You're right, Trump knows exactly what he's doing -- playing us all!!!

You're right, Trump knows exactly what he's doing -- playing us all!!!

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get fucked by your tranny trudeau cuck, leaf

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Don't try to patronize me! Trump is finished! He's done! It's over! Chickens coming back to rooster!

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Trump is just pretending to be an establishment kike to trick the deep state. He's going to nuke Israel any day now.

>inb4 99D chess with interstellar backgammon
Your guy keeps betraying you trumpanzees, and you keeping sticking to his ass like shit.

Its not a matter of Trump, its that everyone around him is a damn traitor.

He appointed these people. At what point do we start holding him accountable for his own decisions?

He said that section of the bill was vague. And I wouldn't even say it was a loss either since it makes it harder to deport violent criminals now. The one who suffers the most under this bill are the states with high amounts of immigrants.

I'm glad people on Jow Forums are finally waking up to what a horrible president Trump is. It feels so fucking vindicating as someone who has frequently posted here and tried to explain to the redcaps just how bad and GUILTY he is over the last 2 years.

Thank fuck

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Your OP is shit.



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It isn't wrong though, look at all the people who agree.

Yeah, we can finally leave Jow Forums and never come back. Fuck this garbage pit. I'm so tired of this place.

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It's definitely 4D chess but trumpfags are the ones getting played and they don't even care.

Gorsuch wasn't even a Trump pick, he was an establishment pick. Should've been your first red flag that "drain the swamp" was a lie.

So you admit your OP is shit, now "oh look people agree"

You dumb faggot.

>sticking to his ass like shit.
well who is lined up to compete with him? I've not seen anyone decent yet, the Kennedy kid is basically on meth all the time, he looks and acts like he is anyway

>1994 law
>2010 case

Devastating blow for Trump all the same

Burglary isnt inherenrly a violent crime, governments fault for charging him under false pretenses
Now fuck off obamaleaf