I know this is more of a Jow Forums question, but what is Jow Forums's opinion on Rhodesia?
It, along with south Africa, could have been the crown jewels of Africa, and funnily enough could probably have been a good example of a black and white integrated community, due to both fighting to defend the best home they had in that fr
Rhodesia is the closest thing we'll ever see to Outer Heaven / Zanzibar Land
Rhodesians never die
Oh and John Edmond is a fucking excellent musician.
>"Hey, white nationalists, what's your opinion on Rhdoesia?"
Gee, I don't know, that was certainly a question to which you would have no way of knowing the answer unless you made a thread.
I wish I was a blue job
>Rhodesia was a white supremacist country
>I don't know how to fucking read
Long live.
I would buy you all a sweet banana
>"Hey, white nationalists, what's your opinion on Rhdoesia?"
You are implying that white nationalists and/or white supremacists would identify and miss Rhodesia due to the perceived idea that Rhodesia was a bastion for those kinds of people
At-least keep your head down while doing it.
what? how would it have benefited africans at all? it was a gangster extraction oriented puppet state run by Anglo-dutch oligarchs. Why would anyone support that? that’s like if Israel conquered Syria and you said it would benefit Syrians eventually because of some retarded selection oriented logic. What a daft fag you niggers are, it was stolen land, a colony and the people there have absolutely no right to reclaim anything. they deserve to be defended from feral 60 iq nigs not given nuclear weapons and a big eternal pity subsidy for being “stwangwrs in a stwange wand”
I never said "white supremacists", you fucked up and read something that wasn't there, don't try to backtrack and make it seem like they're one in the same, just say sorry and move on.
Tactical short shorts
What the globalsits and their (((allies))) did to Rhodesia is what they are tryign to do to South Africa and in the long run they will do to every white nation.
How are they different? One claims the supremacy of the white race, and the other seems to take that farther by advocating for the creation of a white ethnostate for maximum efficiency, or am i getting a definition mixed up?
use this one instead brother
Supremacy =/= nationalism
Rhodesia was shit. My parents hated it. Much better when the war was over and they didn't have to live in constant fear.
yeah, but isn't one just the logical next step in the other?
>t. mugabe
I'll post a timestamp with my zim passport if i need to
My dog’s a Rhodesian Ridgeback / Black Lab mix and he’s my best fren
Im kinda curious, where your parents white or black? if black i can kinda understand that, but still i dont really see how zimbabwe is better
They could sell products without sanctions any more, import stuff easily too. Didn't have to worry about getting hit by landmines either. Tobacco prices went through the roof afterwards. No more massive attacks by commies overnight to destroy your stuff. They even got a runway and a plane installed in the 1990's. Life was good. None of this would've been possible under UDI.
>You will never create a nation that is so independent that the entire world turns their back on you
looks like a good boy
Ok, that makes sense, thanks for giving an actual response.