Stopping kikery at the source is a top priority

Stopping kikery at the source is a top priority

>why kikes are cut
>inb4 frogspeak
ik but it's one of the most important videos you can watch rn

Attached: the_final_cut.jpg (1048x1570, 1.07M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: cut_pleasure.png (890x892, 358K)

sliced dick is not white

Attached: cut dicks.png (4496x2306, 762K)

Attached: cut_dick.jpg (1008x1580, 540K)

I just found that showering with hot water dries the glans and is advised against even when uncut. That sucks, I really like hot showers.

>straya 40-50%
wtf happened there?

Attached: cut_technique.png (942x790, 1.01M)

Attached: cut_sex.jpg (564x752, 53K)

this is a normal penis

Attached: diagram_MB_penis_foreskin-400x300.jpg (400x300, 20K)

>inb4 muh dirty dicks
If you are unable to wash underneath your foreskin, you ARE actually retarded.

this is the result of kike subversion

Attached: dick_dry.jpg (729x302, 73K)

>cut fags are dickhole-lets

Attached: 4532.jpg (251x242, 15K)


Attached: dick_bike.jpg (790x591, 62K)

Attached: Pedo Genital Mutilation.png (1400x700, 1015K)

Attached: cut_babies.jpg (498x645, 52K)

Attached: circumcision.png (3000x5000, 2.94M)

Attached: mutilated - circumcision.png (1177x876, 879K)

Attached: Circumcision - neurology.jpg (720x427, 101K)

Attached: Circumcision - death.png (660x581, 453K)

kikes want your kid's foreskin to sell it

Attached: foreskin4sale.png (1060x1102, 235K)

Attached: Circumfetish.png (823x551, 551K)

Here's the link to buy them:

Attached: foreskin for sale.jpg (1714x1354, 188K)

To sell it for Oprah's skin cream.

Kike's all need gassed.

Attached: jews love the baby dick.png (565x375, 371K)

Attached: Oral Circulcision - metzitzah b'peh.gif (747x576, 194K)

I'm actually surprised these inbred trisomy 21 victims don't pass it around and all take a bite out of it, but ya know, nigger bitch aunt jemima shekels.

Attached: Jews are pedophiles.jpg (265x190, 8K)

This is a sure-fire winner campaign. Who in their right mind defends child mutilation?

I really can’t thank you guys enough, I have been struggling to cope with this my whole life. It’s just nice to see people notice for once.

Attached: 438B975A-C8E9-47DC-80C3-951D1E9FC448.jpg (599x428, 61K)

if you're cut, it's not too late to try to unkike yourself

Attached: foreskin_stretch.jpg (1500x753, 186K)

You are unironically a victim of the Kikel cult. Don't let it go to your head, it's your duty to spread this info and not feel sorry for yourself.

Attached: Jews and baby dick.png (1185x1325, 740K)

>Who in their right mind defends child mutilation?
kikes and deluded cutfags

today at the Icelandic conference on the banning of circumcision of babies there were only two people who were supporting the bill and the rest were priests, rabbi's and muslims and they ALL ignored the findings of brain damage, some went to make up their own stats too

How do burgers put up with this shit? God damn it

Attached: 1511572823062.jpg (420x408, 37K)

Attached: yudkowskycircumcision.png (402x775, 115K)

These aren't just "ultra orthodox" kikes doing this. Even the 'atheist' jew(ish) pissant takes its male progeny to the sacrificial initiation ceremony for the tribe.

it's a barbaric practice, I've always struggled to understand the point of it
now that I've seen the truth, I can't let it go on
watch the OP vid if you want to see why it matters so much to (((them)))
see if you're looking for solutions

damn I didn't see that

btw thx for the pics, mr leaf
some really good ones in there


It’s been really hard, I’ve never been this depressed in my entire life before. My grades have dropped and I’ve basically stopped talking to all my friends. I can’t sleep or eat either, I still live with my parents as opposed to spending money on a dorm and was wondering if I should ask them to get me a therapist. I have absolutely no idea how to even bring it up to them. Quick story:
>browsing baby photos with mom when I was about 14-16
>picture of me with foreskin
>mom flips page to me with a bloody dick and screaming my head off
>LAUGHS and comments on how upset I was
>face turns red with rage, she thinks I’m embarrassed
My parents think of it as a joke and on top of that I’ve lost faith in God because of the first covenant (even though the earliest version of the Bible has no mention of circumcision and the kikes copied it from the ancient Egyptians, and on top of that cutting is not even needed because of Christ). I’m really struggling with this, foreskin restoration isn’t going to bring back the 20,000 nerve endings, fine touch receptors, or frenulum (the underside of my dick has been scraped clean and only a small bit of skin about half the size e of a grain of rice is the only sensitive part, the rest feels like normal skin). Can’t even take a piss without starting to cry like a bitch let alone masturbate. I don’t know what to do and kind of want to an hero. Sorry for any typos

It's alright fren.

You see the truth and it's nasty. Your misery is (((their))) pleasure and they have infected the goyim's minds to think of it as a joke instead of the brutal mutilation that it is.

Suicide isn't an option, they got your foreskin don't let them take anymore. You'll make it, one day at a time.

fucking hell, I'm often in these threads and stories like this never fail to upset me
that is so cold...
you should still try it
you'll be able to pump way more easily and, eventually, you'll get back some of it to cover your head and you'll get to feel hydrated again
I've asked several anons and they said it was totally worth it

It used to get harder and harder every year, then every month it got harder, now everyday it’s getting even worse then I thought it possibly could. I’ve cut myself off from the outside world aside from shitposting. I probably won’t kill myself though, I’ve kind of been planning to hit up a local synagogue after ““”converting to Islam””” but I don’t want to hurt any kids. You’ll see me in the news sometime in the next few years, just got to take a while to figure things out.

>tfw your parents ruined your life for no reason


>hit up a local synagogue
wouldn't recommend
try this 1stand if you really want to sacrifice yourself I'd say go after a high value target instead

Like who? I could find the doctor who did it to me through birth records.

preaching to the choir frog. Still good info

rich politicians, not even kikes necessarily but neocon traitors
that'd be very symbolic and could spark a big debate, pretty good idea

you don't realize how many cutfags still defend this

> Middle East
> Most of Africa
> Central Asia


>South Korea



Too fucking many..

>white girl with dreadlocks

do you know why you guys are so kiked?

> First blowjob
> From a rabbi

People who circumcise
>kikes (and puppet goyim)
>negros and abos

you're meant to read the sign

They were all sold into slavery in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act and the jews want to make sure all the boys have the mark of the slave:
>Circumcision’s Psychological Damage - CDC wants all males to be cut--but it's harmful psychologically

>I could find the doctor who did it to me through birth records.

Why there aren't millions of lawsuits aimed at doctors who did this to unconsenting children ill never know.
>do no harm

I'm not cut (thank fuck) but I still feel outraged that this happens. It cripples children from the very beginning, sexually and psychologically. It's taking away control of your most intimate and inherently human function, you never grow up in control.

The sign was written by a degenerate

any time BaguetteBro

its more of a suck job, the jews need blood like vampires do *(Tay-Sachs disease)

why should anyone give a fuck?

I talked to lawyers about suing for this and they said I basically had to get my entire penis burned off to actually have a case. They said my parents gave consent for me.

Found Kellogg’s grave, would a sludge hammer work or is an amateur explosive more likely to work?

Of course they'd say that. Sue your parents then. The point isn't to win, the point is to get a message across and attract as much attention as possible.

Look at woman's sufferance. Took a long time, a lot of victims and defeats but they eventually tipped the scales in their favour. I refuse to believe a group of men can't start a global movement to end circumcision on kids. Where's our goddamn spokesman?!

Step 1-get this to Alex jones

Anyone who speaks out against it is silenced by the Jews, Muslims, and brainwashed mutts. No one will listen, I’ve gone on anonymous therapy sites trying to get help and they just laugh their asses off. I really hate this country.

you should talk about it to your parents
prepare yourself 1st so you can shut them down if they start laughing
yeah you could also defile that motherfucker's grave
it should be done in such a way that people know why it was done though
there needs to be a debate about this and for that someone needs to make some noise

>They said my parents gave consent for me
It should be obvious to anyone with a brain that we live in a very sick society. Something is wrong.

Plus, sue the doctor anyway. Even if he wins simply dragging him before a court is a moral victory, that goes on their permanent record and WILL make other doctors anxious. Hell, they refuse to take part in executions of convicted murderers because of "muh hypocritic oath" but have no issues with genital mutilation on unconsenting infants...

One guy does it, then another and another etc. And all we need is ONE guy like Peter Thiel or some other rich cunt looking to back some issue and you've got enough funding to bankrupt entire hospitals through legal fees alone.



Serial murderers have become what they are because of their cut too, nothing is said about this.

If you really are scarred from your unfortunate series of events and seriously contemplating /an hero you might want to try and tell them (parents) exactly what you've said here. What do you have to lose? A therapist is a tricky issue, it could help but I would tread carefully and test the waters with what you can say. I would check your local and state laws as to what they are legally required to alert authorities in regards to the grey area of interpretation when it comes to self harm and harming others.

Take some time to objectively evaluate everything you can do to help yourself get to a better place mentally.

Christ, it's one of the key kike conspiracies. Circumcision is ground zero for Jewish tricks.

That's gotta be against the constitution, it's against all moral standings anyway.
>perform an unnecesssry procedure on a person too young to consent for themselves
>when they're old enough to give consent they're too old to legally address the initial procedure
>you're legally powerless both ways

Pure evil. I'm NOT saying people need to start killing doctors who do circumcisions, in just amazed it hasn't happened yet on a mass scale
I mean with the internet being available to everyone it's amazing how people are still wilfully ignorant about how mutilated they are at birth

Being circumcised gives me homicidal/suicidal thoughts.
I will never forgive the kikes or my Father.

>What do you have to lose?
Good point, kind of on the edge at this point.
>Take some time to objectively evaluate everything you can do to help yourself get to a better place mentally.
I started a journal to organize my thoughts but it went south fast, turned into a murder book yet it still helps to calm me down when I really need it.

Thank you so much for listening, it helps more than you think.

>Constitutional rights
The Jews hijacked my country.

so many of you burgers...
it's sickening
try this m8

Welcome to the club

damn, I'm getting at the kike part and it fucking infuriating
I don't think I can bear to listen to the rest

Both Kellogg posts, I could just vandalize shit and cry about human rights like a liberal. Probably the best way to go.

Attached: 5E30FC18-42A8-41F1-8087-BA6D9EB2DBEC.jpg (1000x750, 147K)

Thank you Father for not having me cut. He was probably too poor to do it, but whatever.

>too poor to do it
but it's (((free))) goyim

You should always be worried when a Jew offers you something for free.

yeah it's never a good sign

Medical professionals
Misinformed brainwashed parents
Mutilated men that are coping

Circumcision is highly profitable to those that profit from it will keep the victims in the dark.

I'm surprised no one's linked Foregen.
>inb4 reddit

If all goes to plan there will be a method to regrow and reattach your foreskin by 2020~

>4 in a row

yeah it's not done yet so I just linked the stretchers
I've been told it works great too

Peeped it out a while back, they raise like $20,000 each month for “research”. I want to believe but they have provided no proof and it sounds oddly familiar to the head transplant guy. I’m assuming it’s a scam that preys upon people who are already desperate victims.

>7 rabbis in a row then imam
I'm done

Of fucking course something is wrong. Imagine being a doctor and slicing up baby penises because your text books said it's healthy and that babies don't feel pain. Imagine strapping a baby down and taking a knife to its penis while it screams and cries and all you have on your mind is getting this over with and getting paid. Imagine cutting up the baby and telling the parents it's perfectly fine and the baby doesn't feel anything even though no anesthesia was used.


Attached: ENOUGH.jpg (400x388, 27K)

Check this out:
>San Francisco Circumcision Ban (November 2011)

>Under the terms of the proposed ban:

>It would have been "unlawful to circumcise, excise, cut, or mutilate the whole or any part of the foreskin, testicles, or penis of another person who has not attained the age of 18 years."

>Violators could have been charged with misdemeanor. If found guilty, they could have faced a year in jail and a $1,000 fine.

>An exception was made for circumcisions that are "necessary to the physical health of the person on whom it is performed because of a clear, compelling, and immediate medical need with no less-destructive alternative treatment available."


>On October 2, 2011 Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill that PREVENTS local governments from banning circumcision.

>SF almost banned circumcision
>literally cockblocked by the governor
this is insane

Resulted in circumcision being protected too, kind of why I’ve lost it at this point.

>society murders unborn babies
>society cuts up newborn males
It's almost like we're being led by death worshiping blood suckers.

IIRC there's video of them doing work in their lab. They're writing a paper and trying to get more funding. Since it's in Italy and the Euros don't mutilate their babies (yet) it's hard to get funding there.

I dream of a world where 6 million jews die in a pit of napalm, and the rest are stuffed into wood chippers.

Attached: 1517452776784.jpg (480x624, 122K)

Same happened with silver (50% mercury) fillings. They were once banned but some jew made then "not harmful".

>It's almost like we're being led by death worshiping blood suckers.

Looking through the reddit and it seems a little more legit to me.

definitely go and take a shit on Kellogg's grave m8
>the Euros don't mutilate their babies (yet)
not gonna fucking happen, most people are shocked when I tell them about what you guys do to your kids
>some jew made then "not harmful".
it's always the same shit