BREAKING: Unconfirmed Reports of Large Explosions in Damascus

We are following multiple reports out of Syria

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Iran is fucking pissed! They said Israel will be wiped from the face of the Earth

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Big if true

>not Syrian flag

source faggot

Great source faggot.

/ourgirl/ hasn't tweeted in over 2 hours.


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Maybe it was just some bad hummus?

It's the 18th in Syria right now, isnt it?
Please do it, boss.

it's time

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Did the Last Jedi just debut in Syria?

Doesn't she not live in Syria any more?

Turn on Fox News! Holy shit!!

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Well, maybe that's because it's 6:30 in the morning over there.


No hiss



She's lived in Oz her whole life for all intents. She's a shill for Assad but won't live in Syria; a total hypocrite.


Kys faggot

thanks for the update dad

>Kys faggot
you would kiss a faggot, faggot

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What's the benefit of being a pro Al Qaeda rather than Assad? Unless you re a Zionist Jew

Substantial if substantiated

>in Damascus

Wow I’m shocked

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