How do we fix the NEET epidemic?

How do we fix the NEET epidemic?

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A reason to participate in society other than


Leave us NEETs alone. Why are you doing like the commies that want to make everyone work?

If you arent jealous of my lifestyle and you dont hate it, why do you want to destroy it? I dont hate you for working and dont plan to make you stop.

Maybe if there were good paying jobs, the neets would work at least for a while..

It's not an epidemic, it is evolution. Imagine in the near future we have manned shipments between Earth, the Moon and Mars. Normies would go crazy without human contact for over 6 months. Neets? Not so much. Isolationists are prime candidates for semi-automated voyages. Put a neet on a large automated vehicle and let them spend an hour a day doing actual work and the rest of the time leave them alone and feed them vidya, anime and tasty snacks.

>tfw no space-faring Philip K Dick cyberpunk future where we colonize mars & the moon

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Remove normies, they are insufferable

Force them to get their thyroids checked so they can finally get their brains working again and check their emotions....y'know; be men

NEETS are few and far between

>implying NEETdom is the cause and not the symptom
99% of you brainless haven’t even read Newton’s Principia. Most of you don’t even read books worth reading. Most of nu-Jow Forums hasn’t even read Evola. But, naturally, you’re all quite opinionated.

It’s a pathology whereby those with little to no wisdom feel that they must demonstrate something by spouting mass-consumed memes and deriding people around them based on semantics (and a very tentative grasp of logic).

This board is actually a microcosm of everything wrong with the West.
>hurr durr we hate degeneracy and want wholesomeness yet jack off to porn 24/7
>muh IQ differences (*is borderline illiterate*)
>muh intellect (*can’t focus on anything longer than 140 characters*)
Nu-Jow Forums is cancer. The West is cancer. It’s deeper than NEETdom.

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You can't.
Your society is shit, it's only going to get worse.

Honest to God man I want you to get out in the world and help us. There are so many abject pieces of human trash running wild out here it would be great to see someone who would be willing to shake hands and talk. If you are going to be an example, be a good one. Please join us on the other side of your front door.

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>being a man entails cucking yourself into what is essentially paid slavery

Also whats your business counting MY money and judging how can I afford to not work if when and how?

You see them as problems, stop to think maybe they are managing their life better than you if they dont have to wagecuck.

I was working for years and let me tell you nobody wants to pay, ever, everyone wants jobs done for free OR they will greatly underpay you because immigrants will do it for even less. I found my ticket out the system and Im out for good seriously keep your breadcrumbs. If you cant manage out its your business but stay in your place and dont come close to those that are doing better than you. You have no right to count my money.

As others said. You have to give men a reason to want to not be a neet. It's same with more and more men an heroing. And more and more getting redpilled and going mgtow. There's literally no incentive to be a man. To get a wife,and for some even live at all. Till that's fixed it will only get worse.

Wouldn't it be an achievement to own a piece of property to call your own?

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>How do we fix the NEET epidemic?
We don't.

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Never. Fuck you, fuck people, fucking society.

Does anyone have the version of this that says "nobody is in any danger but if you pull the lever the train will drive closer so you can wave at all the people inside"

Public beheadings. NEETs are the ones lying around at home all day watching videos of e-celebs and jacking off to streamer girls. Completely useless.

You won't do shit.

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You would think that the shut ins would do shut in things like pick up the habit of reading, but no.
I can't come to respect anyone who doesn't read books by habit as a way to better understand the world around him and himself.
Just this one thing alone would cause the volk movement to reawaken simply by pattern recognition over a period of time through reading history.

Most people I know, while not straight-up NEETs, are not very social. They just go to work, go home, and go to bed. I'm 30 and I have precisely one friend that I still actually, physically hang out with on a somewhat regular basis.

After a certain age, you just stop making new friends and then after that, you just stop caring about everything. I'm not sure why this happens, but when I look at the "popular guys" I used to hang out with 10+ years ago, they're all pretty much the same as the rest of us, just going to work or doing whatever, coming home, and staying there.

In fact, I bet I'm on the most social people because I actually hang around my one friend once every few months, most people I know only see their friends in quick passing at the store or through a few comments on some social media.

It's sad, but it is what it is.

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i think the only solution may be sex robots and more cash. man elected in landslide victory!

Unironically, conscription.

>Wouldn't it be an achievement to have a bank own a piece of property you call your own?

i am neet, greg
can you fix me

Come on. Come and make me leave my house I fucking dare you cunt.

Neet here, just read, hike, work out and browse chans. Convince me at this point why I should work

This shit boomers pull wears anyone with an ounce of pride or dignity down fast as fuck
>Tell us how much you love our Jewish conglomerate and your passion for stacking shelves user, don't forget to cradle my balls while you do

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>Statists are so scared of wealthy NEETs bringing up the standards of living they want to enforce literal african-tier forced labor and conscription because theyre jealous sanculotte commies inside

Its always because you envy us. So much for your idealogy.

Open more Chippendales

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To buy guns and land, and tow the soil for homesteading and live on it like your ancestors of past.

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fucking this.

>implying my ancestors homesteaded
fuck off


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free online accredited courses. training/internship/apprenticeship that recognizes those courses.

I'm a NEET because there's no reason not to be. Why should I struggle to participate in a society that will likely never accept me, and if it does it will mean sacrificing my own happiness? Why should I work to live when I don't have a reason to live in the first place? There is no purpose in my life, and I have yet to find purpose in anything this world has to offer. The only way to fix the NEET problem is to fix the unfair and chaotic nature of the world. Until then I'll stick to virtual worlds where the deck wasn't stacked against me the day I was born.

No thanks lmao

Prise this copy of Yakuza 6 from my cold dead hands.

Checked neets blessed fonfirmed.

>fix a problem that doesn't exist
Give a NEET something to live for other than fucking some mediocre girl once or twice.
The majority of people in human history died alone, most people lost their virginity from prostitutes. Very few people actually successfully bred in comparison to the amount of people that died drifting from year to year and successful areas for breeding usually had a great cause to maintain such a population.

What reason to we have anymore?
Give me a war, give me a post-apoc, give me the wilderness where doing nothing equates to death.
Like the rest of human history or fuck off because our current society justifies no reason when I can put in minimum effort and survive easily.

Or a bank owned apartment, you can still buy property man to man here.

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Make incentives to work greater than incentives to not work, I guess.

Most normies work because they're addicted to luxuries and conspicuous consumption and being passively entertained. This bait doesn't work on everyone though.

If you're frugal and not decadent you it's easy to live live on >€7k a year. NEETism is an ascetic loophole to freedom.

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I'm 30 and only see a couple guys every so often to watch a sportsball game because there's nothing else to do but get high and it's boring after 10+ years of that.

The rest of my friends are married and only see them every-so-often. Life just enters a routine and it's hard to make new friends because a lot of guys who aren't tied up with families just don't have the same desire to socialize either except to get high.

>being a NEET
>no sex
>no stds
>no alcoholic problems
>no jealousy
>being a virgin till death
>godly people
being a NEET is the ultimate red pill

Being a neet is genociding your race and slaving for the jew...mental prison weakling....working hard, making money, and creating a better life for yourself is not slavery... living off of parents or goverment cheese is terrible...fucking worms

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It sounds like your government is actively shitting on you. You should just take it and smile.

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>it's easy to live live on >€7k a year

How do you do this? Frugal myself but this seems impossible at least in the US.

We tried to help them but all we met was jealousy and malice. Who put them in charge of deciding one has to work? Do they check on eachothers workdays with the same arrogance too?

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No. Fuck off retard. Read Kazcysnski. Men don't live like this. Slaves live like this.

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>Being a neet is ... slaving for the jew

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>own a piece of property
Except, thanks to property taxes, you never own it free and clear. Miss a payment and it gets taken away.

>"Be a man!"
>"Also don't say what is and isn't a man!"
>"and this ftm is totally a man!"

Yeah nah

Good paying jobs just don't get handed good paying jobs you have to work your way up...fucking entitled brats

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Did you see the ease in which grandpa samurai shoved that twink out of the way?

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There's literally 0 reason to leave the house.

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Everyones ancestors did...or maybe they were just parasites like you

organize suicide bombings using them

That edginess tho. Posting MMA pics? Oh fuck don't kick my ass dude, you're hardcore.

Once you see the yarmulke you can never unsee it

>banker bailout

Get real, we're past that.

End the Fed.

Or stay home and die with regret. Just try.

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end welfare

by letting the sjw elite win in the gg war...when everything is misogyny and "muh dick" they will leave in droves and the industry will collapse
only then will they get a new life

You'll do nothing you fucking commoner

This. Learn a useful skill people will pay you lots of money to do. If you’re not willing to do that then you have no right to bitch and complain about your circumstances.

That's how The U.S.A. use to be
>Make incentives to work greater than incentives to not work, I guess.
There was a baseline for profit margin.
After that you got a bonus for every dollar extra you put into your bosses pocket.
So effectively adding 100 dollars more per hour into corporate profits more than you usually would could possibly equate to 10 dollars more per hour in your pocket.
Some jobs had less percentages some had more.
My father worked at a job that had 25% additional profit for production.
This was your incentive to work hard.
However at some points companies decided that extra "25%" would be added to the baseline of production.
Now you had people skipping corners just to make the new basic production which was done by only the hardest of workers, working their fucking asses off.
Quality went down, efficiency went down and you no longer got bonuses for hard work.
Add in inflation and jobs not even matching the economy and it became pointless.
Why would I literally kill myself working for what is literal crumbs in comparison. When thirty-forty years ago it was hard work and provided a comfortable life (not glamorous), but hard work could still get you a retirement with those kinds of bonuses.
Since productivity went down they started adding more people to production lines to try and make up profit. Quality went down further since it was all about hiring more people instead of better.

At the end of the day i'd say 99% of companies hire based off pure numbers alone and hard work means little to nothing.

Coordinated, massive EMP attack that takes down the grid for months. Thousands will die, but it's the only way to free the youth from the chains of mindless video games and media consumption.

I choose staying at home and playing video games until I die of a blood clot.

No man

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Really kicking myself for not taking that security job when I had the chance

I'm not a neet. I take no government handouts. None. I work 2 days a week. But since I make over 13k before taxes and am single I don't qualify for benefits. I just refuse to work more than 30 hours a week cause that's slave tier. Neets have the right idea. But not many can get on neetbux.

NEETs can afford not to work. Why do you have a problem with that? If your only lot in life is to generate wealth and work, go ahead and do that, you obviously cant afford to do otherwise. NEETs already have a better life for themselves. Just keep your criminal statism to yourself you jealous twat.

Even some of the worst hikikomori will leave their house if they're starving to death, a nice societal collapse would force NEETs to go out and do something, and some of them would probably love it since they're largely NEETs because they hate society as it is now, I can imagine a lot of them going around killing normalfags and raping every female they can get their hands on.

NEET uprising when?

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Because I don't need much to live as a hermit when daddy government provides for everything.

Who's complaining? I love being a NEET. The only people who seem to bitch about NEETs are blue collar workers in denial. The ones who hate that we've found a way out while they suffer, but they are to proud to admit their own suffering.

No good goy to pay (((taxes))) or join the (((military)))

Give them a gun, send them off to war, point to the enemy, and tell them those are the normies.

Beam me up Scotty

I've cut off human contact for at about 3 years now
Aside from the monthly trips to the grocery store that is
I'm ready to colonize some stars

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The question isn't "how", it's "should we." Why continue to slave away for the jew and have your money taken away for the nogs?

>Being a neet is genociding your race and slaving for the jew.
Actually it's the only way off this ride, unless you want your offspring to be massacred when they are completely outnumbered.
Unless you change something yourself, you merely damn your children.

Here's a guy who does it in the US:

I think he retired at 30 and lives off his investments. Early retirement is actually easier in the US than in a lot of Euro countries because we tend to pay a lot more taxes and have all kinds structures in place that make it harder to not be cucked by the state at all times.

We do have a comfy welfare state in the Netherlands though as a result so I'm just on the dole. It's the most sensible way to get out of the rat race over here, I think. I pay rent and utilities and health insurance and have internet and a cheap phone plan. I own very few things, dress simply, have old but perfectly functional tech and cook frugal and healthy meals. Walk or bike everywhere, read pirated or library books and drink some cheap booze once in a while. Life is pretty cheap when you keep it simple.

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It's not all about generating is about generating enough wealth to give way to better and more fulfilling experiances...becoming better, stronger, smarter

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me, i choose to shitpost until i die


So if anything happens and you actually need to take part in physical world you will be totally incapable. Good to know.

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NEEThood is the product of Capitalism.
When reality is so meaningless and insufferable, and escapist products are so potent and plentiful, it's actually surprising not more people go down that road.
I'd imagine many WOULD, given the choice.

You don't, you join them

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>How do we fix the NEET epidemic?

Are they being clandestinely zersetzung'd?

I really don't think you have experienced joy.

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>How do we fix the NEET epidemic?
Try to invent some actual reason to stop neeting.

>public beheadings
>No u

sorry I just dont see how I could better myself when someone has to PAY me to do something and be somewhere Id rather not be.

Recommended reading for everyone ITT.

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The gigantic welfare state also has a part. Only reason the states hasn't devolved into full blown anarchy is due to EBT and SNAP. Circuses only work so long as there's bread.

Fucking this.
I have, just don't enjoy life anymore. It has lost it's luster and have been isolated for two years And as for that first image, fun fact: I live in Birmingham.


You have to make life good for yourself.