Avenatti just announced a 100k reward for the ID and information leading to identifying the man who threatened stormy daniels. They just released his sketch on TV. You can email [email protected] with your info.

Attached: idthethug.png (740x1027, 1.2M)

Its the powerful wizard armani...

Hurricane Jack here. I know this guy - he is a mutt. How much is my info worth?

It looks like Donald Trump Jr. give me my money!

Looks like Tom Brady

Looks like a young Willem Dafoe

The Mooch

Attached: mooch.jpg (965x1299, 544K)

Found him

Attached: IMG_9231.jpg (320x320, 20K)

Calling it now:
(((They))) will kill Stormy Daniels and the (((MSM))) will make the world believe it was on Trump's orders, to 'shut her up'

Attached: Dexter.jpg (1000x1000, 295K)

We got him, Jow Forums does it again.

you're both right


Why would they kill some degenerate roastie they can parade around when they can wipe out another school and cause even more anti-gun shit?

I am watching The View right now. and its hilarious. I knew you frogs would get this pic and start spamming pics of who it could be on the chans.

I did it but that sketch doesn't even look like me

He can't keep getting away with this!!!!!

To make it look Trump ordered it, you dense nigger. School shootings are out for the Deep State crowd and they can't stage 20 shootings in 4 months

It's me..can I collect my money now

It's my husband!!!

Let's get them bitches on the view to say it is him. The fucking madman.

I had the same thought

Attached: Screenshot_2018-04-17-12-01-01~2.png (662x805, 817K)


>”Hey!! Isn’t that the guy (((they))) call /pol?”

Faggotry lurks amongst us, Anons.

He looks like a default avatar from an early 2000's rpg

Attached: 45w56856.jpg (600x314, 39K)

I think it's pewdiepie...

She's taking down Tony Robbins.
It's over boys. Bogdanoffs are crashing the plane, no survivors.

Lmao Its Dexter!

Attached: Michael_C._Hall.jpg (985x1477, 165K)

>the virgin washed up pornstar vs the Chad muscle for hire

Chris Hemsworth?

He appears to be based

possible desu

It's G.E. Smith from the snl band!

looks attractive, no doubt Stormy wanted him to fuck her

Is Robert Kiyosaki next?

Attached: phonytony.jpg (890x501, 102K)

Hes a goll damn hunk!

Jaime Lannister

Stormy is a Game of Thrones fan. Tell me that ain't Jamie Lannister.

Attached: Jaime-Lannister-game-of-thrones-20317262-1280-720.jpg (1280x720, 119K)

It's the Avatar from the Ultima games. Get Lord British on the moongate, he knows where to find the fuck.

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Attached: BRA371156.png (200x200, 15K)

Arrest them both and settle the matter with trial by combat.

Attached: hymyilevä hyvin kaunis natalia.jpg (505x640, 55K)

what did they mean by this Jow Forums?

sounds like she did but now muh remorse.

>all these faceblind people ITT
the autism is real

WWE Superstar Edge is the man who threatened Roastie Daniels?

no doubt she's fantasizing about this guy pinning her down and taking her by force right there on the parking lot, assuming this event ever happened in real life, which I don't believe it did

Attached: Arnold Schwarzenegger Young.jpg (600x849, 184K)

Why are she and her lawyer just allowed to make shit up?

It's the American way

Give me money!

Attached: whut.jpg (1320x1088, 161K)

I thought the drawing looked familiar!!!

Its me shes a lying whore. I will do it again soon.

We have a winner. Give that user a shekel.

Ahahahha.... Looks like Theo Von ("red-neck" comedian from L.A.)

Look him up... Looks EXACTLY like him

Nah, that guy only genocides those poor gargoyles. Besides, last I heard he stepped in some swamp water without green boots and died of sepsis within a day.

He doesn't make threats...

Looks like a generic white male

Attached: 1465853737958.jpg (480x360, 26K)

Attached: Avenatti, Michael 500.jpg (200x200, 5K)

It was me, Dio

Duh. It's Pulitzer Prize winner Ronan Farrow.

Attached: rf.jpg (750x563, 42K)

Why the fuck did that lawyer douche copy write the sketch?

Attached: 1523112713717.jpg (740x615, 59K)

El Goblino

Tom did have a maga hat in his locker...

Attached: brady_tom_2003.jpg (2560x1680, 362K)

Attached: maxresdefault.png (1280x720, 884K)

Dune guy?

Attached: dune.jpg (715x402, 35K)

he probably paid to have it concocted, and considering PR is probably all he will ever get out of this shitshow he's jewing his best

it was me, i did it

Attached: jeffery_epstein.jpg (989x616, 70K)

Of course he had to be handsome to make it more viral.

Attached: image.jpg (664x712, 116K)

That's Tom Brady.

Post yfw they find out that guy works in porn!

Attached: 82EAE2EA-54EB-475C-8701-B844C8333972.gif (331x197, 1.91M)

Joke's on them. Trump forces his russian thugs to undergo radical facial reconstructive surgery every year. He could look like anyone now. 4D chess.

That was my first thought, too.

Stormy doesn't understand, Scaramucci was just trying to fuckin' say hello, the fucking cunt. Ay, I'm walkin' here!


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haha, this... no wonder he's not showing up to Patriots camp

Bretty sure that's Kato Kaelin.

Sir Jamie!?

Forgot pic related.

Attached: IMG_2865.jpg (305x264, 23K)

LMFAO Trump sends his Italian goon to silence the rat.