Gun control would lower the rate of suicide among white males

Gun control would lower the rate of suicide among white males.

I’m just saying.

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>you can only kill yourself with a gun

Kys with a knife
FuckI'm just saying

No one cares, faggot.

i think voluntary euthanasia should be available to everyone.

We would just find another way to do it.

White men are creative, we'd find better ways to kill ourselves.

His body, his choice.
Take away their guns and they will be forced to resort to back-alley coathanger suicides.

>Nigger control would lower the rate of suicide among white males

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>Liberals somehow now care about white men's lives
Make your minds sheesh

are you fucking dumb you can suicide using thousands of different methods. How about we gas the kikes and send back all the immigrants to make our society happy and homogenous like it was before the jews took over?

Gonna ban bleach and pills and toasters and bathtubs and ropes and razorblades too?

>blacks commit the vast number of homicides, including gun homicides
>white men shouldn't have guns.
White men would be able to give up their guns if black people were eliminated.

as if a nigger lives matter faggot cares about white men.

Yes goys, it's the guns not the SSRI's

>implying that means is a motive
Dumb. I own a gun, and I may commit suicide, and it literally would have nothing to do with the fact that I own a gun.
I can’t believe how stupid leftists are.

Since when do Afrocentrists care about white suicide?
I’m doing a big think over here

Japan has an even worse suicide rate than the US, and has vastly more strict gun laws.

Checkmate, gun-grabbers.

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>muh body muh choice

ban cliffs and bridges

can you kill some niggers and jews b4 you check out. that gun holds more than one round. thanks!

>tfw people are angry that they are late to work when you kill yourself by jumping under train

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That's right whitey, there's no escape from this nightmare.

much better for people to jump in front of a train fucking up the commute for thousands and mentally destroying the poor saps who have to mop up the brains bones blood and entrails from the track
that's what happens in my city

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Not true. In South Korea, where guns are very hard to get, men poison themselves.
If there is a will, there is a way. The human heart is the problem, not inanimate objects, you moron.

So, do we also need ropes and razorblades control?

those faggots don't care about our suicide rate.

It's going down btw

As the ones who would have killed themselves learn about the real enemy.

Yes, let's take away the means of suicide without solving the reason why so many are commuting it. Sounds like a great way of going about solving your problems.

Someone has to provide for POCs, women and minorities. What, do you say blacks should go to work and not rely on welfare paid by white men? That's racist

I'd gun grab her any day of the week.


don't need control. need more heroes

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no it wouldn't retard.
when men attempt to commit suicide, they do it with the intention of actually killing themselves, unlike women. Which is why they choose methods that are pretty much guarenteed to work. Any man who is ready to shoot himself will easily kill himself in one of many other ways.

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Not having shitty lives would also lower the rate of suicide, it is a symptom not a disease.

Depressedfag here. Yeah, I could kill myself with some other means, but they're either painful or have high rates of failure. Nooses are slow. I might be found and taken to a hospital before death if I slash arteries unless I go for the femoral, and that would hurt like a motherfucker. Poison and overdosing--to date I have survived ostensibly lethal doses of percocet, vicodin, and dilaudid already; I don't even know where you'd get barbiturates. I'm not sure my car even produces enough carbon monoxide to kill me before I'm 'rescued' if I ran a hose from my tailpipe, and that's if I can get the motherfucker to run, a constant struggle that contributes to why I so often feel like killing myself.

No, the only sure way is gunfire. If and when I end it I'm going to put the barrel of my .45 in my mouth, my 9mm to my temple, and pull both triggers at once.

>men are voluntarily killing themselves because they live in a feminized culture which regards them as useless
>"Well clearly what we need to do here is feminize it even further and then prevent people from being able to commit suicide to escape from it. Problem solved!"

My body my choice.

This is maddeningly disingenuous. No one in the media gave a fucking shit about male suicide before. This faux concern is just another vector they're using to promote gun confiscation.

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The devil does good with bad intentions.

jump off a high building head first, that should get the job done.

Hey nigger.
You should get some help.

no it wouldnt. a man that wants to kill himself will do it without tools if necessary

...I'm afraid of heights. Fell off a treehouse ladder at a friend's house and got knocked the fuck out when I was five. Never been cool with heights ever since.

It might reduce suicide rate among people who want it done quickly and other methods of suicide like by hanging will increase.

That's what has happened in Australia.

If you were going to kill yourself then the legality of the firearm would not matter.


Nooses are supposed to break the neck after falling a certain distance, not to suffocate you hanging there you t.v. fag

>one post by this id
stop taking the bait pls

Well if you're determined to die that rush from falling is gonna be a real neat thrill

Oh, NOW they care about white men dying?

I would just dive headfirst under a bus. That's what Chinese people do

I had a dream one time where i was up in a skyscraper walking from one side of the building to the other looking out the windows. And i sat down in this little waiting area and realized that the building was swaying. And the swaying got worse and worse until i couldnt stand and i heard a loud crack and the building started to freefall. I woke up just as i was getting crushed by rubble. Im scared to go in skyscrapers now. Im not afraid of hights. Im afraid of high structures.


You'd be mad too if it happened every other day. Plus, what if your job was cleaning the rails and shit?

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If you're honestly willing and wanting to die, don't you see how that is freedom and makes life worth living again? You can do anything and take any risk because you know you have an easy way out unlike others.

Just a thought I've had re: suicide. Any way, what makes you want to kill yourself?

Not everybody a pussy like you either

>we need to take away your ability to kill yourself

Wee woo wee woo dystopian hellworld alert

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You are right. It would also help black men by stopping them from killing each other.

The inherent stupidity found in humanity. Their insatiable appetite for debauchery. Their willful ignorance. Their carelessness and irresponsibility. I hate how everyone is obsessed with living in the moment. Make everyday the best bullshit. Degrade yourself. Perpetuate degeneracy. Be a whore seeking fame with no concept of shame. Stick your dick in so many holes it rots and falls off. Spread your fucking degenerate faggot diseases. Ruin it for the rest of us. Their willingness to go along with a perverted status quo. Humanity makes me want to kill myself.

Why would anyone kill themselves? Its the world that needs purging.

Most niggers can't buy guns legally by the time they turn 20 because of criminal records.

Gun control doesn't affect niggers one bit because they can buy black market guns from any drug dealer or trap house in the hood.

Gun control only affects middle class whites who don't want their kids anal raped and killed by niggers who want to steal their big screen TV.

only because it is a means to grabbing guns

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And what's wrong with killing yourself? It's better than wasting away in some old folks home, eeking out every last moment of "life" out of a desperate fear and cowardice. I mean, killing yourself out of despair is pretty weak, yes, but everyone should have the means to go out the way they want, provided they can do it themselves (none of this "i wanna be killed medically shit")

Cato the Younger achieved more with his death than 99.9% of people do with their entire lives. Suicide is a moral duty in certain cases.

I think more and more people will choose to take out their anger and frustration on society instead of themselves. The thought of killing yourself. Would never fucking exist is if society wasnt a thing.

>Gun control would lower the rate of suicide among white males.
No it would not effect suicide rates. Suicide rates are inelastic, no guns, you end up with 19,000 jumpers and bleach drinkers.

>don't you see how that is freedom and makes life worth living again?
>do anything and take any risk
Never been depressed, have you?

Yes because reducing suicide so that way they could be more murders because you create an artificial demand for Guns (by Banning them) in the black market is totally justified you emotional twat go f****** kill yourself.

If you had a good point it's ruined by being a fedora.

Virgin, on some point of the spectrum, 105-10 IQ and deluded about being smart because non-dysfunctional spectrum kids are teacher's pets and your teacher's encouraging remarks during formative years lacking in any other kind of attention is your ego's last refuge.

just thrust a sawzall into your neck.

Let me explain it like this.
If you know you don't have to get up in the morning, you know you can party or play or drink for as long as you want? And often you do that, right. But there's a point at which there not being any consequences later does not matter, because you're so tired that you want to go to sleep RIGHT FUCKING NOW. You can't make use of not having to go to sleep because sleeping is the only thing you still want.
That's a bit how being depressed is like.

We need speech control because "journalists" who peddle this retarded ass shit make me want to an hero

In the US, suicide by firearm and hanging are statistically tied for method of choice.

People don't kill themselves out of convenience faggot.
Gun suicides would decrease but other forms of suicide would rise in response

I'm seriously considering it lately. I probably should seek help.

OP be careful you dont commit suicide, it would be a real shame.

>they wouldn't use alternative methods

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>Why Black Men Desperately Need Gun Control
Gang violence would lower the rate of death among black youths.

I'm just saying.

This is what would lower the suicide rate among males.
>Better treatment by medical professionals when seeking solutions for injuries caused from work.
>Men get injured and cant work.
>Cant afford treatment to get better because no work
>Lose job because cant get better
>Doctor dismiss pain spasms, thinking you are scrounging for meds.
>Told it should get better and to come back in another week.
>Still in chronic pain
>Only one real way to stop the pain.
>pic related.

Chronic pain and the lack of treatment is the number one cause of male suicide.

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What part of "guns don't kill people, people kill people" don't they understand?

Curing the anomie and defeatism problems in Western societies cures both the mass violence and the suicide epidemics.

fuck that makes me sad for terry :[


>I need the government to babysit me

Your post is irrelevant because you clearly aren't suicidal enough to kill yourself. I actually attempted suicide by jumping off the roof of my apartment and almost was paralyzed for life for fucking it up. Stop pretending you understand shit when you are just an attention whore

Don't lecture about depression, have spent 8 years without any emotions or relationship with family or friends because it's just a hassle and I get no satisfaction from it. I only smile when my mother does her yearly visit and it's a conscious theatrical performance so as to not worry her. I still don't want to kill myself. If I did, I'd make it worthwhile. Something for the books, or taking down some sick people, or at least testing every drug known to man before the deed.

You can buy helium at Wal-Mart.

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Pro-rape / pro-tyranny threads get sage.

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They could just fall off a building or something. Or a noose.

People survive gunshots to the head you know. You think life is shit for you now, imagine how your going to feel when you can't even control your body functions (let alone move unassisted). You will have to live the rest of your life like that wishing you could back to now, because you will not be able to attempt another suicide ever again. You will be too much of a spazoid to do so.

fuck that man.

improve your situation or come help us improve ours. if you have to, at least go out with a 'good deed'.

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Your best bet is some combination of pharmaceutical assistance and gunshot. Like Uncle Adolf of the bunker.

why the media is so obsessed with telling white men what to do?

it will only radicalize them even more

>Let me take your shit
>It's good for you
No thanks. I've been depressed on and off for most of my life until I started going to the range as a hobby. Having access to firearms actually lowers my chances of suicide.

This, that's all it boils down to in the end.
Saying that gun control would lower suicide rates is retarded.
Furthermore, it is an heresy to think that the state should be able to prevent you from killing yourself if you wanted to. It's the ultimate form of socialism : your life belongs to the state, it's not yours. That kind of thinking is extremely worrying.

playing devils advocate here... you can kill yourself in a heat of passion with a gun where as killing yourself by jumping off a bridge takes a lot more planning and thought.

It's like the 2A version of this

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Nah. Helium, pvc tubing, duct tape and a strong plastic bag. Lost 2 mates to that process already. I found one of them. The helium had consumed EVERY molecule of oxygen in his body and he was bluer than fucking smurf. Suicide note drafts scattered all over the floor. He was suffering chronic pain and anxiety, the other was facing prison time. Best thing you can do is to arrange someone OTHER than family or friends to find your dead body. Have some fucking courtesy on them at least.

Nintendo? Soy? Both?

Os du Randt was a fucking beast. I met his son and he is fucking huge. Jesus Christ that family has some beastly genes.