Hey Jow Forums, are chokers slutty? Should they be considered slutty...

Hey Jow Forums, are chokers slutty? Should they be considered slutty? What (if anything) does this article of clothing portray upon the person who wears it?
I have a clarification I would like to add as well.
Slutty does not mean that the subject is actually a slut/whore. It alludes to the possibility that the subject could be promiscuous.

These questions are in context to the western world where a choker is a fashion statement.

Here's a strawpoll too if you want idk

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Yes, ignore thots. Come into the warm embrace of your fellow white man.

its a sign she worships her throat for giving good head.

hmmmmmmMMMMMmmMMMMMmmm... interesting

My wife wears one because I have her suck my dick daily.

OP here. Spilling the truth. I personally think they allude to someone being "slutty". But I also think in the early 2000s, the mainstream media normalized them by using popular figures

I would say it's "kinda of" a warning sign. I think they are cute but also causes me worries if I don't know her already

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You guys are retarded, it's literally because women like to accessorize and they're self-conscious about having a naked neck.

That is where her nigger boyfriend cuts her throat.

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More like skanky
If you fuck a girl who wears these get tested for crabs.
And seriously start developing a taste for a better class of women.
Chokers are single mum tier

This but Jow Forums would not be able to fuck a woman even if she was spread out on a bed and blindfolded. When you think of Jow Forums think of the shrivled 1" dick of a 90 year old man. This place is pathetic and needs to be wiped off the internet map.

interesting. Any idea why they would be self conscious about having a naked neck? desu i haven't heard that one before.

Black belt in cocksucking.
Sign of submissiveness.

black belt in dick sucking

Chokers means they are mentally unstable daddy issue whores and you should avoid them unless they want to have sex. Use at least 2 condoms and dont tell them where you work or live.

is skanky above or below slutty? or like what's the difference?

Does anyone have the Memri TV meme related to this?

>self conscious about naked neck
>not self conscious at all about tits, ass, etc.

>muh little dick virgins
bitch you came here, fuck off back to instagram and Snapchat.

only if you pretend to be a girl

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warning sign, but they can make a nice neck and collarbone stand out by drawing your attention to them. usually only works on skinny chicks with prominent bones, and not fat or muscular neck and shoulders.

>think of the shrivled 1" dick of a 90 year old man
You're gay for that

Not before I ensure this shithole site is outlawed and thrown into the trash like most of the racist white trash losers here.

it's better than slutty because sluts don't even bother with fashion accessories. Sluts already have a network of guys and usually don't even waste time dressing up etc

Look it up goy. Confirmes whores. It means they're into kinky shit. This is your nightly redpill

chokers are like an award of recognition of proficiency in performing fellatio that some women give to themselves and take pride in. I personally think they look attractive on women.

Highly correlated

>just a "warning sign"
>self-conscious about neck
>girls like to accessorize



i always called them 'i-do-anal chokers'

you're boring