why is Mueller just now trying to downplay the media stories about his investigation? he or someone on his team has been leaking every Friday like clockwork
>mfw could have solved MAJOR deportation problem and literally gotten MILLIONS of people deported ... >but Imma let Congress handle dat P R I N C I P L E D
Can we now? There are 37 open republican seats, 85% of which are deeply republican and 6 of which are in PA and will no longer exist. If Republicans can't get it together and stop letting corrupt, child-molesting idiots get nominated then the blue wave occurs simply because a child molester can't beat a military veteran.
Hunter Green
What is the context of Nikki Haley's statement?
Kevin Barnes
with all of the shilling and confusion going on the Gorsuch and SCOTUS I think we should take a good look on his actual opinion
>Vague laws also threaten to transfer legislative power to police and prosecutors, leaving to them the job of shaping a vague statute’s contours through their enforcement decisions.
These structural worries are more than just formal ones. Under the Constitution, the adoption of new laws restricting liberty is supposed to be a hard business, the product of an open and public debate among a large and diverse number of elected representatives. Allowing the legislature to hand off the job of lawmaking risks substituting this design for one where legislation is made easy, with a mere handful of unelected judges and prosecutors free to “condem[n] all that [they] personally disapprove and for no better reason than [they] disapprove it.” . . . Nor do judges and prosecutors act in the open and accountable forum of a legislature, but in the comparatively obscure confines of cases and controversies. . . . For just these reasons, Hamilton warned, while “liberty can have nothing to fear from the judiciary alone,” it has “every thing to fear from” the union of the judicial and legislative powers. . . . No doubt, too, for reasons like these this Court has held “that the more important aspect of vagueness doctrine ‘is not actual notice, but . . . the requirement that a legislature establish minimal guidelines to govern law enforcement’” and keep the separate branches within their proper spheres.
TL;DR - Gorsuch understands the bad precedent behind the zero tolerance laws and courts writing laws instead of legislatures
Yesterday, ratings, The Hannity "controversy" won him the night and boosted Tucker to 3 million. Because liberals still haven't learned their lesson about giving him free publicity. I couldn't watch the episode but the threads must have been great. twitter.com/BubbaAtkinson/status/986062136160980992
what changed? I thought they were struggling to breach 1 mil? Was it tons of new airports going up?
Joseph Foster
>In fact, if the severity of the consequences counts when deciding the standard of review, shouldn’t we also take account of the fact that today’s civil laws regularly impose penalties far more severe than those found in many criminal statutes? Ours is a world filled with more and more civil laws bearing more and more extravagant punishments. Today’s “civil” penalties include confiscatory rather than compensatory fines, forfeiture provisions that allow homes to be taken, remedies that strip persons of their professional licenses and livelihoods, and the power to commit persons against their will indefinitely. Some of these penalties are routinely imposed and are routinely graver than those associated with misdemeanor crimes— and often harsher than the punishment for felonies. And not only are “punitive civil sanctions . . . rapidly expanding,” they are “sometimes more severely punitive than the parallel criminal sanctions for the same conduct.”
I understand people being pissed with that but this is Gorsuch being in line with Scalia and consistence about criminal law giving proper notice of the crime and punishment
>corrupt, child-molesting idiots You're right. Any candidate who comes out against Based Mitch needs to be smeared as a pedo one week before the election by the Republican Senate Majority leader himself and my favorite Fox News waifus
> there are millions of violent legal aliens skirting deportation on this technicality
you're just shuffling the decks at the titanic.
Landon Adams
>finally get a hot FLOTUS >media doesn't give her any attention Sad!
I should also note that Scalia wrote a similiar decision in Johnson v. United States (2015), following the same residual clause
Jaxon Powell
Let's tell the whole story.
On Friday, Hannity's rating was 4.482, while Maddow was 3.284. On Monday, Hannity was down to 3.701 while Maddow increased to 3.613.
So he still won the time slot, but by fractions over Maddow, where he had a comfortable lead on Friday.
No, it didn't affect him...
Elijah Gonzalez
I explained it quite clearly :^)
Owen Phillips
No. This ruling would've given immigration judges the ability to fast tack deportations by RULING that a crime doesn't even need to be violent to get you kicked the fuck out.
Anyways this is all a dog and pony show. The SC set up their vote this way for optics. None of it is real. The borders will stay open permanently and we will fall to pink-haired communists as their pet niggerspics gain rights year after year and it goes on so long that all Hispanics were born in this country and are citizens.
Thomas Collins
how would the media react if one day Trump smacks Melania's ass?
Nathaniel Clark
>be Larry kudlow >see stupid UN cunt shooting her mouth off. >deflect nicely to the press saying it was maybe momentary confusion, and even state she does a great job. >stupid cunt goes full #metoo "I don't get confused.
Bitches never do anything but self serve. He graciously was avoiding saying: she needs to know her fucking place.
Normally only Cooper can get 1 million. >Two niggers were loitering at a cafe. >-insert thing the media probably left out.- >Manager calls the cops on them. >Their arrest is caught on camera. >Liberals freak out. >Thousands of stores will close for racial bias training. So one manager fucked up and all the workers are suffering I wish I had that photo of the protester screaming at the clerk..