>A Hungarian city’s bid to become the European Union’s next “Capital of Culture” was allegedly rejected by EU officials because its video entry showed too many smiling, dancing, white Christians, the city’s mayor says.
>the panel criticized the film for leaving out “the poor and migrants” while having too many “crosses and churches.”
>year 2020 >Lagos wins European culture contest for being poor, black and muslim enough
Adrian Perez
do you have a better source than this? the article links to some hungarian site where supposedly the only person claiming this is the mayor of the city. but 1)i can't read hungarian 2)the mayor claiming it isn't a good enough source.
seems like a perfect article to show my normie friends but if it's this poorly sourced, they won't buy it.
Wyatt Thompson
Russian Kiwiproxy, go the fuck home. The Magyar local politicians will say anything to keep the top Orangies in power, and RT reporting on it makes me think you just might be a little retarded for citing them.
So instead we run a couple of sites associated with Russian trolling and ad buys. Fucking please, cunt. Find the source document where the European Union informs the city of this decision and those reasons. The EU always publishes their shit.
Samuel Gray
That screen is from an FBIV video, correct? The EU is censoring all national European songs from the previous era. Including non-Euro/memberstates like Ukraine, Russia and even Israel too.