>The female pilot immediately diverted its course and flew towards Philadelphia
>female pilot
>The female pilot immediately diverted its course and flew towards Philadelphia
>female pilot
The female pilot saved lives.
Did a better job than that retard in New Orleans who damn near killed everybody the other day trying to forcefully land the plane in 60 mile an hour winds, made everybody scream and throw up, then flew all the way over to Florida to fucking land.
Shit happens
>plane partially blows up
>still able to land that summbich
nice dude
this, Jow Forums btfo eternally
What role do you think the pilot plays in having the engine blow up?
Unless she missed something obvious in preflight, this is either the fault of the ground crew / maintenance or the engineers.
who were probably male
She's a woman. You do the math.
Would say birdstrike. Most likely some big bird like a goose got sucked into the turbine ... may have some nasty results and mostly unavoidable.
She obviously saw some birds flying in formation and noticed that the one in front was male. She then proceeded to fly her plane into the formation of birds killing all and making sure that the patriarchy is not only eradicated on the ground, but also in the air.
What a hero.