It seems the more wealthy a country becomes the fewer people are willing to have fewer children.
I would love to hear some practical solutions
It seems the more wealthy a country becomes the fewer people are willing to have fewer children.
I would love to hear some practical solutions
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what we hungarians did. Based Orban
Bring refugees and refugees and racemix to lower the iq = higher fertility, stronger economy.
Offer finiancial insentives probably
have unprotected sex moron
unironically annudah shoah
Wow. That plus 2 year maternity leave is fucking nice. Good shit
The only solution is to have children of your own. If you have siblings that are childless, encourage them to have children. Societal change will start with personal change.
A lot of Amerimutts are gonna see this, and move to your country.
Have fun with that, László.