Why do you think you need an assault rifle? Just explain that to me. And don't give me any of your usual tyranny...

Why do you think you need an assault rifle? Just explain that to me. And don't give me any of your usual tyranny, tinfoil hat bullshit.

Because from where I'm standing I see NO reason that a mere civilian should be able to just own an assault rifle when our boys in uniform in the military have to go through extensive training before they are trusted with firing a gun, much less considered competent with one.

Our nation needs to step up to the plate and stop allowing gun owners to hold our country hostage because they think some outdated part of the Constitution allows them to.

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Because fuck you, that's why. A speedy death to any politician that touches our firearms civil rights.

Fuck you and fuck your military. This is a nation of militias. If you're not part of it then fuck you, die.

Boy, you aren't going to do shit. The government has tanks, bombs, AND drones and they will fuck your shit up if you so much as think about forming some kind of resistance.

I’m in the military and we don’t use ar 15s first off, second off, I fight for those rights I should be able to use a AR if I damn please.

Come and try to take it faggot.

You shouldn't need to own any semi-automatic weapon with a large magazine.

The only guns a person needs are a pump action shotgun for home defense and fowl, a bolt action rifle for hunting, and a revolver for daily carry.

Why do you think I don't need an assault rifle?

So I can kill whoever threatwns me or my families safety, and by the constitution this is a right afforded to me by my creator and protected by the Federal government of the United States of America.

police go through training because they carry their weapons everywhere. The point of an assault rifle would be to protect your house from multiple intruders

fuck off

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This right here is why I support gun rights and assault rifles. Because you said if anyone even thinks about dissenting or resisting that they will be killed. Fuck off

>Southern Goy you aren't going to do anything the military has cannon and ship and they will fuck your shit up if you so much as think about forming some kind of resistance.

its fun.

Guns should be reserved for the responsible

Handguns should be reduced in number

Anyone that has shown the ability to be responsible and control their emotions should be allowed a semi-auto rifle aka a modern musket

Your military is now moot.

explain the logistics of bringing out a tank.

you think they just air drop them from the sky? that they have infinite gas and ammo?

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> And don't give me any of your usual
>Because from where I'm standing I see

So I take it there is no reason for us to have a discussion.

Why do you think banning assault rifles will significantly reduce the amount of gun homicide in this country?

Sage and hide

>Why do you think you need an assault rifle?
coz it's sexy and 'mutts know it

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You can stop projecting now

>mere civilian
I don’t think I need one, I know I need one to protect myself and my family from armchair tyrants like you.

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Because they are fun to shoot. The bigger the magazine, the more shooting. The more shooting, the more fun. Plus it keeps me prepared to shoot all you fucking lefties when the shit finally hits the fan.

top tier logic

Because id like to be able to survive when the power goes out.

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If we didn’t have guns perhaps government would have zyklon b showers in addition to tanks and drones.

>why do you need an assault rifle?
to shoot the faggots that ask the question

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Read, and comprehend.

Needs and rights are 2 different things. No one needs the internet or a car or a microwave or most of the shit that people use.

Why Do you need the internet? Don't give me any of your "to communicate with family" bullshit.

Because where I am sitting I can see NO reason a mere citizen should be able to just use arpanet when our military have extensive training and are trusted with exchanging data.

Our nation needs to step up to the plate and stop citizens from using the internet in direct contrast to the 1st amendment's concept of the printing press.

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Yep, that is why the government was victorious in Vietnam, all the tanks and bombs are great in guerrilla warfare. Not to mention that the government bombing its own civilians would be a disaster.

Bearing arms is the smart thing to do in the west at the moment. We're at the end of its civilization cycle, and being prepared for the collapse is only prudent.

Military-grade weapons in civilian hands are the only thing forcing the globalists to maintain even the pretense of a constitutional republic in the United States.

If niggers were forbidden from carrying guns and were severely punished for doing so, that might put a real dent in gun crime, if that were the goal of gun control.

In reality, only whites are to have their guns taken away.

>And don't give me any of your usual tyranny, tinfoil hat bullshit.

You stupid faggot. Just ignore reasons you don't like. What a mentally retarded dumb ass you are.

>Because from where I'm standing I see NO reason that a mere civilian should be able to just own an assault rifle when our boys in uniform in the military have to go through extensive training.....

Motherfucker. You have no idea what you are talking about. Have you ever been to basic training? I have and I was a Drill Sergeant for two years. "Extensive training" - You are fucking clueless.

>Our nation needs to step up to the plate and stop allowing gun owners to hold our country hostage because they think some outdated part of the Constitution allows them to.

Your understanding of the Bill of Rights is as stupid and lacking as your understanding of basic training.

You are literally too stupid to live. You should go kill yourself post haste.

Since when has need ever had anything to do with it?

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Short of firebombing their own people, a government will never be able to truly conquer its own territory so long as there is a rifle behind every doormat.

Who let this bluepilled mutt in here?

All of those things you mentioned are things that are actually useful in modern society.

Guns have NO USE in a modern, civilized society.

Just look at the UK, they seem to be doing just fine without them.

>explain to me X
>but don't explain it like Y
>and ignore the fact that my argument is flawed from the 6th word on
>i am a faggot
yes you are, op. yes you are.


Those are weapons for fighting a conventional war. They don't work for enforcing the day to day mechanics of a police state.

>All of those things you mentioned are things that are actually useful in modern society.

I disagree totally. People lived and worked just fine without the internet. Prove me wrong.

Addendum, if you start firebombing your own people you lose control over your military. The only places governments have been able to fuck up their own people was when the government themselves were of a different flavour i.e Alawites shooting sunnis or Shia gassing Sunnis in Iraq.
Can't happen in the US now that everyone knows about the kikes.

Why do you need a computer? Why do you need a tv? Why do you need an X box?

kill yourself shill

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its the same dumb retarded fucking shit said in every single one of these fucking stupid threads why do people even fucking respond to this shit

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The UK has literally lost their cities to invasion. That alone is reason for keeping guns uncontrolled.

>I see NO reason that a mere civilian
>that a mere civilian

You are the reason democracy doesn't work.

Cuz ur a Nigger

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If we are so defenseless against the government, why are they so obsessed with disarming us?

854 80981

Because 100 years ago the Soviets took all guns but allowed Jewish Bolsheviks to have guns. They proceeded to assassinate political opponents

Our left isn't any different. They don't have respect for rules and are generally very violent people

To shoot you if you try to take it.

>Just look at the UK, they seem to be doing just fine

That statement just destroyed all credibility you might have otherwise had.

to defend myself from commies like you

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>Guns have NO USE in a modern, civilized society.
You're forgetting how we got modern, civilized societies.

>Guns have NO USE in a modern, civilized society.
>Just look at the UK, they seem to be doing just fine without them.
>citing the UK just as London’s murder rate just surpassed New York’s.
I guess there’s no need for knives in modern civilization either, faggot. Next up, hammers.

For hunting.

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>Guns have NO USE in a modern, civilized society.

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That's a pistol, OP.

This is the only gun someone would ever need..
Smarts like the dickens, and the bullets are multipurpose... those little fat rubber bands are used for hunting, long thin for home and self defense

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they are of victim mindset
probably the most non empathetic dangerous people on the planet
justified in mind of any horrible things they do because they think all actions are payback and fighting oppression.

>Y yuo think youu need an shooty gun? Joost explan thait to me XDdddd. An dont gibe me any of youre usual tranny, tinfoil hat bullship XD.

We know you're a leaf or east european.

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Let's see the serial numbers on your other funs, friendo

>our boys in uniform in the military have to go through extensive training before they are trusted with firing a gun
LOL! Seems somebody has never so much as talked to a serviceman. Also enjoyed the 'dictatorship could never happen HERE!' bit.

-t. former infantry

You are this threads hero. Kek

the only fucks they give are those of their social group so everything they do is an act of virtue signaling for acceptance
easy to manipulate and can become extremely dangerous

so if a white meth addict breaks into my house i can legally shoot him

Fuck this thread. Boys who own guns post ‘me to kill this thread we see every other day.

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OP confirmed fag

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Why do you people still fall for this shit? Just report and move on.

O...ok senpai

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New York's murder rate is actually pretty low and it is declining. And guess what? They don't have guns there.

Meanwhile gun crime in places like Chicago is increasing.

Guns are the issue here.

i dont need an muhsalt rifle, i need a sidearm and pdw chambered in the only modern cartridge design around, a battle rifle, an amr, and long range artillery

>extensive training


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I get you're trolling, but my extensive military training consisted of firing 3 magazines.
I was in charge of security forces when night and had a girl call me crying. I went up and checked on her and she said her m4 shocked. She didn't release the bolt before inserting her magazine and accidentally chambered a round. I asked her how she should fix it and she didn't know how.
The military is full of retards who don't know how to handle an m4.
I talked to the weapons officer in the morning and had her gun qual pulled.

NYC gun crime is declining because of gentrification and they have a fuckload more cops per capita than other cities

>round is chambered
>rifle needs fixing
pick one and only one

>tyanny bullshit

Yeah, tell that to 6 million jews. Why did they need to have guns?

Also if there is any thing Vietnam, American World Police Escapades in Middle East, or literally every civil war ever has taught us-- it's that militaries are terrible at countering guerilla warfare.

Before I answer, define your terms. for instance what is an "assault rifle" exactly? Sounds mean so I want to be able to spot one.

>waaahhh why do u need guns
To kill ppl who try to take them away retard

Crime is actually decreasing from highs in Chicago, and I believe scotus smacked down some of their more draconian gun control laws a few years back.
Crime is increasing in Baltimore despite strict gun control in Maryland (no “assault rifles”, no magazines more than 10 rounds).
Fact of the matter is, if you’re looking for something with a strong correlation to murder/non-negligent manslaughter, look no further than nigger population. Correlation factor is around 0.75 and the p-value has 11 zeros before the first significant digit.
How do you explain a country like Switzerland where guns are easily obtainable yet crime is very low? Lack of niggers is how.
Also handguns kill far more than “assault rifles”. Blunt force trauma is the cause of death in more murders than rounds fired from assault rifles. You’re not into banning them to save lives, so drop the act. You’re into banning them because you’re a pawn for a bunch of psychopathic control freaks who want a monopoly on the use of force.

Here is the deal.

I don’t have to explain shit to you. Fuck off and give a 12ga a blowjob.

You realize that governments and their militaries have a long and storied history of abusing/exploiting/purging civilians, right? Better to have a dissuasive level of firepower in civilian hands than risk an eternity with a god king’s Social engineering projects.

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to shoot niggers out my property.
if we had legal guns.
and if i had a property kek.

>Bill of needs

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holy shit wow practically every thread is some shill slide thread bullshit.

>to shoot the faggots

but but if I don't have my 2nd amendment my waifu will beat the shit out of me

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Tanks bombs and drones have worked how well against muzzie cavemen?

All our high tech military shit doesnt work too well against guerilla warfare, Remember that time we got our asses kicked by a bunch of rice farmers in sandals?

>we don’t use ar 15s first off
For all intents and purposes, yes you do faggot. For 99% or training and combat engagements you will use semi auto. I hate retards who try to claim that an AR15 isn't what the military uses because it doesn't have three round burst or full auto (which are useless in almost all combat scenarios). You should be arguing that the military has access to three round burst/full auto and because of that it shouldn't be restricted from the public.


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>explain to me X
>but you cannot use any rationale that I deem to be Y


>Y is such a vague term it could literally encapsulate anything.


because fuck you thats why

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