>Israel is going to get fucked by Iran and the US will come rushing to thier aid like the naive warriors we are. You know that us two nations practically sleep with eachother, and the same goes with Russia and Iran. World War Three might be going down, whether anybody likes it or not.
I was taking my own words with a grain of salt, but holy shit, you've gotta hand it to the Iranians. They might attack while the morale of the military is high.
Austin Martinez
There are a lot of Christians in Jerusalem...
Michael Reyes
yeah this place killed the enthusiasm, world war 3 could start tomorrow and i wouldnt even care.
Matthew Garcia
Comfy if true :)
Landon Edwards
rolling for kike genocide
Gabriel Nguyen
Trump will probably be like yeah nah ain't our fight. Then Israel will gas itself and he'll come running.
Jonathan Adams
>Iran doing anything All bark like China and Russia
Should give the Christian and Armenian population there a heads up at least.
Gabriel Scott
Well they always claim they don't need us. They are after all the only nuclear super power in the region. Yes super power. They have over 1000 nukes. Illegally of course.
Iran will respond. They don’t cuck on this shit. Drones have arrived at Iranian bases in Syria in preparation for the attack. Expect Israeli counterattack to be against Hezbollah in Lebanon. The worst mistake the yid can make is a ground invasion of Lebanon; they will lose. They’ve also contacted the US and requested their help in defending against Iran. This will be big
Eli Gutierrez
It is real. That I can assure you.
Logan Johnson
If Trump doesn't aid israel he will lose any chance of getting reelected
Dylan Gomez
They know what’s coming. God help them
Adam Bennett
>Israel must again go america's dirty work this is why everyone hates jews they get billions worth of free equipment every year and they still find a way to make you look like the bad guy for asking for anything in return.
Ian Morales
Makes me sad but might be worth the sacrafice. There will still be millions of parasite jews spread out around the globe. But maybe with israel gone we have a chance of ridding the world of this infestation.
Well, it's official now. I saw it coming from a mile away and so did you.
Aiden Powell
Deport them to ovens. Lets have a real holocaust this time.
Blake Baker
I don’t see the Turks getting involved yet. The inclusion of the Arab force in the east is something to watch closely. This could easily escalate >Iranian drone strikes >Israeli bombings of Iran itself/invading Lebanon >Assad strikes Golan (army is already there) >war intensifies etc.
Sebastian Cox
Where's the Greentext of the Oven invasion of Israel? That shit launched my sides into the sun.
Logan Morris
Israel will not die, they will convert en masse soon. The prophecy is going to be fullfilled the necessary parts are in place, Russia will get involved soon.
To be successfully detonated, the bomb MUST be geometrically constructed, placed on, under, or over a geometric position in relation to the Earth’s surface, and activated at a SPECIFIC TIME in relation to the geometrics of the solar system. That means an all-out atomic war was impossibility. Both sides could pre calculate well in advance the time and positions of an atomic attack , plus the fact that only certain geometric locations could be detonated any how. A logical war cannot be considered under these circumstances.This could be the explanation for the proliferation of conventional weapons in modern warfare. That means Israel’s nuclear stock pile is useless.. It’s all scare mongering. This is why Iran laughs it off about Israel accuses Iran of building a nuclear bomb. It’s all a bluff. This technology is over 5000 years old and was known to the ancients. The musical of the spheres. They have more devastating advanced technology at their disposal so why stick to the old fear mongering of nuclear bombs? The answer is simple. Can you guess? It’s because it’s taken decades to install the fear and propaganda into the unsuspecting public who never question anything and is easily fooled.
Logan Martin
Nuclear weapons are based upon the ancient and esoteric science that is the music of the spheres, and that nuclear weapons can only be successfully detonated when the major celestial bodies – including the sun and the moon – are in a favorable configuration relative to the nuclear device itself, as positioned over the surface of the earth. Setting aside such classified information as the design of nuclear triggers and of the compressional properties of plutonium under implosion, the true secret of the bomb is thus revealed. Information presented to demonstrate the key energetic musical ratios (the music of the spheres) as are necessary to actually allow for one to engineer a nuclear explosion – arguably the highest classification level of nuclear secrets. An evaluation of many of the world’s most significant nuclear tests and wartime bombs, including: Trinity, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Hurricane, Mike, Bravo, King, Tsar Bomba, Canopus, and Grapple Y – All of which are shown to be based upon or detonated in accordance with the relative position of the sun itself, in line with certain key ratios as are embedded within the ancient science of the music of the spheres. Mathematical/musical proofs that are so exacting as to remove all doubt that the ancient science of the music of the spheres was no mere abstract philosophy but a real engineerable physical science.
Mason Scott
Iran has simply sat back and watched as Israel assassinated her nuclear scientists one by one.
>To be successfully detonated, the bomb MUST be geometrically constructed, placed on, under, or over a geometric position in relation to the Earth’s surface, and activated at a SPECIFIC TIME in relation to the geometrics of the solar system. What are you talking about?
Levi Reyes
So...tl;dr, the 41818 thing is legitimate to you?
Connor Anderson
Fuck are they going to do with all that land.
Matthew Cruz
If chump doesn't aid israel he will have redeemed himself and i will vote for him twice!
And if he fights a war for your country, he is only doing it for the sake of power, not because he cares about your people. Sorry, but that is the truth.
Thomas Johnson
He has little chance of being re elected as it stands because he sucks the mutilated jew cock