Americans why do you choose to vote against your own best interests?

Americans why do you choose to vote against your own best interests?
Why do you oppose many beneficial things other developed nations have already implemented with good results?

Take national healthcare for example.
You say that it will drive up costs, but actually the USA spends more than any other country on healthcare

Attached: public private health care spending.png (654x571, 45K)

Finland: €50k yearly salary for an engineer, 50% total tax burden.
US: $120k yearly salary for an engineer, 30% total tax burden.

That's why.

American health care system is very ineffective. You spend so much, yet it does very little.

You think Obamacare would cost too much? Well now you'll pay even more in health care insurance premiums.

Attached: cost factors health care.png (978x751, 38K)

'cuz 'mericans are opposed to guhbernment.

The Finnish system is still miles ahead in efficiency that it's not even close. Health care is a major part of the Finnish budget but it's by no means the only thing driving the public expenditure up.
I agree that Finland should cut some taxes and therefore spending aswell, but health care shouldnt be one to get cut.

The US have a bigger spending in health care than Finland, in terms of nominal spending (just the amount of money used) and also if adjusted to the size of the nations GDP

Attached: Difference actual expected.png (667x569, 63K)

When I lived in the US I had insurance through my employer that covered everything I needed.

Here in Finland Kela refuses to pay for even basic diagnostics that are totally normal in any Western country. For example, I hurt my leg and needed an MRI. Kela paid like €100, and I had to pay €300. MRIs are covered in normal insurance in the US.

Also, here in Finland I pay a lot more for any kind of pharmaceutical than I did in the US.
At one point in the US I had no insurance. I paid less then half for setraline (an antidepressant) than I pay here, and that is with the Kela deduction.

So I would say the Finnish system is pretty much garbage, based on my own personal experience here.

Obamacare raised rates so high that it was cheaper to be fined then to purchase care. Further more the markets that were created to support it collapsed completely causing some providers to pull out of certain states completely.

Btw we ain't Europe. Our minority populations are larger then the populations of entire Euro countries.

Finland could still improve its public health care efficiency a lot and I hope that some of the proposed health care reforms actually work but I'm a bit dubious about that.

Any way that's beside the point..

Shut the fuck up, Finland. You're able to do what you do because six people live in your country and we subsidize your defense. Why don't you worry about avoiding tonight's Islamic war parties and we'll take care of U.S. healthcare.

Well employer insurance is probably a big factor why many are so content with the current system. They don't actually see the real costs so they dont give a damn.
But actually the costs are rampant, and so is the inefficiency.

That being said, the biggest thing isn't the inefficiency, butthe rampant inequality of the system.

People froim a poor social and economic background suffer a lot from the current system.
The US has higher deaths of adult males, there's a rampant opioid epidemic, health care is unaccessible to many.

Funny that you talk about the high drug prices, because overall they are higher in the US. The costs do vary a lot between different medicines and I'm sorry that you had to pay that much for your drug.
One thing driving up the costs in Finland is the licensed apothecaries and that they are so regulated. I'm not a fan of that in the slightest, and removing the restrictions to competition would be really beneficial, so atleast that's better in the US

Yes, the rates were high and many healthy people saw their premiums go up. What you have to understand though, is that Obamacare was designed for people with pre-existing conditions that could not get health care without it.
Their premiums were sky high before the act, and some couldnt even get care at all.
In order to get help for those people the government forced everyone to pitch in and subvent those people.
Without a mandatory health care of some sorts all you have is a problem of adverse selection.
Only sick people want to get privatized health care because they need it the most. The CBO actually calculated that with Obamacare the costs would go down in the future.
Now you voted Trump in office and you're back to square one and have to deal with the mess in the future, and believe me it's only gonna get bigger

Attached: adult males probability of death.png (540x399, 27K)

>we subsidize your defense
We're not part of NATO though..

Your military spending is overblown too. All you're doing is subsidizing the military sector. You could be doing something beneficial with that money instead.
You don't even have a country nearby that's actually gonna invade you like we do

Attached: defense government-budgets-education-vs-military-spending.jpg (1200x849, 538K)

You guys lobby a lot on health care. That's something I can't understand at all, lobbying.
It's basically government sanctioned bribery, yet you guys are just okay with it.
Then you wonder why the countrys so fucked.

And you guys are advertising prescription drugs even. Good job guys, really helps with the opioid epidemic

Attached: health care lobbying.png (849x638, 297K)

and why aren't you? slackers!

Attached: lazy-finland.jpg (320x224, 18K)

fuck off commie.
yes americans vote for obummer and jewcucks. most of these morons are like you is my guess


Also like to add, Hey OP take your socialism and fuck off Nord cuck

>developed nations

welfare states attract parasites and foster religion, degrading those nations

inequality is not an issue. that's just something that welfare people think.

In the US, medicine is in industry. Accounts for one out of every seven dollars in the economy, by either salary, manufactured goods, for services. Public healthcare turn off that faucet. All countries with socialized medicine benefit from the research that this private system develops . You then use those developments in your socialized medicine countries. If not for our private healthcare you would still use cupping and leeches.

>good results
Think again faggot. The welfare system is the worst thing that can happen to any civilization. If you take away the dependency on each other by providing social services for "free" you will ruin social cohesion which in return will increase demand for more social services.
Western people these days are not miserable because they have to work long hours or because they don't have enough money but because they don't have real relationships with the people around them. They have no one who they can depend upon if shit hits the fan and this will only get worse the more the state takes over the role of the caretaker.

Attached: 1520192228385.jpg (800x965, 189K)

>Obamacare was designed for people with pre-existing conditions that could not get health care without it
Funny you fat commie faggot, because my sister had Medicare due to a birth condition and lost it thanks to Obamacare, and is unable to qualify for Obamacare. In short, please do everyone in your life a favor and end it.

Because our country has commies aswell

That was what it was designed for. Now I'm not saying the implementation was good. I don't have first hand experience about it

Yet the US has programms like food stamps and it does have some sort of public health care.
It's just that with your tax expenditure you should be getting a lot more than you're getting right now but none of you seem to mind

It is an issue though, because it ruins social cohesion and can cause civil unrest.
Now I'm not saying you should all be equal or some other commie shit, but acting like there isnt any levels of inequality that are bad is just plain stupid

Americans are to fat and unhealthy for social healthcare.

Anyway, the way immigration is going right now our social security/health care will collapse in our lifetime anyway.

>a completely different demographic makeup

No idea.

It's not about the demographics though. UK has a lot of multiculti, so does Canada.

Yeah, we shouldn't take any immigrants. Especially not Middle East people, why the fuck would we import their shitty undeveloped ways here.

Finland, why do you hate biotechnology so much that your country refuses to fund it via private or public means in any reasonable level?

American healthcare is the way it is solely because of the biotech/pharmaceutical sectors.

you do realize that most of the highly advanced medical knowledge, techniques and technology all those other countries enjoy are a product of the U.S.?

it's one thing to sit back and enjoy the fruits of someone else's labor and proclaim how advanced you are, but places like Canada and the UK spend an infinitesimal fraction on research and development that the US does. and the reason is because it all has to be sponsored by the state. here anyone can start a R&D company to help further medicine, and they can pay for it through hospitals, clinics, etc.

Go away kike. Nice try with the flag too.

>Yes, the rates were high and many healthy people saw their premiums go up. What you have to understand though, is that Obamacare was designed for people with pre-existing conditions that could not get health care without it.
>Their premiums were sky high before the act, and some couldnt even get care at all.

My own premiums from my employer-provided health insurance went from $37.80 to $159 a paycheck in two years.

I do no know of a SINGLE person, pre-existing conditions or otherwise, that was able to receive health insurance at a reduced rate.

I know it's anecdotal evidence, but I am talking about ~300 people.

And the people with pre-existing conditions are still eating themselves into an electric scooter and insulin injections. Their health is just as shit. Nothing has changed.

Broke fag here

Before Obamacare I didn't have health insurance and paid 4 grand for a weeks long stay in the hospital over the course of 2 years

After Obamacare I paid the same amount but now I have to pay health insurance on top of that every month

I liked the old system better and I don't like fin faggots thinking there system will adapt to ours especially when they don't know what the fuck they are talking about. Clean up your own backyard faggot. We're doing fine.

Yes the US is leading in health care research and that is a good thing. But the major reason why US is leading is because you have a higher GDP than other nations. Not because you have a better health care system
And it's not like other countries aren't doing anything. Europe has major drug companies like Novartis, Sanofi Aventis, Glaxo-Smith Kleine etc.
Even Finland has Orion.

Seems like Obamacare was really badly implemented.
However that doesn't mean that nationalized health care cant work

Look at this butthurt mongol! "I live in a tiny, inconsequential nation of stabhappy antisocial freaks, and I can't stop thinking about American Healthcare Policy!" I can honestly say I've never given a moment's thought to any aspect of your frozen, shitty little country of knife-wielding Asiatics.

Where do healthcare innovations come from? Who develops them and who rides coat tails to reap the benefits?

it's not just the GDP, it's that our healthcare model differs not at all from any other business model.

The undeniable fact of life is that healthcare is really fucking expensive. but one of the main reasons that it is so expensive is because of the government regulating it in favor of the insurance companies. Insurance companies are nothing more than fronts for banks. Insurance companies do not pay a single penny out of their own coffers, all of their money comes into and out of a bank.

On one hand, this is actually a good model since it allows the healthcare industries to charge money that they actually deserve but it's bad because it forces just about everyone to have health insurance. and since health insurance is simply a gamble by a bank, many are left behind. through govt regulation, they have skewed the odds, which raises rates across the board to cover the banks investments in people and despite popular opinion, these investments yield low returns but stable returns, it's simply a product of the amount of investments that yields them so much money not unlike wal-mart. and it is because of this system that there is so much money available for R&D.

>I believe what I'm told
>I don't actually have any experience with reality
>stab stab stab

I was just researching this and wanted to come here to ask why you guys do this.
Yeah you have a completely different system. It just seems so ineffective to outsiders.
Maybe your system helps Pharmaceutical companies R&D, sad that most of drug research never amounts to anything beneficial

I'm actually arguing with facts and data.
Adverse selection is a real issue and mandatory insurance could help that. I haven't found out why Obamacare was so bad and costly for people

What many americans seem to forget about is that you spend roughly the same percentage of public funds than Finland on health care.

why dont you spend some of that money youre 'saving" through socialized medicine on defending your own country instead of expecting the US to do it for you?
the US is the third most populous country on earth, with a massive number of illegal aliens from impoverished 3rd world countries, so any comparison is skewed tremendously
when finland has 30% of its population made up of niggers, beaners and other illegal leeches, then maybe you can compare per capita spending .

Nuh Uhh!!!
socialized medicine is magic! if you say otherwise youre disloyal to The Party and will have to go to gulag, where i can assure you, medical care is top notch.
everybody gets the same care, measured in shovels of dirt in your mass grave.

your own graph shoes that the US government spends more on health care than any other country except Norway and Luxembourg.

Finns are not white.

>foster religion
The Nordic states are the most secular in Europe, brainlet

That kind of was the point.. You spend yet you dont get the benefits other countries get. Something in your system is broken

yet we do get the benefits. anyone can get health care here in the US and it's of higher quality than anywhere else in the world. yeah it's expensive but we have more money than any other country except Norway, Luxembourg, and possibly Switzerland. richer countries spend more money on health care? shocking.

there's a lot of reasons that US health care is expensive (such as the AMA's monopoly on who can be a doctor, and the ban on the importation of drugs) that are almost 100% caused by the government. the rest is caused by things like obesity that are indirectly caused by the government (corn subsidies etc).


>defending your own country instead of expecting the US to do it for you?
Finland isn't part of NATO, please educate yourself. It also spends around 3% of it's GDP on defence. That's more than the Britts spend, for instance.

>Americans why do you choose to vote against your own best interests?

I vote for whichever party is vocally the most pro white and that's not the democrats who want literally no southern border.
Spics out.

Sucks that you only get two choices that are both completely ass

Europeans generally get two major parties, a third sizeable party, and like 7 more tiny parties, which usually all suck ass.

it doesn't really matter where you are. democracy isn't a sham. monarchs are generally incompetent. communism was a disaster. it doesn't matter where you are or what the system is, men are not fit to rule over other men.