Theory on how Trump communicates with people through media outbursts

So I have this theory, that I'm not sure is Trump's creation but it seems to be pretty brilliant. Trump or is team, it doesn't really matter, seemed to figure out long ago that nobody in the media will every paint him in a fair light. He can't hold a press conference and explain himself over anything because people really only turn into the sound bytes on CNN, they will just cherry pick from your press conference and turn the whole thing against you. You don't stand a chance. However, you can state outrageous, politically incorrect things at the right moments, baiting the media into playing the sound byte for it's absurdity, but not understanding that by sparking at conversation about that topic through Trump's outburst, people ultimately arrive at a red pill, and silently realize, wait a fucking minute the goddamn cheeto guy is right.

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...its been at least 3 years hes been doing this on a daily basis and you are just now arriving to the realization as if its a revelation?

HA! No-one - NO-ONE - "realises the cheeto guy is right"; as if. At best, some of the people who support him realise "I wasted my vote".

go use more gay aussie slang like "bikies" faggot

look it's one of the irrelevant foreign fags who thinks he's cool by discussing the supreme world leader U.S. and it's politics and president
>go throw another shrimp in your mates bunghole

trump won because of "because you'd be in jail" confirming the 4chin rumors of hillary being into spirit cooking and all the rest. it's suggestive, the rest of us fill in the blanks.

"My twitter has become so powerful that I can actually make my enemies tell the truth."

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Nice of you to finally notice.

"smart" missiles inbound

Q predicted this

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this isn't new to us bruh but welcome to the fold

False in every way. Trump is more popular now that Obama was at the same point in his presidency, and that was before the reunification of Korea


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Yes but a lot of lefties are just to far gone and won't except any redpill. Plus Trump hasn't exactly stayed on the MAGA train lately anyways.



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>trump's only pretending to be retarded

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>Trump single handedly destroys the most powerful and corrupt government forces in history
>Trump ends the Korean war
>Trump tricks dems into funding his wall
>Trump gets Israel into a war with Iran and leaves
Pretty sure that you are the one who's retarded

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those r sum nice tiddies.

Pretty sure that is Brittney Beth.

I did not waste my vote. At the absolute least immigrants will know Americans hate them. That is better than someone like hillary who would have flood our country with third world hordes.

>I live on the other side of the planet but I know what the people in your country are thinking

What an idiot.