“I might have handed him 10 bucks [and said,] ‘I definitely want your attorney-client privilege on this,’

“I might have handed him 10 bucks [and said,] ‘I definitely want your attorney-client privilege on this,’

Is this the way it works? Can I just pay an attorney 10 bucks and talk about doing something illegal then he can never talk about it?

Attached: 1523566899175.jpg (1600x1370, 362K)

It's all good man


Attorney's require a retainer and bill by the hour. Most attorneys charged 400 to 600 per hour, and require between 2 and 10 thousand in retainer.

So that's what it costs for attorney-client privilege.

>richfag that pays 5 different law firms to keep my privileges.

But Sean Hannity is saying Cohen accepted $10 for the privilege, is that OK if the lawyer will take it?

Before someone tries to call me out.

1. Corporate law (mergers, acquisitions, corporate entity formations)

2. Intellectual property, technology transfer, litigation

3. Concil attorney (in house)

4. Tax law

5. Personal lawyer (for my personal life because shit happens)

Doesn't fit to standard practices, no documentation in place, lawyers don't work for peanuts, argument is totally flimsy. Unless there is some record that guy is that other guys attorney, would be difficult to prove they are representing the client. I don't think saying someone paid him 10 dollars so now he's their lawyer would hold up to scrutiny.

They do it with $1 in Better Call Saul, so it must be how it works

It's possible, but you'd have to ask why (((Cohen))) would do that.
Real life isn't Breaking Bad.

who is she ?