Fuck i shouldn't of lost those 60 pounds
WW3, If they bring back conscription
I'm 38 so I'm going to impregnate slags while all the hoodrats are off fighting for the yids.
I'd be medically unfit probably so fuck the rest of you.
>tfw LITERALLY disabled
And I'm not even worried about getting nuked. Fuck it, bring it on, release me from this earth.
Feels good man
really hope poland joining them becomes a reality. im half polish , and if putin wants to give me a tank, and dual ballers, im down
good goy
You can. Im late 30's so would volunteer as an officer and get a project management type job as thats what I would do.
Whilst they drag you kicking and screaming to basic training, I will be doing a 9-5 in a chair and home every night for Emerdale.
Cheers lads.
>Has degree in electronic and Electrical Engineering
>Will i be placed in operation hide behind the niggers
If we all conscripted knowing our kike government only whites will be sent because its discrimination.
They've confiscated your knifes, bitch.