Burgers are all the same

Every time that I have visited the so called "Best Country In the World" I have seen nothing but grotesque sub humans. There have been hundreds if not thousands of what I assume make up the surplus of their "Militia" around every corner and it disgusts me that they take pride in being this way. Boasting their fully automatic weapons, cheeseburgers, and armored "vehicles". I'm ashamed that so many people strive for the "American Dream" solely because they do not see the trap that they are falling into.

-P.S Pic related is the average american "M1 AbramsTank" that I saw.

Attached: typical fag.jpg (674x506, 203K)

Comrade, once the Burgerian people go on the Communist Diet Plan of scientific state-planned rationing, the aesthetics will improve. Have faith in the proletariat!

>Every time that I have visited the so called "Best Country In the World" I have seen nothing but grotesque sub humans.

you went to a shitty fly-over state. when you go to these shitholes that's what happens. next time do yourself a favor and go to a major city. the US's population of disgusting people is 99% exclusive to shithole fly-over states cause of the lower cost of living and laws allowing incest

That man is Canadian

>>memeflags and more memeflags

It goes in all fields

>fully automatic weapons
Gr8 b8 m8. Saged, go to gulag

Listen here I went to the so called "Windy City" of Baltimore, and the only wind I experienced was the flatulence that was excreted from these disgusting nazi pigs.

>muh memeflag

>Baltimore has white people

That's a Canadian, look at his surroundings.

That's a leaf. That picture was taken in canada.

I'll have you know I saw many of what the locals were calling "Nagers" and "Sand Monkeys". And these silly attempts at racial slurs pushed me further away from the Amerimutt lifestyle.

Attached: 101089754.jpg (567x444, 54K)

yeah go fuck yourself. It is true that America is full of white racist trash, and Trump is an embarassment to everyone here, but America is still better than 99% of the countries out there.

I have visited Canada only once and I found it was much too cold and shitty for even the degenerates from the "Supreme Country of the Universe"

Name 6


Attached: leaf.webm (512x384, 2.66M)

Poor commiefag sad he will never get a successful commie country. You should visit venezula.

You mean starve?
Back to /leftypol/


top kek

> major city
> no white people
> rural trash
> no thin people
What do

OP btfo
try again leftypol

You're still mad about those long nosers contrlling all your money and your entire lizard people government

Americans are, by and large, ignorant of the outside world, but is it because we're stupid or is it because there's absolutely no reason to know anything about the outside world? I think we both know which is more likely.

And it isn't as if this behavior is unique to Americans, my man, I've seen plenty of ugly Frenchmen and ugly Germans and ugly Asians, too. Swiss tourists here see no problem with pissing on any area with grass on it even though it's illegal, French tourists here see no problem with telling us to our faces that our food is beneath them and they need to know a place to eat for every meal, German tourists here aren't impolite, they're just fucking weird, Italians are the fucking worst people on the planet, they REFUSE to even try to speak English, they talk over you when you're trying to explain yourself in their babbidy-boobiddy babble, and then they have the audacity to look at YOU like YOU'RE an asshole. The Asians - don't even get me fucking started, that autism on a level which Webster's hasn't found an adjective yet.

So yeah, I worked as a tour guide for a few different reserves and national parks and this idea that Americans expect to be catered to and are arrogant is absolute horseshit, Europeans and Asians take the fucking cake when it comes to being demanding and arrogant.

Though, to be fair, we are ignorant of the outside world, like I said before. I remember one guy was getting fed up with a group of Austrian tourists and mumbled "If it wasn't for us, you motherfuckers would be speaking German right now". I didn't have the hear to tell him that they already speak German.

Attached: 1346134619655.jpg (385x383, 19K)

>Posts a picture of a leaf

It's because of geographic isolation

>"Windy City" of Baltimore

Attached: 1385261692954.gif (720x480, 397K)


>Americans are, bi and large
Stopped reading right there.