Syrian puppet

Assad is an angel? Absurd
There is such thing as Russian globalists. You understand the whole reason Russia, Iran, and even China are in Syria....not because they "care about Syrian people". Shrug off Zionist influence, yes, but why give up American influence? Change leadership to /OUR GUYS/, but to bend over to Russia just to "teach zog a lesson" seems stupidly short sighted. Change the internal situation, but hold our ground from external threats and encroachments. Dont throw the baby out with the bathwater. Russia is not on our side. That should be obvious, and that's okay. We have to realize that has geopolitical implications.

It's an ridiculous oversimplification of analysis. Syria's sovereignty is complex they are allied with interesting bedfellows. They are not a solitary power, they are fully aligned with Iran, Russia and even China is involved. Clearly they are aligning to counter-balance the west...not for shits a giggles, to take territory/expand power. your message is "give it to them....because Israel!" Im not sure that';s the big picture here. Surrender the earth to Russia because....Jews! Can we be more nuanced? We live in a competitive world Russia China and Iran want to dominate. Its a zero sum game. Syria is not Russia territory, nor Iranian, nor Chinese...but they're all there.

Assad is just a lovable guy who saves Christians?? I mean, Iran (Soviet ally) has been militarily embedded with him since 1979? I mean, Red Ice should not bother with Geopolitics if this is the level of analysis. Take back leadership of white western countries, YES, great. Detente with Russia? Fine. Reduce Israel's influence, of course. But, allow Russia to dominate AND dictate US foreign policy based on RT and Putin's analysis? Absurd.

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>Take back leadership of white western countries, YES, great. Detente with Russia?
Russia is more white than you mutt
Also fuck you kite.

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>this is how leaflets see themselves

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Russia doesn't consider it self "one" with the white world you fucking moron. Your wishful thinking is not political reality.

They are actively opposed to ALL OF NATO which includes your stupid WHITE ass.

Plus they don't consider themselves white. Eurasian.


NWO bombs syria.
Syria dust, no money, can't pay to fight back.
Allies help Syria.

Regime change for Israel. Get fucked with your overanalysis. Other countries want sovereignty and nationalism I’m fine with that. We don’t fucking need the Middle East. Prove me wrong weeb

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>stupid WHITE ass

Cryptokike spotted

>white world
this is a mutt meme, in europe and canada we dont considerer our selves "white" we consider ourselves, Irish, British, Italian, Ukrainian, Serbian, German, Croatian, Russian, Portuegese
White is a MUTT term invented to make MUTTS feel good about themselves and to have some form of cohesiveness.
There is no "White Unity" in Europe

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I'd rather surrender the earth to Russians than the Jews. At least Russians are pro white