Was it like living in the south next to a bunch of black people? Was highschool fun? How are white women in southern states? Are they all coalburning sluts and lie about it? Are black girls nice?

I live in state with a strong Mexican population. Some are BASED but illegal beaners are the worst. I don't really mind them but is it really bad living next to black people?

Attached: Us_south_census.png (566x365, 16K)

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Niggers suck

>is it really bad living next to black people?

It's worse living next to Californians.

It's absolutely terrible, just the worst, you should stay where you are and tell every last one of your friends that they should never move or even visit other states because it's just so darn bad out here.

You have it better than you think. Stay in California.

Stop pretending that urban california isn't just as infested as the south. Unless you've lived in the suburbs your whole life you've dealt with the same situations a southerner would have.

I never lived in a neighborhood were black people lived. I did live in a Mexican neighborhood. The reason I'm asking is because I was at Atlanta's airport once and I felt really out of place.

Grew up in rural Florida.
Nobody gives a fuck about anything, it was great. Now I'm on the West coast and y'all are a bunch of soft bitches

I live in the Yay Area, lived with niggers and beaners. Beaners are million times worse, end of story. At least nogs speak English. I'd rather hear bix nood shit than fuckin' beaner polka all day.

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>Was high school fun
I live in a southern city. Lots of blacks. High school was fun at times but could have been better if I wasn't anti social. Nigs would nog but there were plenty of whites who wished they were blacks. Which is a far worst crime in my opinion.

>How are white women in southern states?
That's a tough question to answer because it varies. You have rich southern girls who are typically fun and like to party. They most likely joined sororities and either got fat, married, or both. You have religious girls who are quiet and go to church. You have trashy girls who get passed around like a blunt after a day of mudding. And the coal is burned quite often.

>Black girls can be nice - at least the ones who get jobs. Some are angry, loud, and hate you for being white. They're, for the most part, horny as fuck. Sex with a black girl is fun especially when you pretend you're Thomas Jefferson civilizing his stock.

>is it really bad living next to black people?
I wouldn't recommend doing it. While there are some prize negroes out there it isn't worth the chance of being robbed. Better to go across the tracks to a white neighborhood.

Living in the South is whatever I need to say to keep you faggots out. Yankees too. Fuck off, don't come here, we're full.

Fuck horrible. Stay away. Tell everyone you know to stay away.

Haha omg so true... yeah the south sucks... don’t come here...

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there are guns here, stay there with your gun free zones were you are safe

Your map is incorrect. Maryland is not the south, we feel offended when lumped in with those people.

I grew up in Tampa. 6th and 7th grade I was bussed from my suburb of mostly whites into yhe inner city for "integration." Being the minority to a bunch of nogs was not fun but we whites generally stuck together. I got in a few fights but it was blacks or spics or even whites. No girls that i knew or know woukd even associate with the nogs. Obviously in HS you get the fat uggos that will burn coal but no self respecting white girls would ever have dated a nog. I graduated in 99 so who knows what has changed since then.

Im tall and handsome and had hair in those days so the black girls loved me. They would always come up to me smiling and comment on my blue eyes and shit. Only a couple times did i get into it with a black girl and it was probably more my fault than theirs.

I work walking distance from the largest prison in my city so Im surrounded by nogs. Never had an issue and honestly they can be pretty polite. I frequent a gas station here and have never had a nog NOT hold the door for me. I dont care for their lack of culture and their ghetto-centricities i think most of them are just trying to make a better life for themselves and dont begrudge them that. We have just as many spics and they range from grunt laborer to business owner and have a damn fine work ethic. Im in construction so i deal with them a lot. I would say every project i build (restaurants) there are 40% mexicans 55% whites and like 2 blacks on the whole job

I'm in Mississippi. We're overrun with Mexicans. South Louisiana is, too. We've never been the same since Hurricane Katrina. Choose your state wisely.

22 yrs Carolina (poor white neighborhood) -=> Central Florida 20 yrs (upper-middle class rachfag boomer neighborhood)

>you don't live NEXT to them, duh. you live about ten or so miles away from them, and they largely keep to themselves because the racism is casual enough that any nigger driving around in a white neighborhood after dusk is going to be watched, scowled at, and possibly pulled by the police. Anything happens that night, he's arrested--no questions asked.

>HS was fun, but there were nigger moments. It could've been WAY worse if I didn't play sports with all the niggest of the nigs

>white girls here are sweet-natured, for the most part. they're very WYSIWYG, almost like midwest girls, and way more than w. coast and the n.e.

Attached: floridians.jpg (1576x2000, 1.95M)

>dating a nigger is what southern white girls do if they're also smoking meth, or doing some such other activity that would disqualify them anyway--like landwhales. OTOH, I see a lot more desire to signal anti-racism in the millenial generation. I dated decent chicks on E-Harmony after my wife and I split, and each and every one (maybe 19 total?) said the same thing about blacks--"I'm not racist, but I just couldn't imagine kissing one (shudder)." This was only prompted by me talking about my (mythical) black friend on E-Harmony that likes white girls but couldn't make progress.

Here in Central Florida, illegals are few and far between--they are hiding in the shadows and won't give you shit if you owe them $5 for last month's lawn service. Rather polite, but they have to go back.

>First and second rule of real estate you don't live next to blacks, you don't even live around blacks. they will come to your neighborhood bbq to case your house and pass it own to their less-niggardly friends. They're dumber and lazier too, since they're the descendants of the ones who didn't move to northern cities or out west. This leads to some extra-stupid TNB that is really frightening in that they are so stupid to kill you over $25 in your wallet. OTOH, they also know we have guns.

Kentucky here, only knew of two darkies in the entire school, that was 13 years ago though. Nowadays, there's a bunch of them coming in but more Arabs than niggers. Beaners have been here for decades, they suck and hole up like sardines in their homes. My neighbor shot out a mexican's tire while his truck was parked at 1AM, guy owed him money, I watched 12 dudes come out of the house. Shit's outta hand.

>Was it like living in the south next to a bunch of black people?
It’s not too bad, I stay away from places they tend to congregate
I don’t want to be that guy but upper class blacks aren’t bad to live by
>Was highschool fun?
Most of the blacks at my high school didn’t care much for schoolwork and they typically weren’t in advanced classes, but I attended a more upper class school so there wasn’t much violence
>How are white women in southern states?
A lot of “”””Christians”””” who accept gays and sometimes even trans “people”
>Are they all coalburning sluts and lie about it?
Most of them see no moral problem with being in a relationship with a black man but most of them haven’t or wouldn’t be with one
>Are black girls nice?
Vague question. They can be.
>I live in state with a strong Mexican population. Some are BASED but illegal beaners are the worst. I don't really mind them but is it really bad living next to black people?
Not for me but I never had to interact with them much outside of school. The black areas of town are generally poor and to be avoided.
Trailer parks are fucking awful down here though.

Right, forgot to talk about the women lol. They're all looking for one of 3 things, big money, big dick or a "yes man". Half are dopeheads or alcoholics, even the church-goers, especially the church-goers but as far as coalburning, it's a toss-up. Chances are she's had black dick, most girls here buy into the BBC myth because it hasn't had enough time to die out here. Find a racist bitch, if you can find one who isn't strung out on meth.

It’s not bad. Genuinely most of the black people outside of Atlanta and the suberbs of Atlanta are good. In general GA is cancerous around Atlanta. Lots of New Yorkers have swarmed south atl and it’s falling day ny day. So don’t judgethe south by that. It’s not as bad as Jow Forums makes it

New Yorker that is conservative here, can't wait to move to North Carolina in a few months. I desperately want to buy an AR.

Hello I am from Toronto and I am planning on moving to the South.

Where would you recommend for a Based India- I mean Canadian?

I recommend not coming, as we’re quite full here

Grew up around all nogs. No one cared about race until about... 5-6 years ago.


That's the funny part, all the faggots here think that anybody who comes from outside the south is what's making their region shit. Nah man, it's shit because you assholes are isolationist potatoes and half of you want the other half to pay for your welfare lifestyle lmao. I swear to god, every chick I know that isn't married is on welfare, so are a minimum of half of the guys I know. I'm currently out of a job but I ain't on welfare, the south is just full of people who can't get right.

SC fag here

Grew up in shit hole-ish city where meth was fairly common, but race in general was mostly ignored

In HS, about 20% of the students were black, and about 10% of those actually cared about school, the others stayed in remedial classes.

The 10% that cared about school were pretty cool, I was even friends with several of them, but the others were super stereotypical and annoying in general.

Now I never leave my basement so I wouldn't know what the general population is like

NY fags should go back, literal jews
>gadd moshee it's so fackin hawt down here

>thinking people in the South like blacks.

Lmao, when were you born? Yesterday?

Louisiana here it's terrible you should stay in commiefornia we're full with niggers

Fair enough. Hope you guys do well.

>living next to mexicans
I feel fucking sorry for you, but you are in califronia so you deserve it.

Blacks in the south are pretty red pilled. Some don't even care if you call them niggers. Charleston women love white men so no coal burning here.

All those black people in KY and WV...

New England fag here.

No idea what any of you are talking about.

>some are BASED
seriously just kys

Miscegenation is extremely frowned upon in the entire United States. Especially the South.

On the other hand, coal burning and oil drilling was a very popular activity in South Africa. Hence why this "white" Saffer has 2% Benin/Congo DNA and 2% Southern/Eastern Asian DNA.

Forgot to post the video of the "white" South African in my last post.

Here we go.

Attached: IMG_20180409_145709.jpg (1600x1600, 218K)

>Fuck off, don't come here, we're full.
Yeah. Full of niggers.

This for 1,000,000,000,000,000 alex

In Louisville where I live, yes all those black people. The rest of the commonwealth besides Christian county is solid though

*solid white

I'm not answering your questions

>the south

I went to school in a northern city with as many black people as anywhere in the South. It's funny to see people who went to school (and lived and worked) in rich places with few blacks think that black """people""" don't suck

Cali is sjw/cuck heaven.