why aren't you posting #bluepurp to the nigg headquarters (twitter)? only the fittest survive in our species

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Other urls found in this thread:

theyll be all over it

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could work if everyone's committed

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Lmao, it’s real guise

do it

never change Jow Forums

WE ALL have to do it

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lel. honestly, i think we just need to remind them regularly that hand sanitizer has ethanol. go to the bathroom, take a wiz, do a few SHOTSSHOTSHOTSSHOTSSHOTS

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>Symptoms may include a decreased level of consciousness, headache, and seizures. Long term outcomes may include kidney failure and brain damage. Toxicity and death may occur even after drinking a small amount.

Well fuck, that's a shitty way to die


Have there been any confirmed victims yet?

Did you guys do tidepods are you the heroes I think you are

Operation millennial cleanse

find some fresher images on 9gag and repost to twitter. I KNOW YOU 1/4 OF YOU GUYS HAVE TWITTER. JUST DO IT.

Attached: Ascent.png (1597x586, 469K)

>not taking Jenkem

Attached: bluepurp.jpg (857x1200, 160K)

Post it on snapchat as well
tons of niglets use it

Attached: 51.png (500x500, 30K)

>Drink antifreeze
>Completely safe

I don't know if it was the previous trend druga that caused this retardation or they are retarded on their own.
Twitter is cancer

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Are you fucking retarded? Why do you want Kids to drink something that kills them? Fucked up on the head neckbeards

This will get any and all of you in serious trouble. Don't post shit like this online.

>BLM Memeflag
fuck off shill

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is this your first time here? Where you around for the crystals?

I love natural selection. I imagine the organ market's gonna run out of kidneys too.

2 yo healf!

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who's got a reddit account to post to their meme subreddits?

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>Symptoms may include being black, stealing, saying muh dick, inability to look after own children, and cradle to grave welfarism
Being a nigger is a shitty way to live

Are you new? Jow Forums must have a death count in the high 30's by now

Yeah if you wanna do drugs do like a fucking man and snort coke and inject heroin not this shitty milenial drug.
At least snuff glue or solvents if you wanna go hobo (but not hipster) mode

The cure is alcohol so this probably wont work because everyone dumb enough to try this would also be horribly drunk.

Sort by new, upvote bluepurp memes all the way

Watch out for the internet police.

Most antifreeze has a bittering agent nowadays.


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Can't you go to jail for promoting shit like this? Remember Jew Goldstein?

fuck off shill

yea. this honestly too far. you guys are fucked in the head.. trying to kill kids? enjoy your prison life

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Go back to t_d fucktard.

You aren't even counting Jow Forums induced riots and all the Tumblr suicides.

We get green or red antifreeze....
Is this stuff pipe winterizer?

>1 post by this ID

Lol fuck off faggot

Don't forget Shia's hopes and dreams

and tide pods are okay?

Post pics from above to:

Too bad most modern antifreeze is full of bitterants to discourage consumption. People will just spit it out.

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bluepurp is delicious and gets you high as fuck

For whom? Whose interest would I be serving by trying to make fools think twice before making themselves accessory to manslaughter?

Yeah, I don't give a shit how legal it is. I'm not drinking antifreeze.

It has been going on for a few days already. Probably from /b/ originally.

drink the (((bluepurp))) goyim it will get you tons of (((retweets)))


>Nah nigguh, don be a lil beesh, hold it down and chug dah sheeeit
They'll drink it

You're a bunch of lyin no good punks, and I know where it's coming from because I've backtraced it, and I'll have you know I've reported it to the cyber police and state police. So if you keep doing this, guess what? CONSEQUENCES WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN!

Moralfag, fuck off
Jow Forums's body count is probably like 40 already
>The Crystals
>Landmine user
>Plastic bag challenge
>Tumblr suicides
>Gas Jow Forumsommando

Hard to reconcile that a kid dumb enough to drink anti-freeze, deserves to mature and propagate.

kys moralfag

Attached: kys3.jpg (540x960, 60K)

>goes down smoother than a rocking chair to the afterlife

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>drinking antifreeze
>snorting condoms up their nose
>eating tidepods
These are the fucks that want the legal voting age to be 16

I suppose I can see that.

This is literally the only non-nigger answer.

But it's the only thing left that's still legal in the UK

such an obvious forced laugh
are hollywood actors even human?

What are you, retarded, a child, or both?

antifreeze is not something that should enter the body

So where do black people go on the internet? is this being memed on worldstar or something?

I laugh like that sometimes

>goes down smoother than a rocking chair to the afterlife
I'm still fucking laughing.

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Big if true

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I don't get it

Neither is kangaroo dick but that hasn't stopped you yet.

Instagram, Twitter, SnapChat, Ifunny

The worse better. Problem is they won't drink enough for brain damage

This is why you put sugar and soda on it.

wow, i bet you thought that one up all by yourself
such a big boy

You guys better BURY these nonsense tweets with legit bluepurp facts. CAN'T STOP THE #BLUEPURP


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Drink some bluepurp. I hear it goes down smoother than a rocking chair back to plebbit.

Please tell me this is just some people tricking nerds into killing themselves.
If this leads to antifreeze being changed to be less effective or being controlled I am going to be pissed.

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All Shitter fagots need to drink this Kool-Aid

Plasticbsg challenge? Don't remember this shit.
Also funny moments with ebola Chan and prink needle for africa

>snorting condoms up their nose

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Nah m8 ur mum helped me do it. For some reason, her tongue around my cock really gets the old noggin joggin'

Never overestimate the intelligence of a nigger hue

>>/b/ with that shit

>don't get some shitty joke
>bring out the reddit posting for whatever reason
Okay dude

top kek
if suckers drink ethylene glycol, it will get metabolized into oxalate which will drive them into metabolic acidosis and renal failure from oxalate crystal nephropathy

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it deactivates the toxins you pussy ass bitch

Oi do you have an antifreeze loicence ?

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i just went balls out 1/2 for my first attempt - i'm higher than fuck man

when pol gets shut down because of this, where are you faggots migrating to? don't you make fun of niggers for not thinking ahead?

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why are you such a cunt? kys faggot

i'll send you a rope and a chair

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Just Google condom challenge

drink some bluepurp drank and it will sort you out

/b/ shooped some WWF images saying "wear a plastic bag on your head on video and every 5 minutes = 5 dollars donated"

In addition to Twitter get #bluepurp to reddit as well


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Isn't that just, like, methanol? It shouldn't be toxic in low quantities. And really, going blind ain't half bad; At least you won't have to see the all the mutts around you anymore.

I thought antifreeze was actually a really sweet taste?

Is it true Indian girls like to eat hairy man ass?

fuck I forgot about the Ebola-chan shit. didn't that lead to hundreds of niggers dying when they refused proper treatment because they thought that the doctors were priests in the cult of ebola-chan?

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eguh fucking disgusting

> nani?