What did Jow Forums think of la Goblina vs the slut?

What did Jow Forums think of la Goblina vs the slut?

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/erin/ is more based because she single handedly btfoed all the male thots

Sam is /ourgal/

>male thots
The fuck is a "male thot"

Jean Francois Faggot (JF)
>Is French Canadian (Autofaggot)
>Has good Politics (White Nationalist Conservative)
>Was in a relationship with a retarded girl
>Parents tried to press charges against him and lost
>Is a fatty chaser
>Destroyed Destiny in bloodsports so bad that Destiny retreated and hasn't been seen since.
>Unemployed/youtube is his "career"

>Failed Starcraft player
>Streams on Twitch
>Believes in ethical CP
>Traded pictures of underage girls on the internet
>Said he was investigated by the FBI for CP
>Is an SJW
>Unemployed/Twitch is his "career"

Ethan Ralph/Ralph/Ralph retort
>Was a part of GamerGate
>Has a crush on Briana Wu- (Tranny videogame developer that latched onto gamergate to promote its game and played the victim for internet begging on patreon for sympathy donations)
>Has meetups with internet people- hangs out with Sargon
>Got drunk and passed out in a hotel lobby and attacked a cop and got put in jail for being a retard.
>Has a website that is complete trash soap opera internet blog shit about internet e celeb drama.
>Unemployed/youtube is his "career"

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Andy Warski
>Coke head
>Compulsive masturbator
>Is the male version of Amy Schumer- failed comedian with only one subject he jokes about- masturbation and dick jokes.
>Speech impediment- stutter
>Used to be a wannabe trendy channel-has a crush on some black bitch on MTV was obsessed with her.
>Is obviously mentally retarded- took a facebook IQ test and scored like 110 and took it seriously.
>Dating an illegal aliend from Europe
>Unemployed/youtube is his "career"

Tonka Saw
>Manlet- says he is 6'2 but pictures on the net show he is more like 5'4
>Failed sports entertainment rassler
>I threw a beer can out my car window and this faggot started crying
>Hosts a boring stream every day that doesn't pay attention to the live chat, never interacts with the audience and is too dumb to do anything other than read the paid superchats, doesn't actually respond to them.
>Lives with his grandma that he allowed to get blacked, but threatens people on the internet with physical violence when they make him look retarded.
>Unemployed/youtube is his "career"

>His name says it all.
>Name also reflects IQ
>Unemployed/youtube is his "career"

Mr Metokur (JIM) Billy the anti bully
>Is a troll
>More Normie than e celeb
>Was part of Gamergate
>Tries to reason with retards and fails
>Makes videos on youtube making fun of internet crazies, has lately been hanging out with internet crazies.
>Acts like he has a problem with internet friends and meetups
>Met his girlfriend from online hangouts and met her in real life.
>Jade had a youtube channel and did art.
>No one has heard from her since. All online evidence of her existance disappeared
>Obviously he did a meetup with Jade and killed her and disolved her coprse in acid and flushed her down a toilet.

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All of these people (except Jim)are trying to accomplish what they couldn't in real life: Attention whoring. They are all fame seekers, they are all wannabe celebrities and they all believe they are influencers. Anybody that says they have a "manager" when the only job they do is upload free videos on the internet is obviously having delusions of grandeur and believe they are more famous than what they really are.

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Blacked Alaska
>Had a drug party with a bunch of druggies in his new apartment
>Was trying to get laid and to impress the pill head blonde chick Erin was turning against his audience live on stream
>Says he want's to get away from the alt right
>Doxxed Andy Warskis family
>Threatened to tell Andys family about when Andy, Asian Andy and Baked did the IRL livestream that Andy was looking for coke, so Baked called his drug dealer to drop by to sell andy some coke
>Is now trying to get hackers to attack Ralph, and Andys live stream
>Was Milo Yianoppolis' manager, was pro gay
>The people he had on his stream when he turned against his audience were all active attacking his audience
>Starts using "problematic" and trendy SJW buzzwords, banned people for being antisemitc in his chat
>Erin is a pill head admittedly, Baked is a Meth head admittedly, Andy is a coke head admittedly, Chad is a Meth Head that was talking weirdly like a pedo
>Baked Turns against people within minutes See erin and the dunecoon
At the time of the IRL livestream, how did he have a coke hookup in a city he didn't live in?
Why was Iceposeiden mentioned so much when Andy and Baked were talking about Baked's coke hookup? Which one of the people in the apartment is the DEA informant?

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Tonka: hungry skeleton internet tough guy who has a pedophile dad.

8ch net/neocow/res/118.html

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>Be Sargoy of Cuckaad
>Go on Andy (Race)Warski livestream with Richard (controlled opposition) Spencer
>Spencer immediately destroys Sargon
>"Sargoy thinks he's smarter than what he really is"
>"Sargoy's autistic"
>"What color is Lawrence Fishburne?"
>Sargoy cracks- "Don't answer that question, it's a loaded question"
>Sargoy argues in bad faith with straw man arguments, disingenous statements, putting words into Spencers mouth and actively lying about what Spencer said.
>Murdoch Murdoch uploads a video starring Sargoy making fun of Sargons autism
>This breaks Sargoy completely, to the point he has an existential crisis
>Sargoy declares he is no longer a "youtube skeptic"
>Sargoy invents a new political party "liberalist"
>Sargoy goes full retard and has a nobody Jr. skeptic (Louis Le Vaux) bait Metokur into a livestream, this is Le Vaux's test of manhood, to get his wings- so to speak, to become a full youtube skeptic.
>Metokur has no idea who Louis Le Vaux is but agrees to chat with him in his live stream
>Sargon is seen as soon as Mr Metokur enters the livestream in telling Louis Le Vaux what to say to Metokur
>Metokur calls out Sargoy and tells him to be a fucking man and get in the livestream and stop using the nobody as a puppet
>Sargon enters the livestream acting like he has no idea what Metokur is talking about
>After some back and forth Metokur figures out what is happening, when Sargoy asks him about personal stuff/videos Metokur has been doing
>Metokur asks Sargon straight up if he has had people watching him
>Sargon admits it, and says he may have some information that he can release to the internet that Metokur may not want (Doxx on Metokur) through thinly veiled threats
>After Metokur leaves, Sargoy is heard patting himself on the back with the nobody (le vaux) openly sucking his dick and calling metokur a coward for not being autistic.
This shit is hilarious. Please continue.

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boring and fake

Where are you getting all this Tonka info? Allegedly he owns a business?

Someone else in another thread put it really succinctly: all this e-celeb shit is literally a friend simulator

Literally who the fuck are these retards

How the fuck can you own a business when you stream 12 hours a fucking day 5 days a week?

>all this e-celeb shit is literally a friend simulator

Makes sense

You fucks are pathetic

man... Jow Forums sure loves sucking Jim's cock.

wtf is this dumb shit?

>Andy is a coke head admittedly
Meh. More like
>Andy likes to powder his nose occasionally in the spirit of the night, admittedly

Friend simulator for people right-of-center.

I think it may be autistic.

Wow i didn't know tonka was a nigger the fuck.

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Whiskey nigger, firewater faggot. He is enjun. No dot indian. Also a manlet from that pic, looks like he is going for the Bog brothers look. Has he had plastic surgery?

It's the nerd girl vs gamer gurrl dynamic.

It's important to mention that Louis Le Vaux runs one of the best twitter accounts in the world.

have a (you) friend.
agree with everything except the part about spencer destroying sargoy. Both of them were absolute trash, and the whole "bloodsports" genre just results in emotionally weak 30-something year old man-children behaving like baboons.
The whole "what does it mean to be white" meme is kinda retarded since Spencer admitted that being white is both "cultural" and "biological". Sargoy didn't understand this because if a negro assimilates into the "white" culture and behaves 100% like a white person; would they count as white? would they be allowed in the ethno state? what if that person was half-black and half-white? Where the fuck is a cut-off line since white identity is so fucking important to white nationalists?
Also, both of them gave the most vague and general answers because they didn't want to commit to their points, no specificity = much easier to defend your arguments with "No, that's not what i said, what i said was this vague thing that can be interpreted a million different ways"
Both of them are fucking terrible. Metokur really spanked sayboy and showed how much of a rat he was on his livestream.

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Literally who? Fuck all these faggot ecelebs

The whole BA thing is like a scrpted performance art thing. It's too bizarre to be real


I would not allow any brown person in the ethnostate.

Skin color. Once you get to a certain shade, no longer acceptable. Light brown.

If someone has a tan, tell them to go inside and stay out of the sun until they pale up. Then allow them in.

But that isn't the only thing to go by. Go by how they act. IF they act like a nigger, they are not allowed and if they have kids that end up acting like niggers kick them out.

That is how. How is something so simple so hard for people to grasp?

I wanna sniff Brat ass

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Anyone else following baked and micro's freakout on gab threatening to dox and flag everyone for making fun of baked?

I think he said he cuts promos for MMA fighters. Plus he makes a ton off supa chats.

What stream was this? Where Sargon told Metokur he had info on him.

Based brat sniffer

erin is easier to look at but sam wants to gas the kikes. so take your pick.

>>Blacked Alaska

Baked Alaska is Microchip.



Spencer vs Sargon debate:


Murdoch Murdoch then made this video: youtube.com/watch?v=V2-W9za0fF8

Then Louis Le Vaux makes this stream to bait Jim to try and lure Jim into a chat:


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Jim is the only one worth watching simply because he is only there to mock the cringe and how seriously they take themselves

It's been three days of sobbing like women. Some of the saddest shit I've ever seen.

I think Erin’s little drug addled ticks and twitches are cute

Because that's your definition of what white is.
I'm saying that Spencer had a retarded vague definition with a "vetting" process that would give leeway for non biologically white people to enter his shitty ethno-state making his definition of a "white" person fucking weird.
Also the tan meme is great, especially for people who have naturally different colour tones. I've known tier 3-4 white girls (slavs) that look fucking brown because they ruined their skin with 3rd world country beauty products.
Your definition is at least sound because its specific
>Light brown only
>No nigger behavior
>no exceptions
But the Spencer boy decided to stray from these concrete rules like a fucking kike
> -1 for leddit spacing

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I am sure if you go walk down hollywood boulevard in the evening you will run into her, offer her a crack rock and report back. Don't bitch when she uses you as a human ATM to buy her next fix though.

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lol Micro must be reading this thread because he is writing paragraphs about dumb shit right now. I think he and Baked may be homosexuals.

This whore needs to die. The most disgusting, unattractive type of woman personality-wise. The mutt can live but needs to go away. I can't believe I used to like Baked. He's been a massive faggot ever since he started livestreaming every day.

based alaska literally BTFO'd every single one of those basement dwellers ass while he was having sex with la goblina

I believe he nailed the troll goblina, she has a kid and needed to pay him for the meth, so he obviously took it out in trade, but the rest is laughable.

yeah it is actually funny how every single thing they tried to turn on him they do themselves i.e doxxing, banning people from chat, using people for content etc

Yeah. All of them do the exact same thing. Andy was even about to Narc out Bakeds dealer Icedposeiden, And kept mentioning Icedposeiden.

Yeah but he didn't though. Baked on the otherhand narc'd right away then said he had evidence on his phone which is weird. Who would admit to keeping evidence that they facilitated a drug deal. What an idiot.

Only people that got caught with a bunch of drugs and is now a rat for the DEA. Icedposeiden better watch his ass.

Pretty sure he admitted to getting drugs for people and having them at parties. I've never seen someone that stupid openly admitting shit like that. Great way to draw attention to the people you hang out with. If Ice or the others start getting hassled it all leads back to Baked.

On the Joachim's Backyard stream, after the Sam intervention, I legit developed a little crush on her.

>I'd totally make a better mother than u
>Oh yeah?

Sums up the conversation desu

pic unrelated

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>Sargoy didn't understand this because if a negro assimilates into the "white" culture and behaves 100% like a white person; would they count as white?
Go rake yourself.

hopefully these druggies get killed.

andy was the one who admitted to it you dipshit

What confuses me is did he think narcing on ecelebs in LA he was doing himself any favors? Word is already spreading he can't be trusted. He pretty much ruined himself by bringing shit like that up.

Mundane Matt
>Helped BLACKED Alaska fake his mace incident
>Recieved an envelope of cash from the "random" Uber they took back
>Flashed it live on stream
>Still on video at the end of the macing stream on Alaska's old channel
>Helped doxx Andy's family
>Starts using "problematic" and trendy SJW buzzwords
>Threatened BLACKED Alaska with telling Andy about his doxx dischord
>Wants to get away from the alt right
>Is now trying to get hackers to attack Andy's live stream
>Secretly gay
>Was trying to get laid and to impress the other fake homosexual Nationalist on stream

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All these guys are shit but I think Andy should get a pass. He got fucking raped by his babysitter, I think that kind of deserves some sympathy. It also explains the coke, and also the insane effort at attention whoring

it's an exaggerated example to make my point.
complete negros wouldn't be allowed in a white ethnostate, but the point is to have a fucking line as to what is "white" enough
Are people that are 1/3 negro allowed if they act like whites? what about if they're half with light skin? The point is there needs to be a clear cut-off for what it means to be "white" in Spencers view
Spencer doesn't do this because he's a faggot who doesn't want to commit.
Also nice trips so here is a nice rake for you, senpai.

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Nope. Baked admitted he had records. Told Andy he had phone records/text messages and said "if I show them will you delete your channel". Later Andy said Baked hooked him up. So Baked keeps records of drug deals on his phone like a moron. Audio has been mirrored even though Baked has been trying to pull down all the archive channels. There are multiple mirrors unlisted on multiple accounts. I don't think Baked realized how bad he fucked up.

That explains him telling his audience about getting naked, climbing up his wall and bending at the waist and trying to suck his own dick.

>He got fucking raped by his babysitter

Andy you fag, she made a man out of you. Stop begging for sympathy points.

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>single mother lecturing anyone over thottery
Fucking scum.

andy was the one who first brought up that baked was the one who allowed andy access to cocaine in the first place therefore admitting it first. anyways proof of buying drugs without possession isnt illegal in the first place so i dont see what the actual problem is. andy is the literal coke head here

Do you really think the babysitter was a woman?

lol. Baked will find out soon enough what the actual problem is. Does he think people in LA will let info like that slide? He's dumb as fuck.

You're joking
No way

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But she admitted her mistakes in the past and her mulatto child is in the custody of her parents (apparently) because she spent 48 hours straight with baked who was having a meth binge, so she has to be better than the other meth head, because she hangs with such stable people.

so andy leaking that information is going to get baked in "trouble". right, thats the fucking problem. they're subverting him with that exact logic, they're all dirty pieces of shit and baked is 100% in the right here

No. They are all pieces of shit and will do anything for money. Including turning on their internet friends.

Baked brought up andy is a cokehead. Baked said he kept info. Baked bragged about his connections. This goes beyond c string eceleb faggots. Dealers don't like loudmouths and the people that supply the people he gets shit from won't risk some dipshit fucking with their money. Baked is dumb.

I don't think he realized that he didn't gave a shit at that point.
I honestly hope he and the rest of the people who want to be e-celebs get dealt with.
>I hope andy gets high on coke on an IRL stream and gets arrested for harassing minorities.
>I hope JF goes for 8 years for raping that underage autistic coworker
>I hope Ice "disappears" after raping that other underage girl
>I hope asian andy gets hung after streaming IRL in north korea
>I hope Metokur blows his brains out after all the lolcows disappear and there is no more e-celeb drama to report on


if baked would do anything for money he would have streamed yesterday and today.
so? baked said nothing about who the dealer was in any conceivable way possible or hinted that he was the one who bought it until andy brought it up

No he just admitted he supplies and keeps records. I'm sure it will work out well for him lmfao.

Imagine your 12 and the female babysitter messes around with you. Are you gonna be mad about it?
It makes no sense.

Now imagine dad leaves you with your 300 pound uncle and shit happens. You gonna admit it on live stream?

Baked said he keeps drug deal info on his phone. They will not like that and will do anything to prevent that info getting out.

ok? this has nothing to do with literally anything and he only admitted it after it was leaked by andy you dipshits. and if you're a dealer who is "afraid" of being found then they deserve it for being a dipshit themselves

Yeah I'm sure the spics and niggers that run that scene down there will give him a pass lol. "Guys it's cool I'm a based magapede so I should get a pass."

and again it has nothing to do with giving him a pass. if andy doesnt leak more shit then the 'dealers' wont have anything to worry about in the first place. like i said this all started because andy cant keep his stupid stuttering mouth shut

You're pretty dumb but it's cool. You won't be the one getting his door knocked by some tatted up MS13 member.

Baked, you better run back to Alaska. Seriously with the shit you put out, I wouldn't want to live looking over my shoulder. You know how many retards have been killed for less there?

yes i wont because i dont buy cocaine and am not a coke head

I wonder which IKEA store they got all their furniture from.

Dunno. Thought his shtick was playing the overall nice guy with a sad story in his past, the shit that gets views and a pass for being non-PC.

On the other hand, if he got a sharpie in the pooper at age 12, this explains why he has a fat and dumb gf.

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yes!! based erin going off on coke andy right now!!

Andy doesn't know any dealers. He got the coke from baked himself

Yep and baked is telling people he keeps records about supplying people. Not a bright guy.

oh jesus she is fucking nuts

jf fucked up

>I want to give you guys what you want

Not so sure about that

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Does she know she's been doxxed?

>be slurried literal who
>get attention you desire
>retard frogleaf falls in love
>start streaming for betafags and white knights
>"all white girls are savable"
>says she won't take shit
>continues to take tough rider style rawdog shit ever after

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>posts videos/audios of herself begging dudes to cum on her face and in her ass

>What did Jow Forums think of literally who vs literally who?
Literally don't give a shit.

Leftism has successfully determined that white men like to cum on faces and in asses, and that being a whore is "shame", but still can't grasp why an empowered, respected wymyn can't post videos/audios begging dudes to cum on her face and in her ass, so they keep making this basic mistake

I blame vaccine autism

This is some fucking Jerry Springer shit