>pic related

When they are so quick to damage control, we know we hit a vein.

Now is the time to double down with these Starbucks coupons.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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they live here, they take shifts, evening and nights are heavily monitored and shilled, days not so much because everything is unfolding, and below midnight they just leave the place to the australians they can fill up this place with shiet

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I wonder how many of these correct the record faggots work at starbucks too. Fuck we could be hitting them where there ACTUAL income is made.

breaking the law is only okay when (((they))) do it

It's a funny idea, idk how big the actual impact will be

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What a dumb shill. A coupon with no intrinsic value isn't currency. They only give them a fraction of a penny value to write them off as business expense.

we used to have plenty of coupon threads on /b/ back in 2010. its illegal to create fakes. HOWEVER if you simply try to use them... simply tell the cashier you saw them on twitter and youll be let go. you only get in trouble if you make them. and of course we stopped having coupon threads on /b/ because the maker got arrested. but at the same time dont give out printed coupons, thats also illegal.

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>federal crime to print false currency
What is the Federal Resrve?

Honestly might be true idk. Idc since im not drinking that shit anyway