Have you always been racist or was it something that gradually built up over time?

Have you always been racist or was it something that gradually built up over time?

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I've always been conscious of difference aka "racist".

I love my people.. and hate anyone that harms them

I grew up in a town of only 300 people. I gave everyone the benefit of the doubt. They all proved me wrong. Especially Mexicans and niggers. However, there's a lot of white people who need a rope too

my racism is in direct proportion to niggers nigging x my 144 I.Q.


gonna get shit on
i used to be racist but am no longer.
hate people based on what they do, some do fucking well no matter the race. i hate fuckin poor nazis tho. i can handle the rich ones cuz they do their thing, but poor fat slobs are not a good example of white supremacy.
>jews are inferior
>jews rule/shape the world
my 3c

It gradually built up over time as a result of two things:

>Liberal hypocrisy regarding race issues
>a better understanding of evolution and biology

It was actually Jared Diamond and Richard Dawkins who caused me to understand the truth about race IQ differences. Ironic because Jared Diamond tries to specifically argue against this whilst constructing the perfect case FOR it. Dawkins drops some not-that-subtle hints about race differences in some of his books.

Regarding liberals, I got more and more angry how they'd talk about the sensitivity, insecurity ,and needs of non-whites but then mock, slander, shut-down, and trivialize any concerns of white people (especially white males). Initially I was approaching the arguments from leftists from a broadly sympathetic and even like-minded position, but little by little it became clear to me that the double standard was real, was becoming even more stark, and that leftists were not interested in arguing in good faith. In time I realized that they didn't want to argue or discuss at all (they'd just ban my side of the argument).

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I full-scale believed in the "niggers are equal" meme until I started living and working with them. At a certain point your brain can't handle their idiocy and criminality and you'd just rather be around white people and how their biggest problem is a lukewarm latte, not their legging getting shot and their car stolen.

Media coverage of Ferguson and Zimmerman really redpilled me a lot. I’m not a retard and knew that those idiots deserved to get shot, but the media was trying to push such a blatant message that it really made me angry. It’s only gotten worse since then.

Trayvon Martin case made me racist. Joining the USMC and then watching niggers respond to the Mike Brown case as some kind of travesty amplified it.

I was pretty careless and saw everything as equal but blacks woke me up. Jow Forums critiqued it.