So, Jow Forums, are you prepared for the inevitable war?

so, Jow Forums, are you prepared for the inevitable war?

share your tips and strategies for the upcoming shitstorm. I know I am fucked, so I prepared a rough setup with innawoods, as this is probably what Im gonna roll after the civilization goes to shit and Im forced to hide.

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I'm gonna kill you and loot your stuff and then rape your body until your dead asshole bleeds.


kill yourself already you idiot jew

>no /deenz/

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you prepared for the apocalypse by clicking buttons on some 2011 era website?

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Pretty much. You can prepare all you want, some random fuck is going to bash your head in and steal all your shit at an unfortunate moment. Real life isn't Fallout.

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*shoots you once*
bang yer ded!

strong word from someone who gets cucked by niggers on a daily basis

it's an illustrative on what I have on hand, son

>meme flag

I know. all race chimp out is the most dangerous shit that can happen. so the most obvious thing is running into the forest, right?
btw, is germany as cucked as poland with guns?

Nigger I don't even leave my apartment there are no niggers here

Germans would need a gun license and clean history and whatnot to even dream about ever owning a gun.
Shitskins just buy one from one of their 100 cousins.
So, yeah.

then how are you going to loot my stuff?

real life isn't anime, neetboi

ah fuck, so it's the same as in Poland. natives cant get weapons legally, meanwhile on black market it's like 50 euro for handgun, 200 euro for assault rifle. pathetic.

kill yourself jew shit

I'm going to leave my apartment and then I'm gonna come find you.

sure, shillboi

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0.02$ have been deposited into your account

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Go fuck yourself EU cunt hope you die sucking Verhofstadts anal juice

wut is game?

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there is no game, unfortunately, it was cancelled., just for the char generator, usbro.

You need to have a bag with tools, clothes, other important stuff ready at all times.
If you need to leave in like a 1min you can't pack all your shit.

I live with a simple rule - don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner.

the shit I showed you is in my sports bag, packed and ready all the time. I can grab it, jump out of my window (floor level) and go.

Nice you are good to go.
However I'm pretty attached to my PC but if I can LARP DayZ Mod in real life why not.

I think it's not feasible that any doomsday scenario will happen, but not preparing is preparing for failure

I have a feeling that if it all goes to shit it won't be about guns and dayz, it will be more about hiding from humanimals.

I dont hope for it either, but I don't plan of having a fire in my house, yet I do have a fire extinguisher just in case.

Of-course I'm joking about the DayZ larping, if it was for real we wouldnt be joking around that easily pretending to be playing a game.

However it is most important to have some sort of weapon, a machete or knife at-least but also a firearm, unfortunately I can only get an air-gun in the Netherlands, not perfect but It could deter enemies and can be used as hunting rifle.

looks like NL is same as poland. remember getting my first gun @ 18... air gun. super useful at scaring thugs, shit at anything else.


Pfff I wish Netherlands was same a Poland
I love fireworks especially Polish, but the Dutch government hates fireworks.
They are even banning fire crackers because what if someone swallows one and it explodes in his stomach!!

I'm sorry got arrested with large amounts of polish fireworks so i'm still pissed off a bout that.


hide? why hide, everyone will be so panicked and retarded im gonna steal all the shit I need. Absolute nigger tier I know but who cares, may aswel grab the stuff before the nogs do. If that is even possible lol

If your plan is to go innawoods make sure you have something to process wood, and get a tarp and paracord.

Hope they finish it

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You are living up to the stereotype good job user