Post Movies that triggers right wingers

I'll start. Django triggers dixie fags and white nationalist.

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No it doesn't. Django was entertaining and a well written. If something is pushing an agenda but it good no one is triggered, it's only when things are hamfisted and insult the viewers intelegence that people get angry.

>muh cowboys
>b-but rural folk aint gay!

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I quite enjoyed it. Your move OP.

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Brokeback mountain just gave the world another gay insult. If you say something's a little brokeback, everyone knows what you're talking about, and you don't really get accused of being homophobic for it. I call that a public service.


Black Panther triggers white people

>muh coal!
>all my repuuublican politicans say there aint no global warming
>they say science is fake news! fake news!
>gunn go work on mah coal roller!

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>Django: Kill white people and get paid for it? What's not to like?

And I was told I was racist when I said that a white person could never be applauded for saying the same of black people in a movie.

Black Panther is hilarious because it's written by a couple of jews telling the story of Israel through their black puppets. It's absolutely captivating when you watch a pirated copy through that frame of reference.
Hahaha nigger thinks he can operate complex machinery effectively. I love pacific rim, and that just gave it a little comedic edge.

This. The movie is literally perfectly accurate and was procen right by numerous teams of well established Israeli climate researchers from university of Tel-Aviv and yet pol stull doesn't believe science!

I saw this movie as little more than a good advertisement for individual gun rights.

>muh anti-islam!
>i thought we hated towel heads! i thought we was gonn go kick their ass n take their names
>nah, you can't support education in muslim cuntreez, thats comme talk
>and educatin wimmen? WIMMEN?
>gunn go work on my bin laden target practice
>since 'bama didn't get him fer sure

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I don’t see the Israel comparison at all

>tfw no qt cowboy bf

>And I was told I was racist when I said that a white person could never be applauded for saying the same of black people in a movie.
There must be some old movie about a hero freeing a white woman from Muslim slavery surely.
I'd love to see how people would react to that today.

Jon Boyega is a smug faggot who sniffs his own nigger farts

>anything by Quentin Tarantino
>well written
When will this meme die?

It's a complete fantasy that could only happen in a movie. Even then, the dentist still got BTFO'd and out maneuvered by Leo and had to resort to going back on his honor due to severe butthurt. Django was saved only by plot armor and the need to have the good guys win.

>muh guns dunt kill folk, uh, bullets kill folk
>or like, injuries kill folk
>guns dont kill folk
>.... bamas comin to take muh gunz, dude isn't even murkan

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>Well n-not all muslims are l-like that you realize that r-right?

Would be the most tame response.

Not saying Quentin Tarantino is the best but you cannot deny that media with such blatent reperation/guilt pandering is usually garbage so the bar is really low.

>mah warmongering!
>murka always wins wars! we won 'nam!
>kick ass and take names, that wut we do!
>i aint hear of no post trumatic stress dis-udder
>fuckin war baby! war! murka knows our guns!! war=good, son! wartime!

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Reactionaries BTFO.

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Well you're an idiot then. Israel, a technologically advanced nation is surrounded by nations and semitic people that they view to be inferior. Wakanda is basically the kikes, and I would say that Jack Kirby is definitely a zionist who thinks it's best if niggers sympathise towards the zionist plight.

>Django triggers dixie fags and white nationalis

What version of it?
there are more django movies than american missiles that can actualy HIT targets

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>Implying any nigger cuck fetish director from kikewood could trigger anyone with half a brain