Is he the most Jow Forums president? If not him, who is?
Is he the most Jow Forums president? If not him, who is?
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>literally makes niggers niggers
How the fuck is he Jow Forums?
>hated niggers
>not Jow Forums
he did not hate niggers.
if he hated niggers he would not have made a whole speech about how he would rectify a horrible old mistake that America was too European, too white.
he was a proto shitlib
Andrew Jackson you kike lover
It's about epidide of kikes no longer trying
>BLACKED the country
>Wasn't even popular enough to run for a second term and might have killed the real Jow Forums president JFK
The man who nigged us all?
I don't think so.
Trump is pretty much universally hated at this point.
I can't imagine a president more disliked than him.
Obviously, was redpilled but legislated like a bluepilled normie.
>implying Andrew Jackson wasn't the Jow Forums president
Wasted digits. He did a lot to advance the stereotypical Jow Forums agenda, but he was a faggot through and through.
Adolf Hitler was the most pol Reichspräsident
Um. He is one of the four horsemen of progressive bureaucracy (along with Woodrow Wilson, fdr, and Obama).
>Mr 1965 immigration "reform" act
>a Jow Forums president
>literally the first president who wouldn't be called a white supremacist by today's standards
>used a dead president to manipulate blacks for the ages
>prolonged a war, due to helicopter stocks
He did you retard, He just knew you cannot fight history, and it is better to make them you slave via proxy, then to stop them
He admired Hitler and tried to shut down the federal reserve, the latter of which got him killed.
Noxon tapes read like a properly educated and articulate Jow Forums user, if not vulgar as fuck
>not mentioning Nixon
He put the final nail in the coffin by forcing the US off the precious metals standard.
>Woody Wilson
>and the final horsemen, the Bush dynasty
His best moment.
you are furniture
I don't know much about him admiring Hitler but his dad certainly did.
>and it is better to make them you slave via proxy, then to stop them
That worked out so well for America..
>JFK diary calls Hitler 'stuff of legends'
The most vulgar president for sure but the least Jow Forums president of history
Criminal family turned president to help more Irish people in USA and was clearly the best.
Sure, he has that, but he was pretty bad as a president. He's no Trump or Jackson.
>1965 immigration act
>introduced into house of rep by a jew (emmanuel cellar)
>was signed into law by LBJ two years after JFK was killed
He acted like a boorish Jow Forumslack in his private life: calling people niggers and walking around naked but he wanted to be remembered as a progressive hero, so in his public life he cucked-out.
>t.too young to remember Bush
And you obviously don't know about Nixon or Johnson.
Bush was hated, but he was also liked by a lot of dumb people.
>false flag wars
>let niggers loose
>worked with the Jews in Lincolns Assasination
Sorry but pic related was the ultimate shitlord.
I met Kennedy's assassination lol.
Bush was military and Medicare but not much else. The four I mentioned redefined American society to revolve about the state rather than the citizen.
Two happenings for ya mate, Patriot Act and muh WMDs. They fundamentally changed the government-civilian relationship more than any other president I can think of, because the former spat in the face of our constitutional documents, and the latter shat on the idea of upholding the government to any standards.