'Aryans', or better Indoeuropeans in part originated from Siberian mammoth hunters ... ancient Uralic people. No particularily developed culture but their genetic legacy is very interesting. Also, their Indoeuropean progenitors did domesticate the horse, developed the wheel (first crude ones for ox-drawn carts, later true spoked wheels for chariots) and most likely invented iron smelting (iron weapons gave them the literal edge to conquer most of Eurasia back than as humble steppe nomads). Central Asia had several Indoeuropean high cultures which are now lost, last ones faltered under the Islamic onslaughts.
How would there have been any significant civilization in the ice-age arctic?
Small nomadic tribes maybe, but even with modern technology, regions that cold are nigh uninhabitable.
Aaron Bailey
I do remember seeings this story. Crazy. Didn't they find a European sculpture in North America too that proved Euros were here long before "native americans"?