Real talk Jow Forums

The Starbucks thing requires real talk guys.

Yes, its stupid. Its fucking Starbucks. Who fucking cares. But consider just what is being said here. 175,000 people, almost a quarter million, are going to be forced, FORCED to attend social justice reeducation. Masquerading as happy fun times where they work on their "racial biases".

This is it guys. We have reached the rubicon. All that shit with Trump? Capture the flag with Shia? Childs play. None of that actually addressed the true rot at the heart of our society. The rot that convinces normies to roll over and embrace the vile lies being pushed on them by the radical left. We have sat here, in our right wing ivory tower, and made fun of these people. Sometimes justifiably. Usually justifiably. But the insanity has reached its breaking point.

Despite our efforts, a major multination corporation, Starbucks, feels it is a good idea to bend the knee to the social justice lynch mob. Worse, they are not only caving to their demands, they are going to force all their employees to undergo political reeducation in accordance with these social justice ideas. Anons, this cannot stand. We cannot let it stand. It may be stupid that a fucking fast food coffee chain is the the institution to cross the Rubicon, but cross that boundary it has.

We CANNOT let 175,000 Normies...US Citizens, undergo mandatory political reeducation under penalty of losing their jobs. It CANNOT be allowed. The time is now Jow Forums, to go to the barricades. That is fucking Starbucks of all fucking things to trigger this course of events is hilarious, but then chaos is a fickle beast.

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We should publicly announce that Jow Forums is waging war against Starbucks... Then do nothing at all as they chase the edge under the bed.

Did you just learn that workplace sensitivity training is a thing? Pretty much every major corporation does this already.

bux barista fag here, I feel this force fed diversity training is going to redpill a lot of other baristas and will probably see more increase in conservative view employees, which will cause a conundrum for starbucks, keep bending the knee at the SJW left lynch mob to save face of the business, or back up their employees after the redpill or face a huge backlash and watch all their baristas quit by the masses causing the company more loss of profit than what the SJWs could cause

This is fine. Diversity training always makes people more racist

yea yell at the whit guy for no reason. till he snaps and say. I just want my dam coffee in 8 mins or less so when you tell darky to buy or leave its not raciest.

Apparently you can't call the police if they chimp out. : )

Congrats on learning and knowing where corporate Marxism comes. Have a (You), don't be a nazi, and drop as many commies you can.

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My thoughts exactly. I had the feeling we reached peak SJW a few years ago. It’s an ideology which is more likely to bleed members because of their ever changing demands.

In short, there are probably more blues turning purple than vice versa.

We all forget there was a major bubble of PC culture in the 1990’s, it all died on 9/11. The current wave were people who were children during the late 80’s to early 1990’s. These people were reared by 90’s PC, but weren’t politically mature enough at 9/11.