn't make any money.
The next day my brothers tell me that they came home from church and the jew girls were posted up in our driveway selling lemonade. My brothers asked them why they thought it was okay to sell lemonade in our driveway and they told them their mom had told them to put it there.
The kike mother didn't ask permission from our mother, didn't let us know, she just went on our land and used our driveway.
After that it was easier for me to notice the kikery everywhere. As time went on and I learned about the federal reserve and the petrol dollar, it was like the wall my mind had been chipping away at for years was blown to pieces in an instant.
I saw the connections between Israel, the banks, our constant mucking around in the middle east, etc etc etc.
I wonder how long it would have taken me to make the connections if I hadn't been primed in my teen years to distrust the Jews.

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I'd say some leftist propaganda documentary. I used to watch a lot of documentaries on various topic as a teenager, and sometimes I'd get on "kek, the system is corrupt, we need communism" type of documentaries. It actually showed me how the world's fucked up, however, communism is still not the answer, faggots.

My first "redpill" was when the refugee crisis happened. It was just like that, I knew this is an invasion and intolerable

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>every time it was around

Its babbies first redpill. Read the original post ya momo

very passio. a society cannot have external order without internal authority. no internally imposed authority=degenerate chaos

I've always been redpilled. I have a natural tendency to question the narrative. Don't need that come-to-redpill moment people seem to get from movies and media.

persistent internet use, various sites and memes, that lead me to youtubers, celebrities, Jow Forums, games, movies that spread these type of information. It's not only the internet, but nowadays it's the best, if not the only way to get redpilled (have interesting out of mainstream media information about politics mostly)

When Modi won the general elections in 2014.
I fell in love with Hinduism,courtesy of his saffron election campaigns. I realized that us Hindus are not the bad guys,as the media keeps telling us. On the other hand, I realized what dirty bastards the Muslims are and how the media routinely suprresses or fabricates news reports in favor of muslims. I kept digging and finally came across the Hindu genocide at the hands of barbaric muslim invaders. That was pretty much the no turning back point for me.
I come on Jow Forums mostly to learn about National Socialism and gain redpills about women.
*still learning about the jews though*

The Greatest Story Never Told

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How would raising taxes on everyone impact the billionaires and corporations using tax loopholes to pay little to no taxes.

Growing up I just had his inherent understanding that school is unfair to boys. The teachers are all clearly biased toward girls. Boys are constantly told they need to be more like the girls.

I didn't really formulate that into conservative ideology though, I was very blue pilled all the way through high school. When I got to college I considered myself a leftist, though I did believe the democrats were duping leftists.

It was when this feminism stuff started blowing up, 2011-2012 ish, that I realized there's a huge Industry of media trying to trick us. Listening to these fucking sluts tell me that I was privileged and that society is based around giving me benefits at the expense of girls just did not even remotely fit with my experience growing up. And when I tried to talk about this I was met with absolute disdain from the leftists girls in my life.

I stayed generally leftist though for a while after being redpilled on feminism, I was still a hippie, anarchist, occupy-wall street type, largely, and I'm not proud of this, because I had hardly worked at all. My parents paid for college. I had a few summer jobs here and there but I never had to support myself.

Once I got a job and my parents started asking for rent and car insurance, etc, I learned that most people working the kind of low-wage jobs I had were just shit people, entitled, lazy, etc. I realized that rather than being oppressed, poor people with shit jobs in retail and such are actually being carried by society, and the managerial positions in those industries are like babysitters. It's almost like the whole purpose is to give these lazy pieces of shit something to do so they don't occupy their time fucking everything up for everybody else

What's interesting is throughout this whole process, including high school, I was on Jow Forums. And when Jow Forums came about, I spent quite a bit of time here without becoming redpilled. it took a while for me

What did you do to the kike kids, what did your parents say ?

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watched this with my dad the fall after i graduated high school- never stopped falling down the redpill hole

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I was born hating jews.

>When Elliot Rodgers did his thing back in 2014, I went to Jow Forums to see the threads about it. Unfortunately, I stayed and became VERY redpilled on women.
What the fuck? He never made any effort. He was an entitled millenial who thought blonde women would throw themselves at him for driving a fucking 3 series. I don't know how Elliot redpilled you on women because that makes no fucking sense.

>specifically because of its subtlety
this is what you call subtle.

You really are a liberal democrat

>replying to a obvious shill
Who's the brainlet here,buddy?

It got the ball rolling.

>The real redpill is realizing the Republican party doesn't give a shit about you.
ive been voting against my economic interests this whole time for nothing!?

I got a chronic illness at around 6, and realized that I wouldn't live long enough to benefit from all the utopian liberal ideas (if they panned out). Once you understand that they don't work, its pretty easy to join the dots together about the rest of the world

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I can relate to this. I didn't really have a cohesive ideology, but I vaguely knew that there was something wrong with Marxism, feminism. I would tend towards the right wing but social institutions like the media and school kept trying to steer me back left, so I was a moderate that bounced from slightly left and right. I think I am still pretty moderate. Ironically enough, Jow Forums gave me more sympathy to left wing economics, the difference being the morals and sentiments behind it, i.e nationalism vs Marxism. The economic side is lesser to me than the ideological, social, and moral though, as that seems like the more pressing conflict at this time. Fix the social then they'll fix the kikery.

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I'd rather say something than nothing.

Oh my grandfather went through the entire world war 2 from west coast france all the way to germany through poland, and he redpilled me on concentration camps not being death camps, but the government have refused to declassify his unit so nobody will ever know

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mark passio, he’s great for newbies

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>be me
>be a kid
>at school
>nigger drops my pencil case
>be the goody-two-shoes I am, I tell him to pick it up
>nig spits in my hand
>I smack him in the face
>got grounded because muh racism

Care to share more?

>we should be able to live in a republic
>I have no faith that the majority knows what's best for themselves, so the solution is to support a small group to decide everything for everyone else
Expert logician detected

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>I think that the average individual is intelligent enough to know how to rule a country
You apparently have little understanding of our early mode of government. My preference would be a limited government akin to early constitutional America. They restricted voting to those who have means, because those without means will always outnumber and be able to vote to take the property of those with means. Not everyone is intelligent to know what's best and democracy allows people who have done little to no research determine the course of our civilization. But beyond that, basically internal 1488, external 1776. The individual supports and acknowledges the collective, but the collective government acknowledges the importance of the individual. In this hypothetical situation the people would have the knowledge and experience not to let in Jews or foreign masses. We've just made that mistake in our society and if it manages to be reversed then it will inform our future mode of perception and governing.

>Hindu genocide at the hands of barbaric muslim invaders
tell me more i dont pay attention to anything in that part of the world

Never was a leftist. By the time I was about 12 it was as plain as day to me that you have to protect your neighbourhood by shooting people in the fuckin head. The fuck is wrong with you faggots. No wonder it's all such a struggle if it takes so long to work that out. Retards.

Muslims were pretty tolerant about Christians and Jews because they were good cash cows and had certain protections in the Qur'an. There were no special protections for those who weren't "people of the book," so when they conquered eastward they pretty much slaughtered everyone. I don't know much about the specific details of India though.

>Voting only if you own property
You have to kick the Jews out first. Otherwise banks will only approve loans to kike approved groups of people looking to buy property. You might say you'll need to work harder and buy property without a loan, but they would find a way to require interaction where banks or their bought and paid for government has the final say on a sale no matter how you go about attempting the purchase. It could come down to something like taxation.

A book I read, and it's not even that good a book, started me on the path of questioning liberal do-goodism and the evil intent behind it. It's called "The Losers", by David Eddings. (He had success later as a fantasy author) The short version is, it's about a man, who becomes a handicapped person after a car accident. One of the subplots of the book is his resistance to accepting his place in the Welfare State, and how hard his social worker is trying to force him to accept it. It led me to thinking about it, and finally seeing it - social programs, run by C level college graduates, mostly liberal women, have infiltrated and taken over the Welfare State, so poor people and black and latino and everyone else have to bow and scrape to them, as they bestow their gifts on their peons. And don't forget to vote for the current liberal candidate!
Made me realize that liberals created the ghettos, and the nigger mindset, and have EVERY intention of keeping it that way, as a base of their power. It's the new slavery, and it's fucking despicable. They better pray the niggers never figure it out, too. Some have, but only a handful, and it's not enough.
That, and my discovery I loved taking self-proclaimed anarchists and communists and socialists apart in college, with their insipid, poorly thought out ideas. Then seeing those same retards get jobs in media, academia, and government. Yes, that same burn out with dreads who lived on lsd and bullshit in college, memorizing Grateful Dead lyrics, maaaaaan, will one day wait on you in the county records office, and is still the same fuckup he was in college, and you have a sudden realization why government doesn't work.
We're all just meat sacks. We're monkeys. We just have this ability to use art to describe better worlds than the one we live in, and some of us are lazy and weak minded enough to believe it's possible. We get one guy, every 1000 years or so, who walks the walk, the rest is the same old bullshit.

You're welcome

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