Things you won't hear a black person say

things you won't hear a black person say

Attached: chris farley.jpg (480x360, 115K)

Other urls found in this thread:

"I will return your bike"


"Hello son, I'm home from work"

happy father's day, dad

"Who wants to go study at the library?"

>I graduated from X

"I'd like a large coffee with cream, please. And keep the change."

"Want a cigarette?"

It was my fault.

"Gotta go to work! Someone's gotta pay the bills."

No fried chicken and watermelon for me.

Anything. Half of what niggers say is unintelligible.

"that was the best book I ever read"

"I think the policeman was justified in his actions."

The cop didn't do anything wrong

I wanna watch my wife get fucked tonight by another man.

"Good morning/afternoon/night"
"Thank you"
"You are welcome"

"The belief that our penis sizes are larger than other races is actually an extremely false stereotype"

Non-menthols, please.

"I'll take that retirement watch now sir, it has been a pleasure working with you"

"keep the change."

Traps aren’t gay

''It's my own fault''

''I love my children''

I'd rather work than sell drugs.

I WON'T beat and rape this 97 year old white Grandmother.

No malt liquor for me, my good sir. I'm driving.

I'd like my steak medium rare.
Add onions to that.

"Gratuity included? Well, here is a little something extra just for you"

i can't believe you didn't tip

You know what? Not everything is white people's fault.

Police have the right to self-defense

I did sumfin

" i love you, son"

"I didn't realize I was being so loud I will try to be quieter."

Listen kids, we're in a movie theatre. We must be quiet through the movie.

Thanks dad, love ya too

"Honey im home."

i'm back with the milk!

At least i'm not a nigger

Sometimes that is not true.

Attached: Reverse Interracial Cuckold.png (1195x844, 330K)

I appreciate the invite, but I can't go out tonight, I have work tomorrow.

Ancient Egyptians weren't negroes and we had nothing to do with their accomplishments.

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I was not a King

My Dad went out for cigarettes but came home and said he'd decided to quit instead.

"Time to go to work."

Fuck ya'll whities. Ya'll still cant say the n word yall cracka fucks

"You all"
They always just say "Y'all"

" Jow Forums sure does does piss me off, because I am aware of it existing"

"I hope white people survive all of this."

Excuse me sir, you dropped this...


"I trust Jews."

Attached: Louis-Farrakhan-e1501777172821-826x620.png (826x620, 945K)

Accepting welfare is technically cultural appropriation. Therefore I'm not going to do it anymore.

HOL UP, yall bitches jealous we gettin all yalls white women, fuckin cracker asses can't handle we the spawn of fuckin egyptian gods and kings, das for real the real fugekd up shieet


he did it, cop

(OP) "I am happy. Things are really working out fine for me and my community. I haven't drunk or smoked in years. I am eating well. My wife is in great shape and loves me. My kids are getting straight As. The neighborhood gets new residents and businesses every day."

>things you won't hear a black person say
Wrong thread faggot.

Hell ya my nigga. Us dicks is bigga than this cracka asses

OJ did it

black folks be holding whitey down cuzo. dey in de same struggle we in my nizzle

No one in this thread knows a black person...

1 coffee please

I did in fact do something.

My goodness, my front yard is extremely well maintained compared to my neighbours.

Could you please be quiet?, I'm trying to watch the movie.

Attached: Surrounded by Niggers.jpg (621x586, 102K)

hells yea my nigga

Topical. Nice.

"I'll buy new work boots with my tax refund"

Hi dad

listen here mofugga im fuck you mother after i shoot yos nigga ass white daddy

White people have the right to self determination

I put in a good day's work

:"Hey guys lets not do cocaine in the bathroom since it is an illicit drug and we respect this establishment."

"Hey son, wanna throw some ball?"

>things you won't hear a black person say
Still the wrong thread faggot.

You know, I don't think Madea's all that funny

go fuck a drop bear

fuckk you whitey i done seen that bitchass mofucker imma fuck you upside down motha fucka

You know what? Spinner-rims are a decadent and wasteful fancy. I am in no position to purchase these.

In Australia, drop bear fuck you.

Black women are attractive

I need to purchase fresh fruit and vegetables.

oh my gosh, this thread, you all are getting reported

Top kek

>things you won't hear a black person say
Do you know how threads work?

"I need to update my resume"

niggers dont know how to use Jow Forums its low quality bait

fuck you gay nigga ass

My good man, I'm unable to ascertain how threads work. But I'm not going to get flustered about it.

'I'm working overtime today, and happy anniversary dear'

Attached: nigger_out_of_natural_habbitat.gif (300x225, 852K)

drew Carey
>pic related

Attached: carey-sm.jpg (240x247, 25K)

Here is my credit history. I'm rather proud of it.

That's not a black thing tho


My best friend is black.

We just painted him like that but it's technically true.

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>Do you know how threads work?
Don't you know how niggers work?

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