I want that "classless, stateless, moneyless society" end goal, but I can't make up my mind on how to get there.
I think I'm leaning more towards traditional temporary authoritarian communism maybe being a necessity to achieve the proposed society, but the thing is I really don't want it to be.
The longest an anarchist society has ever survived in the modern world was 3 years. Its unstable and eventually falls apart.
Caleb Price
Gavin Reyes
>I think I'm leaning more towards traditional temporary authoritarian communism maybe being a necessity to achieve the proposed society You bet pal Concentrating more money and power than any capitalist could ever dream of into the hands of an even smaller bureaucratic elite sounds like it'll work out swell. What's the over/under on how many years it'll take them to rectify social inequality and cede all that power and capital back to the common folk? 2 years? 5? Could it be... never?
but for the rest i would suggest arming gangs and let them do whatever they want decriminalize murder, and everything else too
then you got an stateless classless anarchy
Brody Kelly
Bentley Anderson
Carson Brown
All anarkiddies defacto endorse dictatorships of the proletariat. You have to use "generalized means of coercion" to expropriate private property.
Hunter Cruz
you can also endorse and strenghten criminal gangs
John Garcia
Christian Garcia
>I want that "classless, stateless, moneyless society" end goal, but I can't make up my mind on how to get there.
Realistically if you want a moneyless society your only realistic course of action is bumming welfare and smoking pot
Brayden Myers
Carson Watson
The entire point of a man made system, is to benefit man.
Only one of those to systems does that.
Ill give you a hint: It isnt communism.
Michael Young
I personally think that the best transition state is a socialist democracy. Obviously this democracy should rid of stuff like corporate campaign finance first.
It's what I am, basically an orthodox Marxist. Shit on both Leninism and Anarchism and just wait for the OCC to bring Capitalism down to it's knees any time now.
To be honeat, tough. Choose communism it is much more usefull than anarchism
Camden Bailey
>classless that was the ideal for another movement... i wonder which one... >stateless would you settle for the people comprising and supporting the will of the state? >moneyless are you wanting a barter system, do you just want free shit, or do you think we're anywhere near post-scarcity with the way Africans are breeding?
I'm going to be completely honest with you from a logical and neutral standpoint. I am apolitical, i just live in the moment and really don't give a shit about anything happening in politics or the news, i just come here sometimes out of boredom. I'm not a Capitalist, a Socialist, or a Communist, and when asked about my views on political matters i am always neutral.
As long as resources and commodities are limited then Communism can never work unfortunately. People will fight for a piece of the pie and due to this there will always be inequality and selfishness in all forms as long as resources are limited. Now, not all hope is lost. As you know AI is undoubtedly going to replace the majority of jobs in the foreseeable future, no one knows if there will be new markets or jobs created so let's not discuss that theory, if AI replaces most jobs then labor costs have decreased or may even become virtually zero, productivity and the supply of products/services will drastically increase, and demand will remain relatively constant - in other words AI will cause the price of products and services to become extremely small to the point many believe money won't be needed anymore, and business owners wont't dare make prices too high to the the large percentage who will be unemployed aka the consumers.
So, now we have asteroid mining. This combined with AI producing everything will definitely make money useless. If we are able to mine asteroids then resources will be 'limitless', the supply of goods and services will be 'limitless' and thus prices would be as well - why would you need money if you don't need to trade anything? You could get what you want when you want.
So, with the way things are going some form of Communism may come about without force. I don't see it being stateless though, life and biology have hierarchies that occur naturally, humans probably wont be any different.