The BA Experience

go through /COW/, Kiwifarms, neocow etc to find out zoom is trolling everyone and baked never doxxed andy under his own name.

Attached: mrgou.png (1444x281, 47K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>wake up
>1h 50m alt hype stream
>1h 30m halsey vs dawson stream
>3h 30m venti stream talking about the baked drama
>almost 5 hours of warski stream
>ralph and scrub alredy live at it again
can we please not do this?

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Post more

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Is any of them worth waching does anyone know

What emails were sent to andy as evidence in the first place?


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Chaggot aka chad aka dielawn

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warski stream had sweet eryn on. she's gonna rek their show like she rekt baked's stream.

Whos account is that

>all of this autism is just so tiring


a burner.

ralph had zoom on.

>MrGous first ever post

i wonder

Baked Alaska

everyone is asleep

Wasn't there also a 7 hour stream yesterday?
This e-celeb cancer must come to an end. There have been a few high level and informative debates over the past few months, but increasingly all you see is narcissism and greed.
Mr Metokur the other day on stream basically admitted he was only fucking with Baked Alaska because it was good for the views and donations. BA is an attention whore. Andy is a semi-litterate pothead porn addict, and most of the other hangers on aren't worth anybody's time.

Attached: China based faggots.jpg (840x859, 108K)

so because metokur admitted it it means hes not an attention whore? fuck off retard, hes a degenerate doxxer and baked is being framed


MrGou has since deleted his posts.

this was the link he posted in his first message. also since deleted.

Read my post again. Then read it again.
I don't give a shit about who is doxing who. I was not complimenting Metokur. I was accusing him of being a cynical piece of shit.

Go back to Erin Baked...oh wait...

desu metokur did nothing wrong

Reminder the /bybs/ fags were in on it too because they were jealous of Andy getting more views.

I hate these fucking autists

finally someone with some common sense


>can we please not do this?
>Wasn't there also a 7 hour stream yesterday?
>This e-celeb cancer must come to an end

They baited you sorry sacks of shit in with "talking about the issues" and "bloodsports no holds barred debates" and you're surprised when it was actually just a soap opera all along?

>Andy is a semi-litterate

That's generous. Didn't these retards literally prove they're sub-average IQ the whole lot? Some borderline retarded? I mean it's not even a joke or character assassination, it's fucking reality. They're mentally deficient mongs arguing about topics they don't understand.

Just imagine the amount of books you could have gone through in ONE STREAM. 7 fucking hours? Even a slow audiobook of a 500 page novel would be done in that time.

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Attention all:
In the last leaked discord chat with baked he says the alt right are gay nazis and that were all mixed and we should be civnats instead of white/ethno nationalists.
Hes a jew

Gone now

that's fine and dandy, but the drama is about baked shitting on his audience after years of begging them for money.

wow what a coincidence

that's how they get you. they pull you in with a Richard Spencer vs Sargon debate and before you know it, you're watching 12+ hours of streams every day.

Attached: Yall-Got-Any-More-Of-That.jpg (600x471, 26K)

what are you implying?

zoom and his lackeys are lurking

So was baked Alaska looking for people to hack Andy and co. Or not?

Chaggot was, DieLawn. Remember how he freaked out on stream and wanted to end it?

But was this comfrimed?

see This is the screencap from one of the livestreams with zoom.

Zoom is supposed to be their evidence BA doxed andy. The only email i see is dielawns and zooms fake email he admitted to having.

People are calling dielawn a pedo-apologist, and he is the son of a senator, no wonder he wants to 'deal' with ralph and warski and stop the streams, and take shit down.

It makes more sense it was him than baked.

Occams razor.

what connects him to the email address?

There are archived threads of people discussing it and some user found out it was his.

yeah but there's screenshots from bakeds discord of baked alaska asking people if they can get hackers

Regardless if it's not him, and it is baked alaska, then you have to connect baked to the email still. This is a major gap in the psyop. Zoom has explaining to do.

>Doctoring screencaps seems like something bybs, cow, or neocow would do. Strange looking screencap that one...

this is zoom btw, the "professional" doxxer/swatter for hire
/bybs/ btfo

I can't watch it because I'm in class
But let me guess, they're complaining about them doing the same race realism ethnostate debate over and over
On the other hand, ancap user was complaining about Tonka talking only about eceleb drama

They are laughing at you faggots talking about white ethnostates and white nationalism even though you're all Mexicans.

Also your buddy Zoom is a pedo

what race are mexicans?

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Not white you larping opportunistic faggots